Article 1. General Provisions
17.30.010 Purpose and applicability.
17.30.015 Development standards.
17.30.017 Development in conformance with officially adopted master plans and specific plans.
Article 2. Central Business District Parking Zone
17.30.020 Purpose and intent.
17.30.025 Location.
17.30.030 Required parking/imposition of in-lieu fee.
17.30.035 Fee.
17.30.040 Payment of parking in-lieu fee.
17.30.045 Timing of fee payment/security.
17.30.050 Parking in-lieu fee trust fund.
17.30.055 Refund of fees paid.
17.30.060 Exemptions and credits/transfer.
Article 1. General Provisions
It is the purpose of this article to establish development standards and requirements that foster a workable relationship among land uses, enhance the aesthetics of the city, and promote the public health and safety. The standards in this article shall apply to all zone districts. (Ord. 2017-01 (part), 2017: prior code § 7435)
A. Site Area. The minimum parcel size varies according to the zone district in which the parcel is located. However, this title shall not preclude parcels of less than the required minimum, which exist at the time of adoption of this title, from securing site plan review permits and building permits. Parcels of less than the required minimum size may be created upon approval of an acceptable master plan by the site plan review staff.
B. Setback. The minimum building setbacks in each zone district shall be conformed to the requirements set forth in that zone district. However, the site plan review staff may grant an exception to the required standards based on the uniqueness of the property or the specific design needs of the project. The average setback and landscaping under such exception shall be equal to the required standard.
C. Landscaping. The city will review and approve all landscaping for developments approved or reviewed through the site plan review permit process in order to maintain high quality developments in Visalia. If landscaping is required as a result of request for building permit, the landscape and irrigation plans shall be submitted as a part of the building plans. The minimum landscaping areas shall conform to the requirements set forth in applicable zone district development standards and also the following standards:
1. General.
a. All areas within a required setback to contain living ground covering or nonliving ground coverings. All plants within required setbacks to be of species suited to valley conditions, using Sunset Western Garden Book Zones 8 and 9 as a guide. The use of low water-using varieties, grouped by similar water usage is strongly recommended. All landscape areas shall meet the requirements of the State Model Water Efficient Landscape Ordinance, or if applicable, the Water Efficient Landscape Ordinance of the City of Visalia.
b. Islands of a minimum area of eighty square feet shall be established at a maximum separation of ten continuous parking stalls. The islands shall be landscaped with ground covers and with a minimum of one fifteen (15) gallon tree planted in each island. Actual numbers of trees will be based on size of project as determined by the planning division.
c. All landscaping as required within section shall be reviewed by the planning department as to the type, density of planting and size of plants intended for use. All landscaped areas shall be permanently maintained by the property owner.
d. All landscaped areas shall be surrounded with six-inch high concrete curbing, unless waived by the site plan review staff.
e. All landscaping on public property and parks shall conform to standards adopted by the park and recreation commission.
f. Exceptions to landscaping requirements may be granted by the historic preservation advisory board for sites located within an historic district or for sites listed on the local register.
2. Trees.
a. Spacing of trees to be variable depending on type and eventual size, but that there be a general minimum standard of one fifteen (15) gallon tree for each twenty feet of frontage of a required landscaped setback, exclusive of vehicular site lines.
b. Trees to be used in parking lots to be of a type that will form a full head on a single trunk, i.e., Chinese Elm, Chinese Pistache, Golden Rain, Valley Oak or other approved species.
3. Shrubs.
a. At least seventy-five (75) percent of shrubs planted to be of five-gallon minimum size. One-gallon plants may be used if planted with approved low water-using varieties.
b. Shrubs within a required setback to be spaced in such a way so that at maturity the plants will provide eighty (80) percent coverage. This is typically achieved by a plant spacing of five five-gallon plants per one hundred (100) square feet.
4. Ground Covers.
a. Definition. "Living ground cover" means low-growing plants or shrubs that after being planted will grow together to form a solid cover in one year or less, excluding turf. To achieve desired coverage, low growing, groundcover plants taken from flats shall be planted a maximum of twelve (12) inches on center. Low-growing, shrub type ground covers in one gallon cans shall be planted a maximum of two feet on center. Spacing may be increased to three feet on center for fast growing plants as approved by the planning division.
In areas susceptible to foot traffic, the use of nonliving ground cover or long-lived low-growing shrubs and groundcovers, such as Dwarf Coyote Bush, Lantana and Junipers are required. Other groundcovers that do not last as long, such as Baby Tears, Gazania, African Daisy, and annual or perennial flowers must be limited to fifteen (15) percent of the total living groundcover area.
b. Definition. "Nonliving ground cover" means artificial turf, forest humus or walk-on bark, rock, and other similar materials. Humus or bark shall be placed in planted areas at a minimum thickness of three (3) inches.
c. All soil surfaces are to be covered by plant materials or nonliving groundcovers as defined in subsection (C)(5)(b) of this section.
