Article 1. General
17.32.010 Trash storage.
17.32.020 Height limits.
17.32.025 Above ground tanks.
17.32.027 Flammable/combustible liquids manufacture.
17.32.030 Home occupation permits.
17.32.035 Cottage food operations.
17.32.040 Planned mobile home parks.
17.32.050 Retail stores in the C-N zone.
17.32.055 Drug stores/pharmacies in the O-PA zone.
17.32.060 Subdivision sales offices.
17.32.070 Vehicle wrecking and storage.
17.32.080 Maintenance of landscaped areas.
17.32.090 Yard requirements— Exceptions.
17.32.100 Mobile living units.
17.32.110 Mobile homes on lots.
17.32.115 Private clubs and lodges.
17.32.120 Video machine arcades.
17.32.130 Emergency shelters.
17.32.135 Low barrier navigation centers.
17.32.140 Garage conversions.
17.32.150 Bed and breakfast facilities.
17.32.160 Recycling facilities.
17.32.161 Fast food with and without drive-through for the light industrial zone.
17.32.162 Drive-thru lanes performance standards.
17.32.163 Regulation of wireless telecommunication facilities.
17.32.164 Residential units in mixed use zones.
17.32.165 Smoke shop/tobacco store performance standards.
17.32.166 Short-term rental permits.
17.32.167 Delivery only medical marijuana retail.
Article 2. Density Bonuses, Concessions and Other Incentives for Lower and Very Low-Income Households and for Senior Housing
17.32.170 Purpose.
17.32.175 Definitions.
17.32.180 Applicability.
17.32.185 Application requirements.
17.32.190 Density bonus.
17.32.195 Incentives.
17.32.200 Review procedures.
17.32.205 Affordable housing agreement and senior housing agreement.
17.32.210 Design and quality.
17.32.220 Commercial density bonus.
17.32.230 Interpretation.
Article 3. Keeping of Racing, Homing, and Sporting Pigeons as Household Pets
17.32.250 Purpose and intent.
17.32.260 Applicability.
17.32.270 Limitations.
17.32.280 Additional limitations.
17.32.290 Permit requirements.
Article 4. Indirect Source Review
17.32.300 Adoption of indirect source review (ISR) regulations.
Article 1. General
Permanent trash enclosures may be required for multiple family developments of four units or greater, all commercial, professional office and industrial uses subject to Chapter 8.28 of the Visalia Municipal Code. The specific location, design and size of a trash enclosure shall be reviewed and approved by the site plan review staff.
(Ord. 2024-07 § 3 (part), 2024: Ord. 2017-01 (part), 2017: prior code § 7477)
A. Measurement. The height of a structure shall be measured vertically from the average elevation of the ground level along the front property line to the highest point of the structure.
B. Exceptions. Towers, spires, cupolas, chimneys, penthouses, water tanks, flagpoles, monuments, scenery lofts, new wireless telecommunication facilities, radio and television aerials, transmission towers, fire towers and similar structures and necessary mechanical appurtenances covering not more than ten percent of the ground area covered by the structure may be erected to a height not more than twenty-five (25) feet above the height limit prescribed by the regulations for the zone in which the site is located. Utility poles and towers shall not be subject to the height limits prescribed by the regulations for the zone in which the site is located. Utility poles and towers shall not be subject to the height limits prescribed in the zone regulations. Nothing in this title pertaining to fence and wall heights shall be construed so as to apply to a fence or wall required by any law, regulation or safety standard of the state of California or agency thereof. (Ord. 2017-01 (part), 2017: Ord. 2015-01 § 4, 2015: prior code § 7478)