A. This chapter is designed to achieve the following:
1. Provide for large-scale office developments in the community;
2. Accommodate large-scale business and research activities;
3. Protect residential and office areas from excessive noise, illumination, unsightliness, odor, smoke, and other objectionable influences;
4. Ensure compatibility with adjacent land uses.
B. The purpose and intent of the planned business research park zone district is to provide for business, scientific, educational and light industrial uses in a campus-type setting. Planned business research parks are to be planned and developed as integrated units via specific or master plans and are intended to accommodate large-scale office developments at locations that provide close-in employment opportunities; promote Visalia's community identity through special site development standards such as lot sizes, setbacks, landscaping, building scale, parking, open areas, etc.; and provide on-site ancillary uses including day care, food service, banks, recreation, etc., served by a variety of transportation modes to reduce vehicle trips. (Ord. 2017-01 (part), 2017: prior code § 7749)
Permitted uses in BRP zone shall be determined by Table 17.25.030 in Section 17.25.030. (Ord. 2017-01 (part), 2017: prior code § 7749.1)