5. Parking Lots.
a. Planter required every other row to a width determined by the site plan review staff.
b. Such planters to contain approved trees on twenty (20) foot centers.
c. Shrubs and trees to be arranged in such a way as to avoid damage from the front of parked cars extending into the planter areas.
6. Turf.
a. Living or nonliving turf shall be limited to twenty-five (25) percent of the total landscape area, and the use of low water-using varieties. Public parks, golf courses, cemeteries, schools, properties within a historic district, and residential office conversions are to be reviewed for exemptions on a project by project basis.
b. No turf will be allowed:
I. In traffic medians;
ii. Storm drainage ponds with slopes in excess of 1:6;
iii. On mounds or slopes exceeding 1:10.
7. Irrigation Plans.
a. Irrigation plans are required to be submitted along with landscape plans. Irrigation plans must show an irrigation water use calculation per the Model Water Efficient Landscape Ordinance. If the landscape is required as the result of a request for building permit, the landscape and irrigation plans shall be submitted as a part of the building plans.
b. Water efficient systems (drip, minispray, bubbler type, etc.) shall be used whenever feasible.
c. All irrigation systems shall be equipped with an automatic controller capable of dual or multiple programming. Controllers must have multiple cycle capabilities and a flexible calendar program.
d. Separate valves shall be installed based on water use of planting and exposures on irrigation systems with seven or more valves. Turf areas should be on a separate valve from nonturf areas on all irrigation systems regardless of size.
e. Sprinkler heads must have matched precipitation rates within each control valve.
f. Sprinkler head spacing shall be designed for head-to-head coverage and placed at a maximum of fifty (50) percent of the diameter of throw.
g. Overhead sprays shall not throw water onto hardscaped or other non-planted, or bare ground areas, including sidewalks between landscaped areas.
h. A minimum of four-inch pop-up sprinklers are required in turf areas, and areas adjacent to walkways and curbs. All sprinklers must be designed and installed to clear all plant material at maturity and obstacles in its throw zone.
i. Serviceable check valves or separate valves according to water zones are required where elevation differential may cause low head drainage.
j. Drip or bubbler irrigation systems are required on all trees and shrubs regardless if planted alone, in groundcover or turf areas.
k. Irrigation controllers are required and must use evapotranspiration or soil moisture sensor data and utilize automatic rain shut-off devices.
l. All irrigation systems must meet the latest Model Water Efficient Landscape Ordinance requirements.
D. Loading. All loading facilities required as part of a proposed use shall be screened from view from both the parking areas and the public right-of-way.
E. Screening and Storage.
1. Where practical, all roof mounted air conditioners, roof vents, etc. should be screened from view from ground level. Such screening must be of a style and material such that it is an integral part of the building architecture. This would not apply to multiple family development.
2. Where commercial, office, or industrial site adjoins an R-1 or R-M district, a concrete block or masonry wall to a height recommended by the site plan review staff shall be located on the property line except in a required front yard, or the street side of a corner lot and suitably maintained. This requirement may be waived if an alternative landscaped buffer is provided as approved by the planning commission as an exception.
3. A use not conducted entirely within a completely enclosed structure, on a site across a street or alley from an R-1, or R-M district shall be screened by a concrete block or masonry wall to a height to be determined by the site plan review staff, if the site plan review staff finds said use to be unsightly.
4. Open storage of materials and equipment, except commercial vehicles and used car sales lots, shall be permitted only within an area surrounded and screened by a concrete block or masonry wall to a height to be determined by the site plan review staff; provided, that no materials or equipment shall be stored to a height greater than that of the wall or fence.
5. In all commercial, office, mixed use, and business research park zone districts all businesses, services and processes shall be conducted entirely within a completely enclosed structure, except for off-street parking and loading areas, gasoline service stations, outdoor dining areas, nurseries, garden shops, bus depots and transit stations and electric distribution substations.
6. Where commercial or office uses abut property zoned R-1, the upper stories of the structure to be occupied with commercial or office uses shall be so designed, or windows screened, to limit visibility onto the R-1 zoned property.
F. Curb Cuts. Curb cuts for proposed developments shall be limited to the extent that access is provided to the site with a minimum of ingress and egress points so as to protect the safe traffic flow of Visalia's major arterial streets.
G. Lighting. No on-site lighting shall directly or indirectly illuminate adjacent properties or the public street that provides access. The lights and standard to be used shall be approved by the site plan review staff.
H. Auto Traffic Easements. When deemed necessary for the traffic safety of the community, the site plan review staff shall have the right to require as a condition of granting a planned development site plan review permit, that a parcel provide an easement for purposes of vehicular traffic.
(Ord. 2024-07 § 3 (part), 2024: Ord. 2017-01 (part), 2017: Ord. 2014-07 § 3 (part), 2014: prior code § 7463)