General Provisions
   153.001   Title
   153.002   Adoption of zoning code; purpose
   153.003   Definitions
   153.004   Decisions, appeals, notices
   153.005   Violations
Establishment of Zones
   153.015   Zones established
   153.016   Map
   153.017   Classification of zones
   153.018   Boundaries of zones; uncertainties
   153.019   Classification of annexed territory
   153.020   Use of buildings and land in established zones
Single-Family Residence Zones (R-1)
   153.030   Intent and purpose
   153.031   Uses permitted
   153.032   Uses permitted by a conditional use permit
   153.033   Minimum site area
   153.034   Minimum lot width
   153.035   Maximum height limit
   153.036   Minimum dwelling width
   153.037   Front yards
   153.038   Side yards; single story
   153.039   Rear yards
   153.040   Second story massing
   153.041   Distances between buildings
   153.042   Lot coverage
   153.043   Floor area ratio; second story
   153.044   Floor area; second story
   153.045   Minimum floor area; dwelling unit
   153.046   Architecture
   153.047   Accessory dwelling units (ADU) and junior accessory dwelling units (Junior ADU)
   153.048   Urban dwelling units and urban lot splits
   153.049   Garage space required
   153.050   Selected uses permitted by a conditional use permit; limitations and development standards
   153.051   Sleeping quarters air space requirements
Limited Two-Family Residence Zones (R-1A)
   153.055   Uses permitted
   153.056   Height limit
   153.057   Site area
   153.058   Front yards
   153.059   Side yards; single story
   153.060   Side yards; second story
   153.061   Rear yards
   153.062   Distances between buildings
   153.063   Lot coverage
   153.064   Floor area ratio; second story
   153.065   Floor area; second story
   153.066   Architectural design
   153.067   Additional garage space required
Low Density Multiple-Family Residence Zones (R-2)
   153.079   Purpose
   153.080   Uses permitted
   153.081   Height limit
   153.082   Site area
   153.083   Front yards
   153.084   Side yards
   153.085   Rear yards
   153.086   Distances between buildings
   153.087   Minimum size of dwelling units
   153.088   [Reserved]
   153.089   Open space/recreational areas required
   153.090   Acoustical analysis
   153.091   Single-family structure in R-2 zone
Multiple-Family Residence Zones (R-3)
   153.099   Purpose
   153.100   Uses permitted
   153.101   Height limit
   153.102   Site area
   153.103   Front yards
   153.104   Side yards
   153.105   Rear yards
   153.106   Distances between buildings
   153.107   Minimum size of dwelling units
   153.108   Apartment buildings; elevators
   153.109   [Reserved]
   153.110   Acoustical analysis
Multi-Family Recreational Areas
   153.115   Open space/recreational areas required
   153.116   [Reserved]
   153.117   Development standards
General District Requirements
   153.125   Building sites
   153.126   Accessory buildings and structures
   153.127   Fences, walls, and hedges in residential zones
   153.128   Ornamental screening walls
   153.129   Swimming pools
   153.130   Dismantling, parking, repairing, and storage in residential zones
   153.131   Garbage and rubbish and collection areas
   153.132   Stormwater runoff
   153.133   Other applicable regulations
   153.134   Objective design standards for multi-family and mixed-use projects
Open Space and Public Facilities District
   153.140   Creation
   153.141   Intent
   153.142   Permitted uses
Commercial and Industrial Zones (C-1, C-3, and M-1)
   153.150   Intent and purpose
   153.151   Use regulations
   153.152   Performance standards
   153.153   Business license required
   153.154   Precise plan of design required
   153.155   Development standards
   153.156   Permitted projections into setback areas
   153.157   Exceptions to height limit
   153.158   Fences, walls, and hedges
   153.159   Outdoor storage and display
   153.160   Landscape
   153.161   Restrictions on divisions of space/indoor swap meets
   153.162   Special conditions for specific land uses
   153.163   Vending carts
   153.164   Mixed use in the C-1 and C-3 zone districts
   153.165   Other applicable regulations
   153.166   Trash/recycling facilities required
   153.167   Supplemental development standards
Automobile Parking as a Conditional Use in Non-Commercial Zones
   153.170   Intent and purpose
   153.171   Permitted uses
   153.172   Precise plan of design required
   153.173   Locational requirements
   153.174   Development standards
Off-Street Parking
   153.220   Number of parking spaces required
   153.221   Access requirements; residential
   153.222   Access requirements; commercial and industrial
   153.223   Development plans and standards
   153.224   Development specifications
   153.225   Nonresidential parking spaces; location
   153.226   Parking lot landscape and screening
   153.227   Special parking districts
   153.228   Valet parking
   153.229   Bicycle parking
Conditional Uses Permits
   153.240   Authorized
   153.241   Application; fee
   153.242   Massage establishment requirements
   153.243   Notice of hearing
   153.244   Application investigation
   153.245   Public hearing
   153.246   Granting or denial of permit - Findings
   153.247   Appeal of decision
   153.248   Assignment; prosecution of work; voiding
   153.260   Authorization
   153.261   Findings
   153.262   Application; fees
   153.263   Supplementary information
   153.264   Notice of hearing
   153.265   Application investigation
   153.266   Public hearing
   153.267   Granting or denial of permit
   153.268   Appeal of decision
   153.269   Assignment; prosecution of work; voiding
Planned Development Overlay Zone (P-D)
   153.280   Created; designated
   153.281   Area
   153.282   Purpose
   153.283   Use permitted
   153.284   Provisional plans
   153.285   Procedure
   153.286   Precise plan
Valley Boulevard Specific Plan
   153.290   Valley Boulevard Specific Plan created
Mission District Specific Plan
   153.300   Mission District Specific Plan created
Medical Facilities Zone (MF)
   153.310   Medical facilities zone created
   153.311   Nonconforming uses
   153.312   Permitted uses
