Additional definitions relating to specific portions of this title are found in chapters 21A.34 and 21A.46 of this title. (Ord. 26-95 § 2(31-2), 1995)
A. Purpose Of Generic Definitions: Certain terms in this chapter are defined to be inclusive of many uses in order to eliminate overly detailed listings of uses in the zoning districts established by this title. These terms are referred to in this title as "generic" definitions. Examples of generic definitions used in this title are "retail goods establishment", "recreation (indoor)" and "light manufacturing".
B. Components Of Generic Definition: A generic definition has three (3) components: 1) a brief listing of examples of uses intended to be included within the scope of the definition; 2) an identification (where appropriate) of certain uses which are not meant to be included by the term; and 3) a statement that for the purposes of each zoning district, any other uses specifically listed within the particular zoning district shall not be construed as falling within the generic definition.
C. Uses Not Listed Or Not Within Scope Of Generic Definition: A use which is not specifically listed on the table of permitted and conditional uses for a zoning district, or which does not fall within a generic definition as defined in this chapter, or as interpreted by the zoning administrator pursuant to chapter 21A.12 of this title, is prohibited. (Ord. 66-13, 2013: Ord. 26-95 § 2(31-3), 1995)
For the purposes of this title, the following terms shall have the following meanings:
ABUTTING: Contiguous including property separated by an alley, a private right of way or a utility strip.
ACCESSORY BUILDING OR STRUCTURE: A subordinate building or structure, located on the same lot as the principal building, occupied by or devoted to an accessory use. When an accessory building or structure is attached to the principal building by a common wall or is connected to the principal building by a roof that has a width of five feet (5') or more, such accessory building shall be considered part of the principal building.
ACCESSORY USE: A use that:
A. Is subordinate in area, extent and purpose to, and serves a principal use;
B. Is customarily found as an incident to such principal use;
C. Contributes to the comfort, convenience or necessity of those occupying, working at or being serviced by such principal use;
D. Is, except as otherwise expressly authorized by the provisions of this title, located on the same zoning lot as such principal use; and
E. Is under the same ownership or control as the principal use.
ACTIVE RECREATION AREAS: Areas of the landscape dedicated to active play where turf may be used as the playing surface. This may include sports fields, play areas, golf courses, and other similar areas where turf is commonly used as the surface for outdoor activities.
ADA: Americans with Disabilities Act and all other applicable federal and state laws related to persons with disabilities.
ADAPTIVE REUSE FOR ADDITIONAL USES IN ELIGIBLE BUILDINGS: Other land uses, in addition to those specifically listed in the land use tables, may be allowed as a permitted or conditional use subject to the provisions in Subsection 21A.52.060.A.
ADMINISTRATIVE DECISION: Any final order, requirement, decision, determination or interpretation made by a Land Use Authority in the administration or the enforcement of this title.
AFFORDABLE HOUSING: Affordable housing shall be both income and, as applicable, rent-restricted. The affordable units shall be made available only to individuals and households that are qualifying occupants at or below the applicable percentage of the area median income for the Salt Lake City Utah, U.S. Department of Housing and Urban Development ("HUD") Metro FMR Area the "SLC Area Median Income" or "AMI", as periodically determined by HUD and adjusted for household size) and published by the Utah Housing Corporation, or its successor. Affordable (30% of gross income for housing costs, including utilities) housing units must accommodate at least one of the following categories:
A. Extremely Low-Income Affordable Units: Housing units accommodating up to 30% AMI;
B. Very Low-Income Affordable Units: Housing units accommodating greater than 30% and up to 50% AMI; or
C. Low-Income Affordable Units: Housing units accommodating greater than 50% and up to 80% AMI.
AFFORDABLE HOUSING INCENTIVES DEVELOPMENT: A housing development that meets the criteria in Section 21A.52.050.
AGRICULTURAL USE: The use of a tract of land for growing crops in the open, dairying, pasturage, horticulture, floriculture, general farming uses and necessary accessory uses, including the structures necessary for carrying out farming operations and the sales of food products and agricultural goods grown on site; provided, however, such agricultural use shall not include the following uses: the feeding of garbage to animals, the raising of poultry or furbearing animals as a principal use, or the operation or maintenance of commercial stockyards, or feed yards, slaughterhouses or rendering facilities.
AIRPORT: Facilities and associated land owned and operated by an airport authority or government entity that provides infrastructure and services for air travel, together with all activities necessary for, directly related to, or associated with the operation of an air carrier facility, air cargo facility or general aviation facility. Such services, infrastructure, and activities may include, but are not limited to, the following types of uses:
A. Aircraft operation areas, including navigational aids, and air traffic control towers;
B. Support facilities and services for airport operations, maintenance and construction;
C. Passenger terminals and concourses;
D. Rental car facilities and associated service sites;
E. Vehicle parking lots and structures, including associated facilities, stations, and infrastructure;
F. Public transportation infrastructure, including terminals, stations, and repair facilities;
G. Safety and government facilities such as fire stations, police stations, and office space;
H. Manufacturing and commercial uses compatible with airport environs;
I. Retail, concessions, food and beverage establishments, including establishments that sell alcoholic beverages, and other uses primarily to serve airline passengers, general aviation patrons and other users;
J. Energy production such as solar arrays, wind farms, geothermal, and airport utility plants;
K. Other uses, services, infrastructure and activities as determined by the Executive Director of Airports or designee.
ALCOHOL, BAR ESTABLISHMENT: A business establishment as defined in title 32B, Utah Code, as amended.
