17.48.130   Temporary Signs.
   A.   General Requirements.
   1.   General. Each developed property or establishment, or property for which a building permit has been issued, in non-residential zones, as specified, shall be allowed sign copy area for the display of temporary signs, in addition to allowed permanent signage as specified in this Chapter. No permit shall be required for temporary signage.
   2.   Limits. Temporary signage must comply with the sign area limits and maximum number of allowed temporary signs, for each of the categories of temporary signage specified in this section. No other temporary signage shall be allowed in non-residential zones.
   3.   Illumination. Temporary signs cannot be illuminated or constructed with reflective materials.
   B.   Portable Signs. Portable signs are allowed subject to the following standards.
   1.   Relation to Associated Business. Portable signs may be located up to 300 feet away from the business so long as they remain within the development site with which the business is associated and the business obtains property owner authorization.
   2.   Maximum Sign Area per Parcel or Business Location. The total aggregate sign area for all portable signs may not exceed 16 square feet for each developed or developing parcel, or business location where more than one business is located on a single parcel. Where a parcel or business location has a street frontage exceeding 75 lineal feet, the aggregate sign area for all portable signs shall be 16 square feet for each 75-foot segment of street frontage. Each undeveloped parcel shall have a maximum aggregate portable sign area of 16 square feet, all of which may be used as general advertising for hire.
   3.   Maximum Size and Sign Area. All portable signs, except A-Frame signs and feather banners, shall not exceed 8 feet in height above ground level, nor have a maximum sign area greater than 8 square feet. A-Frames sign, when placed in an open position, must not exceed a height of four feet above the ground level, to the top of the sign, nor have a maximum sign area greater than 7.5 square feet. Feather banners must not exceed a height of ten feet above the ground level, nor have a maximum sign area greater than 16 square feet.
   4.   Materials and Maintenance. Portable signs shall:
   a.   Be constructed of durable, weather-resistant materials not subject to rapid deterioration or fading, and be professional in appearance.
   b.   Be maintained in accordance with the requirements of Section 17.48.170.
   c.   Portable signs shall be constructed of acceptable materials such as corrugated extruded, twin wall plastic or acrylic sheets mounted to stakes or polls, metal sign blanks, traditional painted wood or vinyl or paper film attached to a plywood core, or similar materials. Acceptable materials for feather banners include vinyl, nylon reinforced vinyl, polyethylene or polyester-like materials, durable fabric or similar materials.
   d.   Be affixed to supporting structures made of a durable, rigid material such as, without limitation, wood, plastic or metal. Feather banners must be secured and stabilized so as to withstand wind gusts, or be removed during windy conditions.
   5.   Placement. The portable signs shall be placed on private property on the same lot or development site as the establishment that qualifies for such sign and, with an encroachment permit, may be placed in the public right of way in front of the associated use or on the nearest sidewalk provided a four-foot wide pedestrian clear zone is maintained. Portable signs must be a minimum of seven feet from the back of the curb, or edge of pavement where no curb exists. Feather banners cannot interfere with either pedestrian or vehicular sight distance, any view corridor or obstruct views to any existing business or existing permanent sign.
   6.   Prohibited Locations. Portable signs shall not be located:
   a.   In any public right-of-way;
   b.   In parking lot driving lanes, aisles or stalls;
   c.   On multi-use trails or sidewalks if they would block a four-foot wide pedestrian clear zone;
   d.   At any location where they would block pedestrian access;
   e.   Within 100 feet on either side, or in front of a monument sign;
   f.   Within 20 feet from any other portable sign; and
   g.   Within 30 feet from a shopping center access drive or street intersection.
   7.   Hours for Display for A-frame Signs and Feather Banners. A-frame signs and feather banners are permitted during the hours a business is open for business and one-half hour before opening and one-half hour after closing. They must be removed during hours when the establishment is not open to the public.
   C.   Banners and Pennants. Banner signs and pennants, including similar devices such as strings of ornamental fringes or streamers, are allowed for establishments within commercial zones, subject to the following standards:
   1.   Maximum Sign Area per Parcel or Business Location. The total aggregate sign area for banners and pennants may not exceed 32 square feet for each parcel, or business location where more than one business is located on a single parcel. Where a parcel or business location has a street frontage exceeding 75 lineal feet, the aggregate sign area for banners or pennants shall be 32 square feet for each 75-foot segment of street frontage.
   2.   Maximum Size. The maximum size for any banner is 64 square feet, provided that the parcel or business location has an aggregate sign area allowance that allows for banners within this maximum size allowance.
   3.   Maximum Height. Banners and pennants shall not extend above the roofline or the parapet of a wall.
     4.   Banners as Permanent Signs Prohibited. Banners shall not be used as permanent signs, and shall not otherwise replace the primary permanent identification sign(s) for the business or establishment, and the business or establishment utilizing a banner must have a permanent sign application on file with the City.
   5.   Materials and Maintenance. Banners and pennants shall be constructed of durable, weather-resistant materials not subject to rapid deterioration or fading, and shall be professional in appearance. Acceptable materials include but are not limited to vinyl, nylon reinforced vinyl, polyethylene or polyester-like materials, or durable fabric. Banners and
pennants shall be maintained in accordance with the requirements of Section 17.48.170.
   6.   Allowable Locations. Banners are only allowed on sites where permanent signs are allowed.
   D.   Temporary Window Signs. Temporary window signs are allowed for establishments within commercial zones, subject to the following standards:
   1.   Maximum Sign Area. The allowable sign area of temporary window signs shall not exceed 40 percent of the total window area for each window or transparent door in a building or structure. For the purpose of defining window area, multiple windows separated by mullions or frames of less than four (4) inches are considered a single window.
   2.   Materials and Maintenance. Temporary window sign shall be constructed of suitable materials and be professional in appearance. Suitable materials include glossy paper, matte paper, card stock or presentation bond paper, vinyl, polypropylene, or paint-on decals, water-based or other easily removable paint or similar materials. Temporary window signs shall be maintained in accordance with requirements of Section 17.48.170.
   3.   Illumination. Temporary window signs shall not be illuminated. (Ord. 2017-01 (part), 2017: Ord. 2016-11 § 2 (part), 2016)