A. Purpose Statement: The purpose of this section is to permit the establishment of a "community correctional facility" as defined in chapter 21A.62 of this title, subject to the provisions of this section that provide a community involvement process and site selection criteria to address the health and safety of the community including neighboring properties and facility residents.
B. State And City Licensing: No community correctional facility shall be established, operated or maintained within the city without a valid license or operating contract issued by the Utah state division of licensing or department of corrections or other appropriate state agency, and without obtaining a Salt Lake City business license. For types of uses that do not require a state license, the applicant shall provide evidence from the state of Utah indicating that the state does not require a license for the particular facility.
C. Small Community Correctional Facility Authorized As Conditional Use: A "small community correctional facility" means a "community correctional facility" as defined in chapter 21A.62 of this title that provides temporary occupancy for up to thirty (30) individuals exclusive of staff. Small community correctional facilities, as either principal or accessory uses, may be allowed as a conditional use, pursuant to the provisions of chapter 21A.54 of this title, pursuant to subsections B, E and F of this section and pursuant to sections 21A.33.030 and 21A.33.040 of this title.
D. Large Community Correctional Facility Authorized As Conditional Use: A "large community correctional facility" means a "community correctional facility" as defined in chapter 21A.62 of this title that provides temporary occupancy for more than thirty (30) individuals exclusive of staff. Large community correctional facilities, as either principal or accessory uses, may be allowed as a conditional use, pursuant to the provisions of chapter 21A.54 of this title, and pursuant to subsections B, E and F of this section and pursuant to section 21A.33.040 of this title.
E. Community Correctional Facility Authorized As Conditional Use: Community correctional facilities, as either principal or accessory uses, may be allowed as a conditional use, pursuant to the provisions of chapter 21A.54 of this title, pursuant to this subsection and subsections B, C, and F of this section, and pursuant to sections 21A.33.030 and 21A.33.040 of this title, subject to the following requirements and provisions:
1. Program Description Required: The applicant must provide a detailed description of the treatment program, operations, management and security plans of the facility, with the amount of information satisfactory to the planning director, which clearly indicate that the facility will operate as a "community correctional facility" as defined in chapter 21A.62 of this title and consistent with the purpose statement in this section.
2. Site Selection Standards:
a. A small community correctional facility shall not be located within one-half (1/2) mile of any residential zoning district boundary.
b. A large community correctional facility shall only be located within an M-1 light industrial zoning district and be located west of Interstate 215. A large community correctional facility shall not be located within one-half (1/2) mile of any residential zoning district boundary.
c. Each community correctional facility shall not be closer than one-half (1/2) mile from any other community correctional facility.
d. No community correctional facility shall be located within one-half (1/2) mile of any public or private K - 12 school, place of worship, public library, nursery school as a principal not ancillary or accessory use or children's daycare center as a principal not ancillary or accessory use, publicly owned playground or park. The establishment of such land uses within the specified spacing criteria after the occupancy of a community correctional facility shall not create nonconformity or be the sole cause for denial of a conditional use permit for the expansion of an existing authorized facility.
e. Spacing requirements are measured in a straight line at the closest point from property line to property line.
f. The site has reasonable access to transit.
3. Site Design Standards: The applicant shall provide site plan and conditional use application information that evidences that adequate setbacks and buffers between the property lines and any structures or fenced compounds enclosing usable areas of the facility are provided. Additional setbacks and buffer areas may be established by the planning commission to mitigate any determined potential impacts. Additional setback for buffer areas may include visitor parking, landscaping, storm drain detention basins exclusive of required landscaped setbacks. Any required fencing or walls as a condition of approval must be nonclimbable fencing or walls of a design approved as part of the conditional use approval.
4. Operational Limits:
a. A community correctional facility may provide ancillary, temporary occupancy for individuals placed as part of, or in lieu of, confinement, rehabilitation, or treatment as such ancillary, temporary occupancy is described in section 21A.62.040 of this title. A community correctional facility's ancillary population shall remain less than twenty five percent (25%) of the facility's entire resident population.
b. Community correctional facilities are for temporary occupancy. Residents shall not reside for a period greater than thirty six (36) months, excluding ancillary residents who shall not reside for a period greater than six (6) months.
F. Conditions Of Approval: An applicant's failure to comply with the conditions of the conditional use approval or with any standards provided herein shall be grounds for revocation, suspension or modification of the conditions or the approval by the planning commission.
Following the planning commission approval of a conditional use for a community correctional facility, the applicant shall submit to the planning director the most current operational and incident reports submitted to the state department of corrections every twelve (12) months. In addition to the state reports the applicant shall describe the effectiveness of any impact mitigation strategies required as part of the conditional use approval.
G. Authority To Modify Regulations: In approving any community correctional facility, the Planning Commission may change, alter, modify or waive any provisions of this section as they apply to the proposed development. No such change, alteration, modification or waiver shall be approved unless the Planning Commission finds that the proposed development:
1. Will support the reconstruction and reuse of an existing structure and site in a manner that will not violate the purposes of the standards for which a community correctional facility may be approved pursuant to this section. (Ord. 66-13, 2013: Ord. 2-09 § 1, 2009)
Gas Stations and Accessory Uses that have fuel tanks on-site, such as Truck Stops, Fuel Distributors, and Storage uses, as defined in Chapter 21A.62 of this title, shall be allowed in zoning districts provided in Chapter 21A.33 "Land Use Tables", and are subject to the provisions of this section. Utility facilities, public safety uses, hospitals, and other similar uses that maintain fuel tanks for the purpose of storing fuel in order to provide emergency power are exempt from the provisions of this Section.