ALCOHOL, BREWPUB: A restaurant type establishment that also contains a small brewery, where the product is brewed primarily for sale in the associated restaurant. Brewpubs may package their product in kegs, bottles or cans for on site or off site distribution. The alcohol to food sales revenue ratio for a brewpub shall comply with the requirements of chapter 6 (Specific Retail License Act) of title 32B (Utah Alcoholic Beverage Control Act) of the Utah Code, or its successor.
ALCOHOL, DISTILLERY: A business establishment that manufactures distilled, spirituous beverages, not to include those alcoholic beverages produced in a brewery or winery.
ALCOHOL, LIQUOR STORE: A facility for the sale of package liquor located on premises owned or leased by the State of Utah and operated by State employees. Referred to as a "State store" as defined in title 32B, Utah Code, as amended.
ALCOHOL RELATED ESTABLISHMENT: Tavern, bar establishment, or brewpub.
ALCOHOL, TAVERN: A business establishment as defined in title 32B, Utah Code, as amended.
ALCOHOL, WINERY: A business establishment that manufactures alcoholic beverages from the fermented juice of grapes, fruits, or other liquid bearing plants for off premises consumption, not to include those alcoholic beverages produced in a brewery or distillery.
ALLEY: A public or private right-of-way that affords a service access to abutting property.
ALTERATION: As applied to a building or structure, means a change or rearrangement in the structural parts or in the exit facilities, or an enlargement, whether by extending on a side, by increasing in height, or the moving from one location or position to another.
ALTERNATIVE PARKING: The amount of parking provided below the minimum required parking or greater than the maximum allowed pursuant to Section 21A.44.050 of this title.
AMBULANCE SERVICE: An emergency response facility housing ambulance services, dispatching, staging, and maintenance.
AMPHITHEATER, FORMAL: A large open air built structure partly or completely surrounded by tiers of seats intended to be used primarily for viewing entertainment. Formal amphitheaters typically include highly constructed elements including an elevated stage, formal lighting, stairs and other similar features.
AMPHITHEATER, INFORMAL: A small open air gathering area with a focal point that is at grade. Seating is generally created using natural or semi-natural materials such as wood or timbers, wood or stone benches or gabion seats.
AMUSEMENT PARK: A commercial facility or operation that primarily offers entertainment in the form of rides and games.
ANIMAL, CREMATION SERVICE: A service dedicated to the disposition of dead animal remains by means of cremation that may also provide necessary goods and services for the memorialization of the animal if requested.
ANIMAL, KENNEL: The keeping of more than two (2) dogs and/or two (2) cats that are more than six (6) months old. A third dog or cat may be allowed if a pet rescue permit has been approved under section 8.04.130 of this Code.
ANIMAL, PET CEMETERY: A place designated for the burial of a dead pet animal where burial rights are sold.
ANIMAL, POUND: A public or licensed private facility to temporarily detain and/or dispose of stray dogs, cats and other animals.
ANIMAL, RAISING OF FURBEARING ANIMALS: A tract of land devoted in whole or part to the commercial raising of animals for their fur.
ANIMAL RENDERING: A facility that converts waste animal tissue into stable, usable products. Rendering includes the processing of animal products into more useful materials.
ANIMAL, STABLE (PRIVATE): A detached building for the keeping of horses owned by the occupants of the premises and not kept for remuneration, hire or sale.
ANIMAL, STABLE (PUBLIC): A building or land where animals are kept for remuneration, hire, sale, boarding, riding or show.
ANIMAL, STOCKYARD: An enclosure with pens, sheds, and other buildings or structures for the temporary keeping of livestock.
ANIMAL, VETERINARY OFFICE: A place where animals or pets are given medical or surgical treatment and are cared for during the time of such treatment. Use as a kennel shall be limited to short time boarding and shall be only incidental to such hospital use.
ANTENNA: Any system of wires, poles, rods, reflecting disks, or similar devices used for the transmission or reception of electromagnetic waves external to or attached to the exterior of any building.
ANTENNA, COMMUNICATION TOWER: A tower structure used for transmitting a broadcast signal or for receiving a broadcast signal (or other signal) for retransmission. A communication tower does not include "ham" radio transmission antenna.
ANTENNA, LOW POWER RADIO SERVICE: "Low power radio service antenna" means a transmitting or receiving device used in telecommunications that radiates or captures radio signals.
ANTENNA, ROOF MOUNTED: An antenna or series of individual antennas mounted on a flat roof, mechanical room or penthouse of a building.
ANTENNA, SATELLITE DISH: A type of antenna capable of receiving, among other signals, television transmission signals, and which has a disk shaped receiving device, excluding wall mountable antennas with a surface size less than four hundred (400) square inches, projecting no more than two feet (2').
ANTENNA, STEALTH: An antenna completely disguised as another object, or otherwise concealed from view, thereby concealing the intended use and appearance of the facility. Examples of stealth facilities include, but are not limited to, flagpoles, light pole standards or architectural elements such as dormers, steeples and chimneys.
ANTENNA, TV: A type of antenna used to receive television transmission signals, but which is not a satellite dish antenna.
ANTENNA, WALL MOUNTED: An antenna or series of individual antennas mounted against the vertical wall of a building.
ANTENNA, WHIP: An antenna that is cylindrical in shape. Whip antennas can be directional or omnidirectional and vary in size depending upon the frequency and gain for which they are designed.
ANTICIPATED DAILY WATER USE REPORT: A detailed report provided by an applicant that demonstrates the anticipated daily use and/or consumption of water for the described use based on commonly accepted standards within the water utility industry.
APPEALS HEARING OFFICER: The Appeals Hearing Officer of Salt Lake City, Utah.
