17.48.040   Prohibited Signs.
   Unless expressly allowed by another Section of this Chapter or other applicable law, the following signs, locations, and materials are prohibited:
   A.   Animated or Moving Signs. Animated, flashing, blinking, reflecting, revolving, or other similar sign with visibly moving or rotating parts or visible mechanical movement of any kind, unless expressly permitted under this Chapter. This prohibition does not apply to signs using digital display technology, such as LED (light emitting diodes) or functionally equivalent display methods, which are permitted, subject to the regulations of this Chapter.
   B.   Air Activated Graphics and Other Attention-Getting Devices. Balloons, blimps and air activated graphics which serve as attention-getting devises, made of light-weight fabric or similar material, designed to rotate or move with the wind or activated by forced air, that direct, promote, or that are otherwise designed to attract attention for outdoor advertising purposes are prohibited in all zoning districts. Stationary, inflatable signs displayed and secured at ground level are allowed as temporary portable signs.
   C.   General Advertising (for Hire). Except as otherwise specifically provided in this Chapter, temporary signs that publicize or promote other businesses or causes using methods of advertising (in contrast to self-promotion, on-site sales, or on-site advertising). General advertising is also known as advertising for hire.
   D.   Mobile Billboards. The City prohibits any person to conduct, or cause to be conducted, any mobile billboard advertising upon any street, or other public place within the City in which the public has the right of travel. The purpose of this prohibition is to eliminate mobile billboard advertising within the City in order to reduce traffic congestion, promote the safe movement of vehicular traffic, to reduce air pollution, and to improve the aesthetic appearance of the City. This prohibition does not apply to signage on a licensed commercial vehicle that is related to the goods or services provided by the vehicle owner or operator and to public transit/public carrier graphics on properly licensed buses and taxicabs.
Figure 17.48.040(D): Mobile Billboards
   E.   Murals. Murals which contain advertising copy or function as advertising. Murals without advertising copy must be approved by the City Council under the provisions of the City's adopted mural policy.
   F.   Outdoor Advertising Displays ("Billboards"). Permanent signs that display outdoor advertising for hire are prohibited in all zones.
   G.   Roof Signs. Roof signs, including signs mounted or painted on roofs, except those painted on a flat roof and not visible from the public right of way.
   Figure 17.48.040(G): Roof Signs
   H.   Search Lights and Klieg Lights. Search and Klieg lights when used as attention attracting devises for commercial uses. They may be allowed with a temporary conditional use permit for special events.
   I.   Signs in the Public Right-of-Way without an Encroachment Permit. Other than government signage, and except as otherwise provided in this Chapter, no sign can be placed in the public right-of-way in median strips or islands, sidewalks, on street trees or retaining walls, on bridges, public benches, traffic signals, public fences, street poles, utility poles and equipment, street lighting, traffic signs, or within a railroad right-of-way, unless it has been authorized by an encroachment permit issued by the City.
   J.   Signs on Doors, Windows, or Fire Escapes. Signs shall not be located or installed on any door, window, or fire escape that will prevent free ingress or egress. No sign shall be attached to any standpipe or fire escape, except those required by other codes.
   K.   Signs that Create a Traffic Hazard or Affect Pedestrian Safety. Signs located in such a manner as to constitute a safety hazard or to impede the public use of the public right of way. These signs include but are not limited to:
   1.   Signs located in such a manner as to constitute a traffic hazard or obstruct the view of traffic or any authorized traffic sign or signal device.
   2.   Signs that may create confusion with any authorized traffic sign, signal, or traffic control device because their color, design, illumination, location or wording, or use of any phrase, symbol, or character which interferes with, misleads, or confuses vehicular drivers in their use of roads or conflicts with any traffic control sign or device.
   3.   Signs within five feet of a fire hydrant, street sign, or traffic signal.
   4.   Signs erected at or near the intersections of public and/or private rights-of-way in such a manner as to create a safety hazard by obstructing clear view of pedestrian and vehicular traffic.
   L.   Signs that Produce Noise or Emissions. Signs that produce visible smoke, vapor, particles, odor, noise, or sounds that can be heard at the property line, excluding voice units at menu boards and devices for servicing customers from their vehicles, such as drive up windows at banks or pharmacies, provided these latter units comply with the standards of the City's Noise Ordinance.
   M.   Commercial Mascot Signage. A person or animal, whether or not costumed or decorated, that actively holds, displays or attends to a commercial sign, are prohibited in all zones. Includes "sign twirlers", "sign clowns", "human sandwich boards", and persons or animals holding or supporting any sign or advertising device displaying commercial speech or conveying a commercial message. This prohibition also applies to robotic devices intended to simulate a live person or animal.
   N.   Snipe Signs. Signs tacked, nailed, posted, pasted, glued, or otherwise attached to trees, utility poles, government signs, fences, trailers, temporary construction barriers or other supporting structures. (Ord. 2017 (part), 2017: Ord. 2016-11 § 2 (part), 2016)