General Provisions
   90.001   Definitions
   90.002   Liability of owner or keeper
Rabies Control
   90.015   Vaccination required
   90.016   Certificate of vaccination
   90.017   Duties of owner
   90.018   Duties of persons suspecting any dog or cat to be suffering from rabies
   90.019   Duties of Police Department
   90.020   Confinement for observation
   90.021   Duties of owner upon reclaiming dog or cat
   90.022   Rabies epidemic; power of President
   90.023   Duties of owners upon proclamation of rabies epidemic
   90.024   Police authorized to kill certain dogs or cats running at large
   90.025   False reports prohibited
Offenses Involving Animals
   90.040   Noises
   90.041   Running at large
   90.042   Dogs on private property; defecation by
   90.043   Destruction of private property by dog or cat
   90.044   Restriction of animals from public places
   90.045   Threatening or annoying dogs or cats
   90.046   Dogs chasing vehicles or bicycles
   90.047   Dangerous dogs
   90.048   Cruelty to animals
   90.049   Intentional injuring of animals
   90.050   Duty upon striking animal with motor vehicle
   90.051   Procurement of animal without knowledge of owner
   90.052   Abandoning animals within village
   90.053   Keeping animals in sanitary condition
   90.054   Offensive odors
   90.055   Female dogs in heat
   90.056   Use of animals for indecent purposes
   90.057   Certain animals prohibited in village
   90.058   Diseased or dying animals; running at large
   90.059   Dead or dying animals
Impoundment Procedure
   90.070   Village animal shelter
   90.071   Animal Welfare Officer
   90.072   Interference with Animal Welfare Officer
   90.073   Minimum period before disposal
   90.074   Redemption of impounded animals
   90.075   Unclaimed animals
   90.076   Ex-officio Animal Welfare Officer
   90.077   Temporary animal shelter
Pet Shops
   90.090   Definition
   90.091   State license required
   90.092   Duties of pet shop operator
   90.093   Right of inspection
   90.999   Penalty