AQUATIC RESOURCE: High-functioning water bodies, riparian corridors, wetlands, uplands, and playas as determined by the Army Corps of Engineers.
ARCADE: Range of arches supporting a roofed area along with a column structure, plain or decorated over a walkway adjacent to or abutting a row of retail stores on one side or both.
ART GALLERY: An establishment engaged in the sale, loan or display of paintings, sculpture or other works of art. The term "art gallery" does not include libraries or museums.
ARTIFICIAL TURF:A synthetically derived, grass substitute that simulates the appearance of natural live grass.
ARTISAN FOOD PRODUCTION: A facility typically operated by a single business entity for the production of small-scale, hand-crafted specialty food and beverage products for on- and/or off-site sales and consumption. May include wholesale and/or retail sales.
ARTISTS' LOFT/STUDIO: A place designed to be used as both a dwelling and work space by an artist, artisan, or craftsperson, including persons engaged in the application, teaching, or performance of fine arts such as, but not limited to, drawing, vocal or instrumental music, painting, sculpture, and writing.
ATLAS, 5-ACRE, AND 10-ACRE PLATS: A map depicting the subdivisions of land within the City. These plats are a scheme of how the City was originally laid out. The City started with plats A through L, Salt Lake City Survey. As the City expanded its boundaries, 5 acre and 10 acre Big Field Survey Plats were added and then the numbered plats 1 through 76. They show information about streets, public right of ways and, some private right of ways.
AUCTION (INDOOR): A structure or enclosure where goods, livestock or vehicles are sold by auction.
AUCTION (OUTDOOR): A portion of land where goods, livestock or vehicles are sold by auction.
AUDITORIUM: A multipurpose assembly facility that is designed to accommodate conventions, live performances, trade shows, sports events and other such events.
AUTOMOBILE: A self-propelled vehicle with wheels that can legally operate within a public right-of-way. The term includes but is not limited to passenger cars, light trucks, and recreational vehicles.
BACKFLOW PREVENTER: A mechanical device intended to prevent contamination of a culinary water line that meets the specifications set forth in the "Salt Lake City Landscape BMPs For Water Resource Efficiency And Protection".
BAKERY, COMMERCIAL: An establishment where the primary function is the baking of food products for sale, principally to the wholesale trade, not directly to the consumer.
BALCONY: An elevated floor space projecting beyond the exterior walls of a building that is not supported on the ground by posts, columns, or similar supporting structural elements. A balcony shall not be used as a means for entry into a building.
BASE ZONING DISTRICT: A zoning district that reflects the four (4) basic geographically based land use categories in the city - residential areas, commercial areas, manufacturing areas and the downtown - with appropriate regulations and development standards to govern the uses in these districts.
BASEMENT: A story wherein each exterior wall is fifty percent (50%) or more below grade. For purposes of establishing building height, a basement shall not count toward the maximum number of stories allowed. The exposed portion of the basement wall shall not exceed five feet (5').
BED AND BREAKFAST: A building constructed originally as a single-family dwelling that is occupied by the property owner who offers lodging in up to seven (7) rooms on a nightly or weekly basis to paying guests. A bed and breakfast may provide breakfast to overnight guests only and shall not provide other meals.
BED AND BREAKFAST INN: A building that is designed to accommodate up to eighteen (18) rooms for lodging on a nightly or weekly basis to paying guests. A bed and breakfast inn may provide breakfast from internal kitchen facilities to overnight guests and their guests only other than meals that are occasionally catered from off site establishments. The owner of the bed and breakfast inn may prepare meals on site or receive catered meals for private use.
BED AND BREAKFAST MANOR: A building designed to accommodate up to thirty (30) rooms for lodging on a nightly or weekly basis to paying guests. A bed and breakfast manor may provide breakfast from internal kitchen facilities to overnight guests and their guests only other than meals that are occasionally catered from off site establishments. The owner of the bed and breakfast manor may prepare meals on site or receive catered meals for private use. Restaurants operating in conjunction with a bed and breakfast manor must be approved under a separate restaurant license.
BIKE LANE: A division of a road for use by cyclists marked off with painted lines or other means.
BIKE PATH: A path or road for bicycles and not motor vehicles. May include paths that also allow pedestrian or equestrian access.
BIODETENTION: A low impact development term, also sometimes called a rain garden, biofilter or porous landscape detention that achieves on-site retention of stormwater through the use of vegetated depressions engineered to collect, store, and facilitate runoff infiltration.
BIO-MEDICAL FACILITY: An establishment that performs research and development in the field of medicine and produces biologic, biomedical, or pharmaceutical products. A bio-medical facility is not a hospital, health care facility, medical incinerator, or medical office.
BLACKSMITH SHOP: A facility used for the hand wrought manufacture of metal objects, such as wrought iron gates, grills and railings, light fixtures and furniture, sculpture, weapons, decorative and religious items, cooking utensils and tools.
BLOCK: An area or bounded by a public alley or street on all sides.
BLOCK CORNER: The ninety degree (90°) intersection of private property adjacent to the intersection of two (2) public street rights of way both of which are at least one hundred thirty two feet (132') wide. When applied to corner buildings, the provisions of this definition shall extend to one hundred sixty five feet (165') from the block corner on the street face and one hundred sixty five feet (165') in depth.
BLOCK FACE: All of the lots facing one side of a street between two (2) intersecting streets. Corner properties shall be considered part of two (2) block faces, one for each of the two (2) intersecting streets. In no case shall a block face exceed one thousand feet (1,000').
