17.56.010 Purposes and intent.
17.56.020 Components of the chapter.
17.56.030 Definitions.
17.56.040 Regulation of structures.
17.56.050 Creation of historic preservation advisory committee.
17.56.060 Appeal.
17.56.070 Demolition or moving of historic structures.
17.56.080 Ordinary maintenance and repair.
17.56.090 Exceptions to Visalia Municipal Code requirements.
17.56.100 Building design compatibility criteria.
17.56.110 Local register structures.
17.56.120 Fencing and wall design criteria.
17.56.130 Role of building official.
17.56.140 Separability.
A. There is created a historic district, the boundaries of which are shown on the two maps entitled, "Historic District Overlay," which accompany the ordinance codified in this chapter and which are on file in the office of the city clerk, on the 19th day of November, 1979 and dated 19th day of November, 1979. Said maps are adopted and made a part of this chapter.
B. This chapter is enacted to preserve and promote the public health, safety and welfare of the residents of the city, and to express the commitment of the city to assure that the city's cultural heritage, as reflected in its historic structures, sites, and features is not destroyed, through:
1. The protection and preservation of historic structures;
2. The preservation and maintenance of historic residential areas as cohesive neighborhood units;
3. The enhancement of property values in the older areas of the city;
4. The assurance that the community's cultural heritage, as reflected in the environment, is not lost;
5. The encouragement of the development of vacant and incompatibly developed properties in accordance with the character of the historic district;
6. The involvement of residents of the older areas in planning their own neighborhoods. (Ord. 2017-01 (part), 2017: Ord. 2001-13 § 4 (part), 2001: prior code § 7700)
This chapter shall include:
1. The ordinance, which specifies the historic district overlay designation, design evaluation criteria, and the formation, powers and duties of a historic preservation advisory committee;
2. Creation of a local register of historic structures, sites and features that may be modified from time to time by resolution of the city council.
3. Two maps that designate the historic district overlay. (Ord. 2017-01 (part), 2017: Ord. 2001-13 § 4 (part), 2001: prior code § 7701)
A. All definitions, general and specific, set forth in Section 17.04.030 shall be applicable to this chapter.
B. Definitions.
"Construction" means any building activity requiring the issuance of a building permit, except for any activity that does not affect the exterior appearance of the structure.
"Enlargement" means construction that results in the expansion of the gross floor area of a structure.
"Historic structure" means a structure listed on the Local Register.
"Local register" means the listing of local historic structures, sites and features adopted by the city council and maintained by the historic preservation advisory committee, and incorporated herein by reference. This designation is inclusive of all structures and features located within the boundaries of the property for which the local register designation has been applied.
"Local register, background" means properties that may not be historically significant or unique in their construction, but which contribute positively to the "visual fabric" of the City of Visalia.
"Local register, exceptional" means properties with preeminent historical significance, considered for nomination to the California Register of Historical Resources and/or National Register of Historic Places.
"Local register, focus" means properties having significant value, of good to excellent quality, considered for local recognition and protection.
(Ord. 2022-10 (part), 2022: Ord. 2017-01 (part), 2017: Ord. 2001-13 § 4 (part), 2001: prior code § 7702)