A. General Standards:
1. All fuel dispensers and fuel storage tanks (above or underground) shall comply with the requirements of this section and all other applicable regulations, including the applicable reference standards and any other applicable regulations of the State of Utah and Federal regulators. In case of conflicting provisions in any of the above-listed rules, the strictest restrictions shall apply.
2. Distance from water bodies: All underground and above-ground fuel storage tanks and gas vents shall be a minimum of 350 feet from any existing water bodies (pond, river, stream, canal, etc.), water resources, public parks or open space -that are one acre and greater in size.
3. Distance from property lines: All underground and above-ground fuel storage tanks and gas vents shall be a minimum of 30 feet from any property line.
4. Associated pump islands shall be a minimum of 25 feet from any property line and adjacent buildings.
5. Fuel vents: When a canopy is provided, gas vents shall be located at the top of the gas pump canopy.
6. New underground fuel storage tanks: All new and replacement fuel storage tanks put underground shall be constructed of non-corrodible material or designed to prevent the release or threatened release of any stored fuel to ensure greater durability and lifespan.
7. Leak or surface-runoff contamination: If contamination occurs, the property owner shall be accountable for any cleanup and remediation of the subject property, any City property, and any downstream water or soil contamination.
8. Nonconforming status: Fuel tanks and pumps that are unused or out of service for one year or more shall be considered willfully abandoned and will not be eligible for nonconforming status. The use shall not be restored unless it is restored to comply with the standards of this section and all other applicable sections in this title.
B. Additional Standards for Gas Stations:
1. Minimum Lot size: 30,000 square feet. A gas station may be located on a lot with another principal use when the lot complies with the minimum lot size. For the purposes of this regulation, a lot shall include a site that consists of multiple lots or parcels within a single development when the parking lot and circulation elements are shared across the boundaries of the lots or parcels
2. Minimum Lot Frontage: 150 feet along all public streets. For sites described in 21A.36.120.C.1, the lot frontage shall be measured for all lots or parcels involved.
3. Stacking Lane Standards: These standards ensure adequate on-site maneuvering and circulation areas, ensure that stacking vehicles do not impede traffic on abutting streets, and that stacking lanes will not have nuisance impacts on abutting residential lots.
a. Stacking lanes shall be arranged to avoid conflicts with site access points, access to parking or loading spaces, and internal circulation routes to the maximum extent practicable.
b. A minimum of 36 feet of stacking lane is required between a curb cut and the nearest gasoline pump.
4. Fuel Pump Standards:
a. Fuel pumps shall be located on the site in a manner that does not interfere with easy access into or egress from the site at established driveway entrances.
b. Fuel Pumps shall be located and oriented so all cars in line for motor fuel can be accommodated on-site and not block the sidewalk, the street, or any other portion of the public right of way.
5. Electric Vehicle Parking: Gas stations shall provide at least one (1) parking space dedicated to electric vehicles for every ten (10) required on-site parking spaces. Electric vehicle parking spaces shall count toward the minimum required number of parking spaces. The electric vehicle parking space shall be:
a. Located in the same lot as the principal use.
b. Signed clearly and conspicuously, such as special pavement marking or signage, indicating exclusive availability to electric vehicles; and
c. Outfitted with a standard electric vehicle charging station.
C. Additional Standards for Fuel Dispensing Facilities:
1. Above-ground fuel storage tanks shall:
a. Provide a 25-foot clear radius from combustible materials, storage areas, parking/backing areas, and all buildings on the same lot.
b. Have a maximum height of 20 feet from the finished grade.
2. An obscuring sight fence of six feet in height shall be required surrounding the fuel storage tanks and associated vehicle fueling areas. All required fencing shall be prewoven chain-link with slats, wood, brick, tilt-up concrete, masonry block, stone, metal, composite/recycled materials, or other manufactured materials or combination of materials commonly used for fencing. In addition, the fenced area must be paved with a nonpermeable surface.
D. Upgrades to Nonconforming Gas Stations and Fuel Dispensing Facilities:
1. Replacing and Updating Tanks and Associated Equipment: An existing gas station may replace existing tanks and associated equipment in substantially the same location without having to comply with the provisions of this section.
2. Reconstruction: Existing gas stations that are noncomplying as to lot area, lot frontage, or tank setbacks may be demolished and reconstructed, provided the reconstructed use complies with the other applicable regulations of this section and the tank location is substantially the same.
3. The zoning administrator may modify the location of the fuel tanks and associated equipment if federal or state requirements or other legal requirements prevent locating the replacement tanks in a substantially similar location.
4. The zoning administrator may approve an alternate location for fuel tanks and associated equipment if the applicant can demonstrate that a more efficient and safe location is more appropriate. (Ord. 7-25, 2025)