BLOOD DONATION CENTER: A commercial establishment whose primary function is the collection, storage and distribution of blood and blood products. The establishment may not be accessory to a hospital or medical clinic.
BOTANICAL GARDEN: A public or private facility for the demonstration and observation of the cultivation of flowers, fruits, vegetables, or ornamental plants.
BOTTLING PLANT: An establishment that engages in the bottling, canning, or filling of any container with beverages for distribution. The term “bottling plant” shall not include any beverage or food manufacturing type use which is otherwise listed specifically in the table of permitted and conditional uses found in Chapter 21A.33 of this title.
BREWERY: A business establishment that manufactures more than fifteen thousand (15,000) barrels of beer, heavy beer, or malt liquor as otherwise defined and regulated in title 32B, Utah code, as amended.
BUILDABLE AREA: The portion of the lot remaining after required yards have been provided and after the limitations of any pertinent environmental regulations have been applied. Buildings may be placed in any part of the buildable area, but if there are limitations on percent of the lot which may be covered by buildings, some open space may be required within the buildable area.
BUILDING: A structure with a roof, intended for shelter or enclosure.
BUILDING COVERAGE: That percentage of the lot covered by principal or accessory buildings, including cantilevered portions of the building.
BUILDING, FRONT LINE OF: "Front line of building" means the line of that face of the building nearest the front or corner side lot line of the lot. This face includes sun parlors, bay windows, and covered porches, whether enclosed or unenclosed, but does not include uncovered steps less than four feet (4') above grade.
BUILDING LINE: A line dividing a required yard from other portions of a lot.
BUILDING MATERIALS DISTRIBUTION: A type of wholesale distributor supplying the building materials industry, but excluding retail outlets conducted in a warehouse format.
BUILDING OFFICIAL: The building official of the Department of Community and Neighborhoods.
BUILDING, PRINCIPAL: "Principal building" means a building that is used primarily for the conduct of the principal use.
BULK: The size and setbacks of the buildings or structures and the location of same with respect to one another, and including: a) height and area of buildings; b) location of exterior walls in relation to lot lines, streets or other buildings; c) all open spaces allocated to buildings; d) amount of lot area required for each dwelling unit; and e) lot coverage.
BULK MATERIAL STORAGE: Storage of materials that are loose, unwrapped, non-parceled, or unbundled.
BUS LINE STATION/TERMINAL: Facility used for the temporary housing or parking of buses, and the loading and unloading of passengers.
BUS LINE YARD AND REPAIR FACILITY: Facility for the storage and repair of buses.
BUSINESS: Any occupation, employment or enterprise which occupies time, attention, labor and/or materials for compensation whether or not merchandise is exhibited or sold, or services are offered.
BUSINESS, MOBILE: "Mobile business" means a business that conducts all or part of its operations on premises other than its own. The term "mobile business" shall not include any business involved in construction, home or building improvement, landscape construction, surveying or medical related activities, including veterinary services. The simple delivery of goods shall not constitute a mobile business.
BUSINESS PARK: A Business District planned and developed as an optimal environment for business occupants while maintaining compatibility with the surrounding community.
CALIPER: The dimension of the diameter of a tree trunk measured at a distance of 6 inches from the soil line.
CANNABIS PRODUCTION ESTABLISHMENT: A facility as defined in Chapter 4-41a, Utah Code, as amended.
CAR POOL: A group of two (2) or more commuters, including the driver, who share the ride to and from work or other destination on a regularly scheduled basis.
CARRIAGE HOUSE: A physically detached, secondary structure originally constructed to house horse-drawn vehicles and related equipment, or horses, or used to store grain or shelter animals; all related to serving the private transportation needs of the owner/residents of the primary structure located on the same or adjacent property. Some examples incorporate a hay loft, second story or half-story, or open interior space, and may have provided housing for people who worked or provided service to the site.
CARSHARE: A membership-based model of car use where people rent or borrow cars for short periods of time, often by the hour. Vehicles may be made available through private individuals, a property owner/manager, or commercial companies, but are managed through a facilitator.
CAR WASH: The use of a site for washing and cleaning of passenger vehicles, recreational vehicles, or other light duty vehicles. A car wash may be an accessory use to a gas station or convenience store or it may be a principal use on the lot.
CARPORT: A garage not completely enclosed by walls or doors. For the purpose of this title, a carport shall be subject to all of the regulations prescribed for a garage.
CEMETERY: Land used or intended to be used for the burial of the dead and dedicated for cemetery purposes, including columbariums, crematories, mausoleums, and mortuaries when operated in conjunction with and within the boundaries of such cemetery.
CERTIFICATE OF APPROPRIATENESS: A certification by the Historic Landmark Commission stating that proposed work on historic property is compatible with the historic character of the property and of the Historic Preservation Overlay District in which it is located.
CERTIFICATE OF OCCUPANCY: An official authorization to occupy a structure as issued by the building official.
CERTIFICATE, ZONING: "Zoning certificate" means a written certification that a structure, use or parcel of land is, or will be, in compliance with the requirements of this title.
CHANGE OF USE: The replacement of an existing use by a new use, or a change in the nature of an existing. A change of ownership, tenancy, name or management, or a change in product or service within the same use classification where the previous nature of the use, line of business, or other function is substantially unchanged is not a change of use. The conversion of existing residential units to condominiums is not a change of use.
CHARACTER CONSERVATION DISTRICT FEASIBILITY STUDY: A study conducted by the proposed district area or their authorized agent to determine whether or not a particular area of the City is eligible for Character Conservation District classification. The study is typically a summary report or white paper developed for the proposed Character Conservation District and there is no specific format.
