17.48.140   Master Sign Program.
   A.   Purpose. The purpose of a Master Sign Program is to provide a method for an applicant to integrate the design and placement of signs within a project with the overall design of the development to achieve a more unified appearance. Master Sign Programs may also be used for subdivision projects with a phased development and/or sales plan. Minor variations in dimensional standards and other limitations of this Section may be approved, provided they achieve a result that is superior to what would otherwise be allowed. The Sign Program must demonstrate how it:
   1.   Improves the safety and welfare of the general public by minimizing distractions, hazards, and obstructions from sign design or placement;
   2.   Provides for sign design or placement appropriate for the area;
   3.   Incorporates sign design and placement related to architectural and landscape features on site; and
   4.   Incorporates sign design, scale, and placement oriented to pedestrian traffic.
   B.   Applicability and Approval Required.
   1.   Master Sign Program Required. A Master Sign Program approved by the Planning Commission is required for:
   a.   New or remodeled non-residential or mixed used projects on sites of five acres or more;
   b.   Multiple tenant commercial or mixed use buildings where the entire façade is being remodeled; and
   c.   Any development in the BRP Zone.
   2.   Optional Sign Program. A Master Sign Program may be substituted for specific sign designs and individual applications if requested by an applicant and approved by the Planning Commission.
   C.   Required Submittals. Applications for a Master Sign Program must include the following plans and text:
   1.   A site plan showing the location of buildings, parking lots, driveways and landscaped areas;
   2.   Computation of the maximum total sign area, the maximum area for individual signs, the height of signs and the number of freestanding signs allowed, if proposed;
   3.   An accurate indication on the site plan of the proposed location of each proposed sign and existing sign which is to remain;
   4.   Color schemes, lettering and graphic style (if tenants are not known, generic styles may be presented);
   5.   Lighting and sign construction materials; and
   6.   Sign dimensions (if tenants are not known, generic dimensions may be presented); and
   7.   A written program of standards for all sign types to be distributed to future tenants, including color, size, illumination, construction details, and sign placement.
   D.   Findings. The Planning Commission will only approve a Master Sign Program if the following findings are made:
   1.   That the proposed signs are in harmony and visually related to:
   a.   Other Signs Included in the Master Sign Program. This may be accomplished by incorporating several common design elements such as materials, letter style, colors, illumination, sign type or sign shape.
   b.   The Buildings They Identify. This may be accomplished by utilizing materials, colors or design motifs included in the building being identified.
   c.   The Surrounding Development. Approval of a planned sign program must not adversely affect surrounding land uses or obscure adjacent conforming signs.
   2.   That the proposed signs will comply with all the provision of this Section, except with regard to:
   a.   Number of signs allowed; and
   b.   Location and height of signs.
   E.   Conditions. Reasonable conditions of approval may be imposed by the Planning Commission to achieve the purposes of this Section and ensure compatibility with adjacent land uses and signage.
   F.   Post-Approval Procedures. After approval of a Master Sign Program, no signs shall be erected, placed, painted, or maintained, except in conformance with such Program, and such Program may be enforced in the same way as any provision in this Section.
   1.   Lease Agreements. The Master Sign Program and all conditions of approval shall be attached to the lease agreements for all leasable space within a project.
   2.   Individual Signs. Any sign that conforms to an approved Master Sign Program may be approved by the City Planner or designee; however, approval of a Master Sign Program does not waive the permit requirements for individual signs.
   3.   Amendments. The City Planner or designee may approve minor amendments to a Master Sign Program that are in substantial conformance with the original approval. All other amendments, including amendments to conditions of approval shall be processed as a new application. (Ord. 2017-01 (part), 2017: Ord. 2016-11 § 2 (part), 2016)