   153.313   Height limit
   153.314   Site area
   153.315   Building area
   153.316   Setback distances
   153.317   Automobile parking spaces and garages
   153.318   Open space
   153.320   Purpose
   153.321   General policies
   153.322   Definitions
   153.323   Permit procedures
   153.324   Signs permitted in residential zones
   153.325   Signs permitted in the C-1, C-3, and M-1 Zones
   153.326   General requirements and limitations
   153.327   Exempt signs
   153.328   Prohibited signs
   153.329   Maintenance of signs
   153.330   Abatement of pre-existing illegal and/or abandoned signs
   153.331   Abatement of signs in general
   153.332   Extension of time from amortization period
   153.333   Signs of special significance
   153.334   City Council permit for public street banners
Design Review
   153.350   Purposes
   153.351   Design Review Commission established
   153.352   Applicability
   153.353   Application for precise plan of design or site plan review
   153.354   Action on application
   153.355   Evaluation criteria
   153.356   Time limit
   153.357   Minor revision
   153.358   Notice of hearing
Application Review
   153.365   Purposes
   153.366   Application review
   153.367   Pre-application review
Commercially Utilized Condominiums
   153.380   Definition
   153.381   Requirements for commercial condominium projects
   153.382   Application fee
   153.383   Processing procedure
Trip Reduction and Travel Demand Measures
   153.400   Definitions
   153.401   Review of transit impacts
   153.402   Transportation demand and trip reduction measures
   153.403   Monitoring
   153.404   Enforcement
Nonconforming Uses, Structures and Lots
   153.420   Definitions
   153.421   Continuation of nonconforming uses
   153.422   Continuation of nonconforming structures
   153.423   Continuation of nonconforming lots
   153.424   Notification of termination and appeal
   153.425   Request for relief
   153.426   Enforcement
   153.427   Amortization and discontinuance of nonconforming massage establishments
Minor Modifications
   153.440   Minor modifications–authority to approve
   153.441   Applications; fees
   153.442   Hearing; notice
   153.443   Investigation of applications
   153.444   Appeals from decision of Director
   153.445   Decision on modification to be final prior to issuance of permit
   153.446   Voiding of modification
   153.447   Extension of time
Density Bonus
   153.450   Purpose
   153.451   Definitions
   153.452   General provisions
   153.453   Density bonus
   153.454   Incentives and concessions
   153.455   Development Standards
   153.456   Affordable housing agreement
   153.457   Location/quality of below market rate units
   153.458   Parking standards
   153.459   Condominium conversions
   153.460   Appeals
   153.461   Application of CEQA
   153.470   Authorization
   153.471   Filing of applications
   153.472   Fee
   153.473   Commission recommendations
   153.474   Council decisions
   153.475   General Plan
Administration and Enforcement
   153.480   Enforcement by the Community Development Director
   153.481   Enforcement by administrative officers
   153.482   Enforcement by police officers
   153.483   Violations; declaration of nuisance; abatement
   153.484   Reasonable accommodationpurpose
   153.485   Sameapplicability
   153.486   Sameadministration
   153.487   Samereview and determination
   153.488   Samerequired findings
   153.489   Same–conditions of approval
   153.490   Same–appeals
Wireless Telecommunications Equipment
   153.500   Definitions
   153.501   Purpose for regulations
   153.502   Residential zones
   153.503   Commercial/manufacturing zones
   153.504   Conditions for issuance of conditional use permit
   153.505   School properties
   153.506   Public property and rights-of-way
Cannabis Prohibition and Personal Cultivation Regulations
   153.515   Purpose
   153.516   Definitions
   153.517   Prohibition
   153.518   Medicinal cannabis delivery-only retailer
   153.519   Personal cultivation regulations
   153.520   Violation
   153.521   Violation–misdemeanor
   153.522   Public nuisance
   153.523   Civil penalties
   153.530   Definitions
   153.531   Purpose
   153.532   Applicability
   153.533   Landscape and irrigation plans
   153.534   Landscape design principles
   153.535   Areas to be landscaped
   153.536   Materials
   153.537   Irrigation specifications
   153.538   Installation and completion
   153.539   Maintenance
Historic Preservation and Cultural Resources
   153.600   Title
   153.601   Enabling authority
   153.602   Purpose
   153.603   Definitions
   153.604   Historic Preservation and Cultural Resource Commission
   153.605   San Gabriel Inventory of Cultural Resources
   153.606   San Gabriel Register of Cultural Resources
   153.607   Designation criteria for historic landmarks
   153.608   Designation criteria for historic districts
   153.609   Designation procedures–historic landmarks
   153.610   Designation procedures–historic districts
   153.611   Conservation overlay zones–criteria and procedures
   153.612   Amendment or rescission of designation
   153.613   Duty to maintain designated cultural resources
   153.614   Initial review–requirement
   153.615   Initial review, administrative clearance for minor alterations–procedures
   153.616   Initial review, administrative clearance for minor alterations–findings
   153.617   Initial review by Commission, major alterations–procedures
   153.618   Initial review by Commission, major alterations–findings
   153.619   San Gabriel Inventory and initial review–requirement
   153.620   Relocation of designated cultural resources
   153.621   Certificate of demolition
   153.622   Work hold pending designation
   153.623   Certificate of economic hardship
   153.624   Unsafe or dangerous conditions
   153.625   Environmental review
   153.626   Appeals
   153.627   Preservation incentives
   153.628   Application filing fees
   153.629   Enforcement and penalties
   153.630   Identification, documentation, and management of archaeological and Native American resources
   153.631   Severability of provisions
   153.999   Penalty