CHARACTER DEFINING FEATURES: May include, but are not limited to, architecture or architectural features, mass and scale of buildings, streetscape, building orientation, landscaping or other items that contribute to the overall character of the area.
CHARITY DINING HALL: A sit down dining facility operated by a nonprofit organization to serve food without charge.
CHECK CASHING/PAYDAY LOAN BUSINESS: A business that conducts transactions of cashing a check for consideration or extending a deferred deposit loan and shall include any other similar types of businesses licensed by the State pursuant to the Check Cashing Registration Act. The term check cashing shall not include fully automated stand alone services located inside of an existing building, so long as the automated service incorporates no signage in the windows or outside of the building.
CHEMICAL MANUFACTURING AND STORAGE: A facility engaged in making and storing chemical products from raw or partially finished materials.
CITATION DEADLINE: The date identified in the notice and order to correct the violation(s) identified therein.
CITY COUNCIL: The City Council of Salt Lake City, Utah.
CITY FORESTER: The City's Urban Forestry Program Manager, or designee.
CIVIL ENFORCEMENT OFFICER: An employee of Salt Lake City's Division of Building Services, or successor division, authorized to perform civil enforcement functions, or any duly authorized agent, representative, or designee.
CLINIC (MEDICAL, DENTAL): A facility dedicated exclusively to providing medical, dental or similar examination, diagnosis, treatment, care and related healthcare services by licensed healthcare providers and other healthcare professionals practicing medicine as a group on persons on an outpatient basis. No portion of the facility may be used to provide on site inpatient care, overnight care, or twenty four (24) hour operations, unless it is in compliance with all ordinances applicable to hospitals. Laboratory facilities shall be accessory only and shall be utilized for on site care.
COLD FRAME: An unheated outdoor accessory structure typically consisting of, but not limited to, a wooden or concrete frame and a top of glass or clear plastic, used for protecting seedlings and plants from the cold.
COMMERCIAL DISTRICTS: Those districts listed in subsection 21A.22.010B of this title.
COMMERCIAL FOOD PREPARATION: A facility in which food is processed or otherwise prepared, primarily for off-site consumption and/or sales. Facilities may be shared among various food processors, producers, or preparers. Uses may include, but are not limited to: commissary kitchen and catering.
COMMON AREAS, SPACE AND FACILITIES: The property and improvements of the condominium project, or portions thereof, conforming to the definition set forth in section 57-8-3, Utah Code Annotated, 1953, as amended, or its successor. (See title 20, chapter 20.56 of this code.)
COMMUNICATION TOWER: A tower structure used for transmitting a broadcast signal or for receiving a broadcast signal (or other signal) for retransmission. A communication tower does not include "ham" radio transmission antenna.
COMMUNITY CORRECTIONAL FACILITY: An institutional facility licensed by or contracted by the state of Utah to provide temporary occupancy for previously incarcerated persons or parole violators, which assists such persons in making a transition from a correctional institution environment to independent living. Such facility may also provide ancillary, temporary occupancy for individuals placed as part of, or in lieu of, confinement, rehabilitation, or treatment in a correctional institution. A community correctional facility may include a halfway house, work release center or any other domiciliary facility for persons released from any penal or correctional facility but still in the custody of the city, county or public agency and youth care centers or other facilities authorized to accept youth offenders. A community correctional facility includes a facility for the judicially required detention or incarceration of people who are under twenty four (24) hour supervision by sworn officers except when on an approved leave, confinement of offenders where force may be used to restrain them if they attempt to leave the institution without authorization, twenty four (24) hour supervision and confinement for youth offenders committed to the division for custody and rehabilitation, or services for parole violating offenders and/or noncompliant probationers.
COMMUNITY CORRECTIONAL FACILITY, LARGE: A "community correctional facility" as defined in this chapter that provides temporary occupancy for more than thirty (30) individuals exclusive of staff. Large community correctional facilities, as either principal or accessory uses, may be allowed as a conditional use, pursuant to the provisions of chapter 21A.54 of this title, and pursuant to subsections 21A.36.110B, E and F of this title and pursuant to section 21A.33.040 of this title.
COMMUNITY CORRECTIONAL FACILITY, SMALL: A "community correctional facility" as defined in this chapter that provides temporary occupancy for up to thirty (30) individuals exclusive of staff. Small community correctional facilities, as either principal or accessory uses, may be allowed as a conditional use, pursuant to the provisions of chapter 21A.54 of this title, pursuant to subsections 21A.36.110B, E and F of this title and pursuant to sections 21A.33.030 and 21A.33.040 of this title.
COMMUNITY GARDEN: An area of land managed and maintained by an identifiable group of community members used to grow and harvest food crops and/or nonfood, ornamental crops such as flowers, for personal or group use, consumption, donation, or sale, or for educational purposes. Generally operated as not for profit, limited sales and events may also occur on the site to fund the gardening activities and other charitable purposes. Private use of private land (not intended to benefit the community at large) and horticultural activities by the city on city owned land do not constitute community garden use.
COMMUNITY RECREATION CENTER: A place, structure, area, or other facility used for and providing social or recreational programs generally open to the public and designed to accommodate and serve segments of the community.
COMPATIBLE LAND USE: A use of land and/or building(s) that, in terms of development intensity, building coverage, design, bulk and occupancy, traffic generation, parking requirements, access and circulation, site improvements, and public facilities and service demands, is consistent with and similar to neighboring uses and does not adversely affect the quality of life of persons in surrounding or nearby buildings.
