17.10.010 Purpose and intent.
17.10.015 Applicability.
17.10.020 Permitted uses.
17.10.030 Accessory uses.
17.10.040 Conditional uses.
17.10.050 Required conditions.
17.10.060 Site area.
17.10.070 Dwelling units per site.
17.10.080 Coverage.
17.10.090 Front yard.
17.10.100 Rear yard.
17.10.110 Side yards.
17.10.120 Height of structures.
17.10.130 Fences, walls, and hedges.
17.10.140 Signs.
The purpose and intent of the Open Space zone (OS) is to preserve lands best suited for open space from the encroachment of incompatible uses, to prevent the intrusion of urban development into open space areas in such a manner as to preserve open space for public health and safety, natural resources, outdoor recreation, and preservation of cultural sites. (Ord. 2017-01 (part), 2017)
The following uses are permitted by right:
A. The raising of any type of field, truck or orchard crop and horticultural specialties;
B. One-family dwellings;
C. Incidental and accessory structures and uses located on the same site with a permitted use, including swimming pools used solely by persons residing on the site and their guests;
D. Signs subject to the provisions of Chapter 17.48;
E. The keeping of household pets subject to the definition of household pets set forth in Section 17.04.030;
F. Twenty-four (24) hour residential care facilities or foster homes, for a maximum of six (6) individuals in addition to the residing family;
G. Parks;
H. Storm drainage facilities;
I. Other uses similar in nature and intensity as determined by the city planner;
J. Employee Housing as defined in California Health and Safety Code Section 17008;
K. Transitional housing or supportive housing as those terms are defined in Section 17.04.030.
(Ord. 2020-09 (part), 2020; Ord. 2017-13 (part), 2017: Ord. 2017-01 (part), 2017)