17.28.010 Purpose and intent.
17.28.012 Definitions.
17.28.015 Applicability.
17.28.020 Site plan review staff.
17.28.030 Application procedure.
17.28.040 Issuance and re- submittal.
17.28.050 Appeals to the planning commission.
17.28.060 [Reserved]
17.28.070 Site plan review permit issuance.
17.28.080 Required improvements.
17.28.085 Timing of improvements.
17.28.090 Building permits.
17.28.100 Lapse of site plan review permit.
17.28.110 Suspension and revocation.
17.28.120 Permit to run with the land.
The purpose of the site plan review permit is to assure that developments, new and remodeled buildings and structures, and improvements to land are reviewed to ensure substantial compliance with the general plan, municipal code, policies, and improvement standards of the city.
(Ord. 2017-01 (part), 2017: prior code § 7422)
For the purposes of this chapter the following definitions shall apply:
“Change of occupancy” means a change in the purpose or level of activity within a building that involves a change in application of the requirements of the California Building Code.
“Change of use” means the use of a building or part of a building that changes from one use to another use.
(Ord. 2017-13 (part), 2017)
A. The provisions of this chapter apply to:
1. Any development requiring site plan review permit as per this Title.
2. New commercial, industrial and other non-residential structures or additions to existing commercial, industrial or other non-residential structures.
3. New multi-family residential development or additions to existing multi-family residential development.
4. Divisions of land or adjustments to property lines.
5. Interior alterations that increase the useable floor area of a non-residential structure.
6. A change of use for a building/structure or a change in occupancy for a building/structure.
7. Improvements made in the public right of way, except those initiated by the city, State, or a utility company.
8. Other non-residential improvements to land or buildings deemed by the city planner to be subject to the site plan review process. Such improvements include but are not limited to improvements that impact the structural integrity of buildings, that alter electrical wiring, that alter the building's plumbing, that alter the exterior drainage of land, that impacts access to property, that risks substantial visual impacts to surrounding properties, that could potentially alter any applicable zoning requirements, or could otherwise be subject to the criteria set forth in Section 17.02.170.
B. The provisions of this chapter do not apply to:
1. New or remodeled single-family dwellings;
2. Repairs and maintenance to a site or structure that does not add to, enlarge, or expand the area occupied by the land use, or the floor area of the structure and that are substantially similar in design as the original construction;
3. Interior alterations that do not increase the useable floor area of a structure, or modify the use of a structure;
4. Construction, alteration, or maintenance by a public utility or public agency of underground or overhead utilities.
C. The total combined use area of the site of the proposed development shall be subject to site plan review permit procedures and all applicable goals, policies, codes, regulations, and improvement standards of the city.
(Ord. 2017-13 (part), 2017: Ord. 2017-01 (part), 2017)