COMPOSTING: A method of solid waste management whereby the organic component of the waste stream is biologically decomposed under controlled conditions to a state in which the end product or compost can be safely handled, stored or applied to the land without adversely affecting human health or the environment.
CONCRETE AND/OR ASPHALT MANUFACTURING: A use engaged in making and delivering "ready mix" type concrete and asphalt from batch plant operations. This use excludes cement manufacturing.
CONDITIONAL USE: A land use that because of its unique characteristics or potential impact on the Municipality, surrounding neighbors or adjacent land uses may not be compatible in some area or may be compatible only if certain conditions are required that mitigate or eliminate the detrimental impacts.
CONDOMINIUM: Property or portions thereof conforming to the definitions set forth in section 57-8-3, Utah Code Annotated, 1953, as amended, or its successor. (See title 20, chapter 20.56 of this Code.)
CONDOMINIUM OWNERSHIP ACT OF 1975 OR ACT: The provisions of chapter 8 of title 57 of Utah Code Annotated, as amended in 1975. (See title 20, chapter 20.56 of this Code.)
CONTRACTOR'S YARD/OFFICE: A use that provides construction businesses with a base of operations that can include office space and indoor/outdoor storage of construction equipment or materials used by the construction business. This use excludes salvage or recycling operations.
CONTRIBUTING STRUCTURE: A structure or site within the H historic preservation overlay district that has been determined through the process outlined in Section 21A.51.040, or an adopted historic resource survey, or Subsection 21A.34.020.D, to generally retain historic integrity. When analyzing historic integrity of a building as part of a local historic district, the collective historic value of the buildings and structures in a local historic district taken together may be greater than the historic value of each individual building or structure in a district. A contributing structure generally has its major character defining features intact and although minor alterations may have occurred, they are generally reversible.
CONVENT/ MONASTERY: The dwelling place for a community of persons bound by vows to a religious order or congregation.
CONVENTION CENTER: A facility designed for conventions, conferences, seminars, product displays, recreation activities, and entertainment functions, along with accessory functions including temporary outdoor displays, and food and beverage preparation and service for on premises consumption.
CONVERSION: A proposed change in the type of ownership of a parcel or parcels of land, together with the existing attached structures, from single ownership of said parcel, such as an apartment house or multi-family dwelling, into that defined as a condominium project or other ownership arrangement involving separate ownership of individual units combined with joint collective ownership of common areas, facilities or elements. (See title 20, chapter 20.56 of this Code.)
CORNER BUILDING: A building, the structure of which rises above the ground within one hundred feet (100') of a block corner on the street face and one hundred feet (100') in depth.
A. As applied to funeral homes or mortuaries: A dedicated area within a licensed funeral home or mortuary building, or an accessory building of a licensed funeral home or mortuary, wherein human remains are cremated in a cremation retort.
B. As applied to pets: A dedicated area within a building approved for animal cremation service or an accessory building of an approved animal cremation service use wherein dead animals are cremated in a cremation retort.
CRITICAL ROOT ZONE: The area of soil surrounding a tree, where roots critical to the tree's health and survival are likely to be present.
DATA CENTER: An establishment that centralizes information technology operations and equipment for the purposes of storing, processing, and disseminating data and applications.
DAYCARE CENTER, ADULT: A nonmedical facility for the daytime care of adults who, due to advanced age, handicap or impairment, require assistance and/or supervision during the day by staff.
DAYCARE CENTER, CHILD: An establishment providing care to any number of children at any one time, as allowed by state regulations, separated from their parents or guardians. This includes hourly centers, commercial centers, and preschools. “Child Daycare Center” does not include: (i) home daycares; or (ii) care provided in a facility or program exempt under Utah State Code.
DAYCARE, CHILD: Persons, associations, corporations, institutions or agencies providing on a regular basis care and supervision (regardless of educational emphasis) to children separated from their parents or guardians, as allowed by state regulations.
DAYCARE, HOME: A use providing educational and/or daycare opportunities for children located within a building intended for residential use that is licensed or registered by the State of Utah.
DECIBEL: A logarithmic and dimensionless unit of measure of ten (10) used to describe the amplitude of sound. Decibel is denoted as "dB".
DECK: A platform sitting above finished grade and supported on the ground.
DEMOLITION (AS IT APPLIES TO PROPERTIES WITHIN THE H HISTORIC PRESERVATION OVERLAY DISTRICT): Any act or process which destroys a structure, object or property within the H Historic Preservation Overlay District or a landmark site. (See definition of demolition, partial.)
DEMOLITION, PARTIAL (AS IT APPLIES TO PROPERTIES WITHIN THE H HISTORIC PRESERVATION OVERLAY DISTRICT): Partial demolition includes any act which destroys a portion of a structure consisting of not more than twenty five percent (25%) of the floor area of the structure, and where the portion of the structure to be demolished is not readily visible from the street. Partial demolition also includes the demolition or removal of additions or materials not of the historic period on any exterior elevation exceeding twenty five percent (25%) when the demolition is part of an act of restoring original historic elements of a structure and/or restoring a structure to its historical mass and size.
DESIGN CAPACITY: The maximum occupancy of a building or structure based on the fire and/or building code, whichever allows occupancy by a larger group of people.
DESIGN REVIEW: A design that is allowed only after review and approval as set forth in chapter 21A.59 of this title, which includes a comprehensive evaluation of a development and its impact on neighboring properties and the community as a whole, from the standpoint of site and landscape design, height, setbacks, front facade glass, architecture, materials, colors, lighting and signs in accordance with a set of adopted criteria and standards.
