Title 17
17.02   General Provisions
17.04   Definitions
17.06   Zone Classifications
17.08   Agricultural Zone
17.10   Open Space Zone
17.12   Single-Family Residential Zone
17.14   [Reserved]
17.16   Multi-Family Residential Zones
17.18   Commercial Zones
17.19   Mixed Use Zones
17.20   Office Zones
17.22   Industrial Zones
17.24   Business Research Park Zone
17.25   Commercial, Mixed Use, Office, and Industrial Zones Use Matrix
17.26   Planned Development
17.28   Site Plan Review Permit
17.30   Development Standards
17.32   Special Provisions
17.34   Off-Street Parking and Loading Facilities
17.36   Fences, Walls and Hedges
17.38   Conditional Use Permits
17.40   Nonconforming Uses and Structures
17.42   Variances and Exceptions
17.44   Zoning Amendments
17.46   Administration and Enforcement
17.48   Signs
17.50   Airport Zoning
17.52   Quasi-Public Zone
17.54   General Plan Amendments
17.56   Historic Preservation District
17.58   Downtown Retail District
17.60   Development Agreements
17.62   Adult-Oriented Businesses
17.63   Micro-Brewery/Micro-Winery Overlay District
17.64   Mobile Food Vending