(A) It shall be unlawful to allow any animal afflicted with any contagious or infectious disease to run at large or to be exposed in any public place whereby the health of persons or other animals may be affected; nor shall such diseased animal be removed or shipped from the premises of the owner thereof, except under the supervision of the Code Enforcement Officer or a licensed veterinarian.
(B) The Code Enforcement Officer shall cause such disposition of any diseased animal and such treatment of affected premises as to prevent the communication or spread of contagion or infection.
(C) Whenever any animal is in any street or public place within the village and appears, in the estimation of any police officer or Code Enforcement Officer, to be injured or diseased beyond recovery, and is not being attended and properly cared for by the owner or other proper person in control thereof, and whenever such animal has not been removed to some private premises or other place designated by such officer within one hour after being found or left in such condition, such animal may be put to death by such officer or his or her authorized agent and, unless at once removed by the owner, shall be treated as any other dead animal found on a street or public place, as hereinafter provided.
(Prior Code, § 90.068) Penalty, see § 90.999