DEVELOPMENT: The carrying out of any building activity, the making of any material change in the use or appearance of any structure or land, or the dividing of land into parcels by any person. The following activities or uses shall be taken for the purposes of these regulations to involve "development":
A. The construction of any principal building or structure;
B. Increase in the intensity of use of land, such as an increase in the number of dwelling units or an increase in nonresidential use intensity that requires additional parking;
C. Alteration of a shore or bank of a pond, river, stream, lake or other waterway;
D. Commencement of drilling (except to obtain soil samples), the driving of piles, or excavation on a parcel of land;
E. Demolition of a structure;
F. Clearing of land as an adjunct of construction, including clearing or removal of vegetation and including any significant disturbance of vegetation or soil manipulation; and
G. Deposit of refuse, solid or liquid waste, or fill on a parcel of land.
The following operations or uses shall not be taken for the purpose of these regulations to involve "development":
A. Work by a highway or road agency or railroad company for the maintenance of a road or railroad track, if the work is carried out on land within the boundaries of the right-of-way;
B. Utility installations as stated in Subsection 21A.02.050B of this title;
C. Landscaping for residential uses; and
D. Work involving the maintenance of existing landscaped areas and existing rights-of-way such as setbacks and other planting areas.
DEVELOPMENT PATTERN: The development pattern standard applies to principal building height and wall height, attached garage placement and width, detached garage placement, height, wall height, and footprint size. A development pattern shall be established when three (3) or more existing structures are identified to establish the pattern, or in the case that three (3) structures constitutes more than fifty percent (50%) of the structures on the block face fifty percent (50%) of the structures shall establish a pattern.
DIAMETER AT BREAST HEIGHT (dbh): The dimension of the diameter of a tree trunk measured at a distance of 4 feet 6 inches from the ground.
DISTRIBUTION CENTER: A facility that is used for the receipt of products and the storage, separation, and distribution of those products on an individual basis to individual end-user consumers. This includes e-commerce activities. A distribution center is not a retail goods establishment. The term "distribution center" does not include accessory distribution that is subordinate and incidental to a primary land use (e.g., manufacturing, industrial assembly, or other type of primary commercial or industrial use).
DISTRICT PLAN AND DESIGN STANDARDS: Proposed design standards and provides for review of site plans in Character Conservation Districts, to ensure that the character and distinctive features of these districts are maintained and reinforced by new construction.
DORMER: An extension built out from a sloping roof to accommodate a vertical window. A dormer has a small gabled or shed roof, and is secondary to the primary roof. A dormer is contained entirely within the primary roof structure.
DRIVE APPROACH: An area in the right-of-way intended to provide access for vehicles from the right-of-way to private property, including the curb return radius.
DRIVE-THROUGH FACILITY: A facility which by design, physical facilities, service or packaging procedures, encourages or permits customers to transact business, receive services or goods, or be entertained while remaining in their motor vehicles.
DRIVEWAY: A road or paved area on private property providing vehicular access to parking.
DROP FORGE INDUSTRY: A facility used for forging metal between two (2) dies, one of which is fixed, the other acting by gravity or by steam or hydraulic pressure.
DWELLING: A building or portion thereof, which is designated for residential purposes of a family for occupancy on a monthly basis and which is a self-contained unit with kitchen and bathroom facilities. The term "dwelling" excludes living space within hotels, bed and breakfast establishments, shared housing developments boarding houses and lodging houses.
DWELLING, ACCESSORY GUEST AND SERVANTS' QUARTERS: Accessory living quarters with or without kitchen facilities located on the same lot as the principal use and meeting all yard and bulk requirements of the applicable district.
DWELLING, ACCESSORY UNIT (ADU): A type of accessory use that includes a residential unit located on the same lot as a separate principal use, either within the principal structure or within a separate accessory structure. The accessory dwelling unit shall be a complete housekeeping unit with a shared or separate entrance, and separate kitchen, sleeping area, closet space, and bathroom facilities.
DWELLING, ACCESSORY UNIT (DETACHED): An accessory dwelling unit located wholly within a structure that is accessory to the principal use and buildings on a lot or parcel.
DWELLING, ACCESSORY UNIT (INTERNAL): An accessory dwelling unit created:
A. Within a primary building; and
B. For the purpose of offering a long-term rental of 30 consecutive days or longer.
DWELLING, ASSISTED LIVING FACILITY (LARGE): A residential facility, occupied by seventeen (17) or more individuals, licensed by the State of Utah under Title 26, Chapter 21 of the Utah Code or its successor, that provides healthcare and assistance with activities of daily living and social care, including hospice care and respite care, as defined in Utah Code Section 26-21-2 or its successor.
DWELLING, ASSISTED LIVING FACILITY (LIMITED CAPACITY): A residential facility, occupied by two (2) to five (5) individuals, licensed by the State of Utah under title 26, chapter 21 of the Utah Code or its successor, that provides healthcare and assistance with activities of daily living and social care, including hospice care and respite care, as defined in Utah Code section 26-21-2 or its successor.
DWELLING, ASSISTED LIVING FACILITY (SMALL): A residential facility, occupied by six (6) to sixteen (16) individuals, licensed by the State of Utah under title 26, chapter 21 of the Utah Code or its successor, that provides healthcare and assistance with activities of daily living and social care, including hospice care and respite care, as defined in Utah Code section 26-21-2 or its successor.
DWELLING, CONGREGATE CARE FACILITY (LARGE): A facility that provides temporary housing and assistance to seven (7) or more individuals, and/or their family members, who are suffering from a life-threatening illness, or injury, while they are receiving medical treatment. The term "congregate care facility (large)" does not include places of worship, social and community services organizations, homeless shelters, homeless resource centers, assisted living facilities, community dining halls, group home dwellings, residential support dwellings, and other similar facilities.
