Starting, Turning, and Stopping
22-2-1 Starting; backing and turning from curb; yielding right-of-way
22-2-2 Same; from curb; signaling
22-2-3 Entering street from alley, private driveway, or road; yielding right-of-way
22-2-4 Entering through street; at intersection; after stop; yielding right-of-way
22-2-5 Turning; changing course; stopping; caution; required
22-2-6 Same; decreasing speed; stopping; signaling; required; when
22-2-7 Same; signals; manner
22-2-8 Intersections; unmarked lanes; turns
22-2-9 Same; multiple lanes; marking
22-2-10 Same; multiple lanes; turns
22-2-11 Turn restrictions; resolutions
22-2-12 Same; West Railway Street; southeast bound traffic; right lane
22-2-13 Same; West Railway Street; southeast bound traffic; left lane
22-2-14 U-turns; limitation
22-2-15 Crossing street; prohibited; exceptions
22-2-16 Multiple lanes; operation within
22-2-17 Stop signs; streets; alleys
22-2-18 Same; erection
22-2-19 Same; stopping vehicles at; required
22-2-20 Same; Broadway Avenue and West Railway Street intersection; southbound traffic
22-2-21 Pedestrian crossings; marking
22-2-22 Same; stopping; operation of vehicle
22-2-23 Reserved
22-2-24 Traffic signals; erection; operation
22-2-25 Same; stopping; turning; precautions
22-2-26 Same; turns; directional arrows; obedience required
22-2-27 Same; pedestrians; entering intersections
22-2-28 Crossing sidewalk; stopping; warning; caution; required
22-2-29 – 22-2-35 Reserved
Following and Overtaking
22-2-36 Following another vehicle; safe distance; required
22-2-37 Overtaking vehicle; crossing centerline; restrictions
22-2-38 Same; side; restrictions
22-2-39 Overtaken vehicle; yielding right-of-way; increasing speed prohibited
22-2-40 Driving abreast; prohibited; exceptions
22-2-41 Overtaking; at intersections; railroad crossing; prohibited; exceptions
22-2-42 – 22-2-45 Reserved
22-2-46 Oncoming vehicles; passing; to right
22-2-47 Intersections; vehicles; right-of-way
22-2-48 Same; particular streets and intersections
22-2-49 Pedestrian crosswalks; pedestrians; right-of-way
22-2-50 Pedestrians; jay-walking; vehicles; right-of-way
22-2-51 – 22-2-54 Reserved
22-2-55 General restriction; reasonableness; prudence
22-2-56 Particular streets; speed limits; creation; authorized
22-2-57 Same; marking
22-2-58 Near schools; limit
22-2-59 Alleys; limit
22-2-60 Racing vehicles; prohibited
22-2-61 Unlawful speed; right-of-way; forfeited
22-2-62 – 22-2-64 Reserved
Three-Lane Streets
22-2-65 Three-lane streets; designated; marking
Four-Lane Streets
22-2-66 Four-lane streets; designated; marking
22-2-67 Double yellow line; crossing; prohibited; exceptions
22-2-68 White line; driving astraddle; restriction
22-2-69 Overtaking vehicles; requirements
22-2-70 Right and left turns; restrictions
22-2-71– 22-2-74 Reserved
Five-Lane Streets
22-2-75 Five-lane streets; designated; marking
22-2-76 Same; inside and outside lanes; turns
22-2-77 Same; center lane and turns
Through Streets
22-2-78 Through streets; designated
22-2-79 – 22-2-82 Reserved
Commercial Vehicle Routes
22-2-83 Commercial vehicle routes; designated; marking
22-2-84 Same; operation; moving
22-2-85 City delivery trucks; routes
22-2-86 Same; operation
22-2-87 – 22-2-90 Reserved
One-Way Streets and Alleys
22-2-91 One-way streets and alleys; resolutions; marking
22-2-92 One-way streets and alleys; prohibitions
22-2-93 – 22-2-95 Reserved
Special Regulations for Semi-Public Places
Part 1. General Provisions
22-2-96 No parking and fire lane zones; prohibitions
22-2-97 Other traffic regulations
Part 2. Scottsbluff School District
22-2-98 School District premises; parking; request
22-2-99 Drawing; Senior High School
22-2-100 Drawing; Middle School
22-2-101 No parking, loading, and handicappeds’ parking and fire lane zones; established
22-2-102 Signs
22-2-103 – 22-2-106 Reserved
Part 3. Western Nebraska Community College Area
22-2-107 Off-street parking; regulations
22-2-108 No parking, loading, and handicappeds’ parking zones; established
22-2-109 No parking zones; marking
22-2-110 Pedestrian crosswalks; established; marking
22-2-111 Reserved
Part 4. Other Places
22-2-112 McDonald’s Restaurant turn restriction while exiting from parking lot; request
22-2-113 Arby’s Restaurant turn restriction while existing from parking lot; request
22-2-114 Regional West Medical Center; traffic operation and speed of motor vehicles on Rugger Drive; request
22-2-115 – 22-2-117 Reserved
Miscellaneous Provisions
22-2-118 Keeping to right; generally
22-2-119 Slowly moving vehicles; keeping to right; generally
22-2-120 Backing; caution; required
22-2-121 Public and crowded places; approaching
22-2-122 Emergency vehicles; article; not applicable to; exceptions
22-2-123 Same; right-of-way; other vehicles; stop; required
22-2-124 Funeral processions; driving through; prohibited; exceptions
22-2-125 Coasting; in neutral gear; on down grades; prohibited
22-2-126 Careless driving; prohibited
22-2-127 Reckless driving; prohibited
22-2-128 Same; indifferent and wanton disregard
22-2-129 Same; willful disregard
22-2-130 Careless, reckless, and willful reckless driving; applicability of provisions; where
22-2-131 Accidents; stopping vehicle; information; aid; report; required
22-2-132 Unnecessary smoke, gas, steam, and odors; prohibited
22-2-133 “Deaf child playing” or “deaf child at play” sign on Avenue F