(A)   The driver of a vehicle, when overtaking and passing another vehicle, may do so only to the left of the latter vehicle, except as otherwise provided herein. The driver of a vehicle may overtake and pass upon the right of another vehicle under the following conditions:
      (1)   When the vehicle overtaken is making or is about to make a left turn and a lane is available on the street for the through movement; or
      (2)   Upon a street with unobstructed pavement not occupied by parked vehicles of sufficient width for two or more lines of moving vehicles in each direction.
   (B)   Provided, the driver of a vehicle may overtake and pass another vehicle, whether on the left or on the right, only under conditions permitting such movement in safety.
(Ord. 1116, passed 2-25-1957; Ord. 1723, passed - -1968)