17.16.010 Purpose and intent.
17.16.015 Applicability.
17.16.020 Permitted uses.
17.16.030 Accessory uses.
17.16.040 Conditional uses.
17.16.050 Site area and configuration.
17.16.060 Site area per dwelling unit and per structure.
17.16.070 Front yard.
17.16.080 Side yards.
17.16.090 Rear yard.
17.16.100 Height of structures.
17.16.110 Off-street parking.
17.16.120 Fences, walls and hedges.
17.16.130 Trash enclosures.
17.16.140 Site plan review.
17.16.150 Open space and recreational areas.
17.16.160 Screening.
17.16.170 Screening fence.
17.16.180 Landscaping.
17.16.190 Model good neighbor policies.
17.16.200 Signs.
In the R-M multi-family residential zones, the purpose and intent is to provide living areas within the two multi-family residential zones (one medium density and one high density) with housing facilities where development is permitted with a relatively high concentration of dwelling units, and still preserve the desirable characteristics and amenities of a low density atmosphere. (Ord. 2017-01 (part), 2017: Ord. 9717 § 2 (part), 1997: prior code § 7290)
In the R-M multi-family residential zones, the following uses are permitted by right:
A. Existing one-family dwellings;
B. Multi-family dwellings up to eighty (80) dwelling units per site;
C. Fruit, vegetable and horticultural husbandry;
D. Swimming pools used only by residents on the site and their guests, provided that no swimming pool or accessory mechanical equipment shall be located in a required front yard or in a required side yard;
E. Temporary subdivision sales offices;
F. Licensed day care for a maximum of fourteen (14) children in addition to the residing family, situated within an existing single-family dwelling;
G. Twenty-four (24) hour care facilities or foster homes for a maximum of six individuals in addition to the residing family;
H. Signs subject to the provision of Chapter 17.48;
I. The keeping of household pets, subject to the definition of household pets set forth in Section 17.04.030;
J. Adult day care for a maximum of twelve (12) individuals in addition to the residing family, situated within an existing single-family dwelling;
K. Other uses similar in nature and intensity as determined by the city planner;
L. Transitional housing or supportive housing as those terms are defined in Section 17.04.030;
M. Single-room occupancy (SRO), as follows:
1. Up to fifteen (15) units per gross acre in the R-M-2 zone district;
2. Up to thirty-five (35) units per gross acre in the R-M-3 zone district.
N. Senior citizen residential developments, meeting city standards and having a density in the Medium Density Residential range of ten (10) to fifteen (15) housing units per acre in the R-M-2 zone district or having a density in the High Density Residential range of fifteen (15) to thirty-five (35) housing units per acre in the R-M-3 zone district;
O. Employee housing as defined in California Health and Safety Code Section 17008.
(Ord. 2020-09 (part), 2020; Ord. 2017-13 (part), 2017: Ord. 2017-01 (part), 2017: Ord. 2012-02, 2012: Ord. 9717 § 2 (part), 1997: Ord. 9605 § 30, 1996: prior code § 7291)