17.08.010 Purpose and intent.
17.08.015 Applicability.
17.08.020 Permitted uses.
17.08.030 Accessory uses.
17.08.040 Conditional uses.
17.08.050 Required conditions.
17.08.060 Site area.
17.08.070 Dwelling units per site.
17.08.080 Coverage.
17.08.090 Front yard.
17.08.100 Rear yard.
17.08.110 Side yards.
17.08.120 Height of structures.
17.08.130 Fences, walls, and hedges.
17.08.140 Signs.
The purpose and intent of the Agricultural zone (A) is to preserve lands best suited for agriculture from the encroachment of incompatible uses, to prevent the intrusion of urban development into agricultural areas in such a manner as to make agricultural production uneconomical or impractical to preserve in agricultural use, land suited to eventual development in other uses until such time as streets, utilities and other community facilities may be provided or programmed to ensure the orderly and beneficial conversion of these lands to nonagricultural use; to provide appropriate areas for certain predominantly open uses of land that are not injurious to agricultural uses but that may not be harmonious with urban uses. (Ord. 2017-01 (part), 2017: prior code § 7235)