17.48.170   Maintenance, Abandonment, and Enforcement.
   A.   Maintenance Required. All signs and associated supporting structures shall be maintained in like-new condition, without rips, tears, fading and similar damage that inevitably occurs as a result of normal wear and aging.
   1.   Deteriorated Signs. Any sign or sign structure that is sagging, leaning, fallen, decayed, broken, deteriorated, ripped, torn, faded, or other deteriorating or dilapidated condition shall be promptly repaired, to the satisfaction of the City, or removed.
   2.   Graffiti. Graffiti on a sign shall be removed within two days of notice of its placement on such sign.
   3.   Maintenance Standards. All parts, portions, units and materials composing a sign, together with the frame, background, surface, support or enclosure shall be maintained in a like-new, safe condition, painted, and adequately protected from weathering with all braces, bolts and structural parts and supporting frames and fastenings reasonably free from deterioration, rot, rust, and loosening so that they do not create a hazard to persons or property or constitute a nuisance.
   4.   Summary Removal of Hazards. Whenever any sign, by virtue of its physical nature and condition, poses an immediate and serious threat to the public safety, the same may be removed by City personnel, or its physical deficiency cured, to the extent necessary to protect the public safety. The cost of such removal or repair shall be assessed against the sign owner.
   B.   Abandoned or Obsolete Sign. An on-premise sign advertising an activity, business, service or product must be removed within 30 days following the actual discontinuance of the activity, business, service or product. If the sign is not so removed, the City Planner or designee may have the sign removed in accordance with the public nuisance abatement provisions of this Code.
   C.   Illegal Signs. Any sign, banner, or sign structure not erected, constructed or located in conformance with this Chapter and not classified as a legal nonconforming sign is an illegal sign and is subject to abatement in accordance with the public nuisance abatement procedures set forth elsewhere in the Visalia Municipal Code.
   D.   Enforcement. Signs which do not conform to the provisions of this Chapter and are erected after its effective date and signs erected after the effective date of this Chapter without obtaining the permit required thereby are declared to be unlawful and a public nuisance. All signs declared to be unlawful by this Section and all persons erecting or maintaining them shall be subject to the terms of Chapter 17.46, Administration and Enforcement, specifically Sections 17.46.010 to 17.46.060, of this Code and all amendments thereof, as well as Chapter 1.13, Administrative Code Enforcement. The City Planner or designee shall forthwith take all necessary actions or proceedings for the abatement, removal and enjoinment pursuant of said sections of the Visalia Municipal Code. The remedies provided for in this Section are cumulative and nonexclusive. (Ord. 2017-01 (part), 2017: Ord. 2016-11 § 2 (part), 2016)