Article 1. General
17.12.010 Purpose and intent.
17.12.015 Applicability.
17.12.020 Permitted uses.
17.12.030 Accessory uses.
17.12.040 Conditional uses.
17.12.050 Site area.
17.12.060 One dwelling unit per site.
17.12.070 Replacement and expansion of legally existing multiple family units.
17.12.080 Front yard.
17.12.090 Side yards.
17.12.100 Rear yard.
17.12.110 Height of structures.
17.12.120 Off-street parking.
17.12.130 Fences, walls and hedges.
17.12.135 Lot area less than 5,000 square feet.
17.12.137 Signs.
Article 2. Accessory Dwelling Units
17.12.140 Purpose and intent.
17.12.150 Definitions.
17.12.160 General provisions.
17.12.170 Process.
17.12.180 Development requirements.
17.12.190 Appeals.
17.12.200 Existing nonconforming accessory dwelling units.
Article 1. General
In the R-1 single-family residential zones (R-1-5, R-1-12.5, and R-1-20), the purpose and intent is to provide living area within the city where development is limited to low density concentrations of one-family dwellings where regulations are designed to accomplish the following: to promote and encourage a suitable environment for family life; to provide space for community facilities needed to compliment urban residential areas and for institutions that require a residential environment; to minimize traffic congestion and to avoid an overload of utilities designed to service only low density residential use. (Ord. 2017-01 (part), 2017: Ord. 9717 § 2 (part), 1997: prior code § 7270)