All committees of Council shall consist of at least three members and such additional members as the President of Council, in his discretion, may appoint. All regular standing committees and the chairman of each committee shall be appointed by the President of Council. Special committees shall be appointed by the Mayor. (1970 Code Sec. 2-13)
(1970 Code Sec.2-14)
(Ord. 1684. Passed 1-21-88.)
The Clerk shall have ready for delivery at police headquarters, or such other location as may be designated by Council, by 4:30 p.m. two days prior to the day of Council meeting, copies of an agenda, which follows the pattern of the order of business and which lists all reports, communication ordinances, resolutions, contracts, documents or other matters to come before Council.
(Ord. 1684. Passed 1-21-88.)
No matters shall be considered by Council which have not been properly placed upon the agenda, but provided that Council may amend the agenda and place new matters thereon by a two- thirds vote of Council members present at the commencement of the meeting at which such matter is to be considered, and further provided that nothing herein shall operate to prohibit the free discussion of business by Council nor simple orders directing preliminary work. Any matter denied consideration because of a lack of favorable vote by a two-thirds majority of those members present shall be placed on the agenda for the next Council meeting. This shall be the procedure followed at special and regular meetings of Council.
(1970 Code Sec. 2-17)
The business of all regular and special Council meetings shall be transacted in the following order, unless Council by vote of at least two-thirds of the members present shall suspend the rules and change the order:
(a) Roll call of members.
(b) Prayer.
(c) Minutes of the preceding meeting.
(d) Treasurer's report.
(e) Petitions, communications and public hearings.
(f) Consideration of any bids.
(g) Report of City Attorney.
(h) Report of City Engineer.
(i) Report of Chief of Public Works.
(j) Consideration of pending old business.
(k) Consideration of new business.
(l) Miscellaneous business.
(m) Adjournment.
(1970 Code Sec. 2-18)
(a) Regular Meetings. Council shall meet in regular session beginning at 7:30 p.m. on the first and third Thursdays of each month. When the meeting falls on a legal holiday or declared weather or other emergency day affecting the City, the regular meeting shall be held at the same hour of the next succeeding day that is not a Saturday, Sunday, legal holiday, or such a weather or other emergency day. If such succeeding day is not convenient, a regular meeting may be modified as follows:
(1) If falling on a holiday, it may be modified, to be held at the same hour of a preceding or succeeding day within two days of the original regular meeting date, by motion during a regular meeting prior to such modified meeting; or
(2) If falling on a declared weather or other emergency day, it may be modified, to be held at the same hour of a succeeding day within three days of the original regular meeting date, by the Mayor with the consent, as affirmed by Council members during the regular meeting on the modified meeting date, of at least two-thirds of all Council members elected.
(b) Meeting Place. The place of meeting shall be the Council chamber in the City Building. When the Council chamber in the City Building is not or will not, for any reason, be an appropriate place for the meeting, Council may, upon motion, designate another place open to the public within the City for the holding of such meeting. In case of an emergency, the regular meeting place may be modified by the Mayor with the consent, as affirmed by Council members during the regular meeting at the modified meeting place, of at least two-thirds of all Council members elected. The place of meeting shall be in the City.
(c) Notice. Reasonable notice shall be provided of all modifications (1) to regular meeting dates due to an emergency or (2) to regular meeting location. Such notice shall be deemed sufficient if posted prominently both inside and on the main doors of the City Building visible from the outside and, unless not possible due to a power, internet, or other related outage, posted prominently on the City's website, when such posting occurred at least three days in advance of the meeting or, if arising out of an emergency, occurred as soon as possible.
(d) Computation of Time. Time for filings with the Clerk pursuant to Section 115.09 and for delivery of agenda pursuant to Section 115.10 shall be computed in compliance with Section 101.03(c). The term "legal holiday" shall mean the days set forth as legal holidays in West Virginia Code 2-2-1. (Ord. 2278. Passed 8-15-19.)