DWELLING, CONGREGATE CARE FACILITY (SMALL): A facility that provides temporary housing and assistance to up to six (6) individuals, which includes any family members, who are suffering from a life-threatening illness, or injury, while they are receiving medical treatment. The term "congregate care facility (small)" does not include places of worship, social and community services organizations, homeless shelters, homeless resource centers, assisted living facilities, community dining halls, group home dwellings, residential support dwellings, and other similar facilities.
DWELLING, COTTAGE DEVELOPMENT: A cottage development is a unified development that contains a minimum of two and a maximum of eight detached dwelling units with each unit appearing to be a small single-family dwelling with a common green or open space. Dwellings may be located on separate lots or grouped on one lot.
DWELLING, FOUR-FAMILY: A detached building containing four dwelling units.
DWELLING, FRATERNITY, SORORITY: A building which is occupied only by a group of university or college students who receive lodging and/or meals on the premises in exchange for compensation, and are associated together in a fraternity/sorority that is officially recognized by the university or college and that has a national affiliation.
DWELLING, GROUP HOME (LARGE): A residential treatment facility, occupied by seven (7) or more individuals, licensed by the State of Utah under title 62A, chapter 2 of the Utah Code or its successor that provides a twenty four (24) hour group living environment for individuals unrelated to the owner or provider that offers room or board and specialized treatment, behavior modification, rehabilitation, discipline, emotional growth, or habilitation services for persons with emotional, psychological, developmental, or behavioral dysfunctions, impairments, or chemical dependencies. A group home dwelling includes a recovery residence, but does not include a boarding school or foster home as defined in title 62A, chapter 2 of the Utah Code or its successor, or a residential support dwelling as defined in this chapter.
DWELLING, GROUP HOME (SMALL): A residential treatment facility, occupied by two (2) to six (6) individuals, licensed by the State of Utah under title 62A, chapter 2 of the Utah Code or its successor that provides a twenty four (24) hour group living environment for individuals unrelated to the owner or provider that offers room or board and specialized treatment, behavior modification, rehabilitation, discipline, emotional growth, or habilitation services for persons with emotional, psychological, developmental, or behavioral dysfunctions, impairments, or chemical dependencies. A group home dwelling includes a recovery residence, but does not include a boarding school or foster home as defined in title 62A, chapter 2 of the Utah Code or its successor, or a residential support dwelling as defined in this chapter.
DWELLING, LIVING QUARTERS FOR CARETAKER OR SECURITY GUARD: A residence, secondary and accessory to a principal use for persons employed principally on site for purposes of care and protection of persons, property, plants, animals, equipment, or other circumstances on site or on contiguous lots under the same ownership.
DWELLING, MANUFACTURED HOME: A dwelling transportable in one or more sections, which is built on a permanent chassis and is designed for use with or without a permanent foundation. A manufactured home dwelling shall be connected to all utilities required for permanent dwellings and shall be certified under the National Manufactured Housing Construction and Safety Standards Act of 1974. A manufactured home dwelling is a type of manufactured home that is considered a single-family dwelling for the purposes of this title. (See definition of dwelling, mobile home.)
DWELLING, MOBILE HOME: A transportable, factory built home, designed as a year round residential dwelling and built prior to June 15, 1976, the effective date of the National Manufactured Housing Construction and Safety Standards Act of 1974. The following are not included in the mobile home definition:
A. Travel trailers, motor homes, camping trailers, or other recreational vehicles.
B. Manufactured and modular housing designed to be set on a permanent foundation.
DWELLING, MULTI-FAMILY: A building containing three (3) or more dwellings on a single lot. For purposes of determining whether a lot is in multiple-family dwelling use, the following considerations shall apply:
A. Multiple-family dwelling uses may involve dwelling units intended to be rented and maintained under central ownership or management, or cooperative apartments, condominiums and the like.
B. Any multiple-family dwelling in which dwelling units are available for rental or lease for periods of less than one month shall be considered a hotel/motel.
DWELLING, RESIDENTIAL SUPPORT (LARGE): A residential facility, occupied by seven (7) or more unrelated individuals, licensed by the State of Utah under title 62A, chapter 2 of the Utah Code or its successor which provides the necessities of life as a protective service to individuals or families who have a disability or who are experiencing a dislocation or emergency that prevents them from providing these services for themselves or their families.
DWELLING, RESIDENTIAL SUPPORT (SMALL): A residential facility, occupied by up to six (6) unrelated individuals, licensed by the State of Utah under title 62A, chapter 2 of the Utah Code or its successor which provides the necessities of life as a protective service to individuals or families who have a disability or who are experiencing a dislocation or emergency that prevents them from providing these services for themselves or their families.
DWELLING, ROOMING (BOARDING) HOUSE: A building or group of attached or detached buildings containing in combination at least three (3) lodging units for occupancy on at least a monthly basis, with or without board, as distinguished from hotels and motels in which rentals are generally for daily or weekly periods and occupancy is by transients.
DWELLING, ROW HOUSE: A series of attached single-family dwellings that share at least one common wall with an adjacent dwelling unit and where the entry of each unit faces a public street. Units may be stacked vertically and/or attached horizontally. Each attached unit may be on its own lot.
DWELLING, SIDEWAYS ROW HOUSE: A series of attached single-family dwellings that share at least one common wall with an adjacent dwelling unit and where the entry of each unit faces a side yard as opposed to the front yard. Units may be stacked vertically and/or attached horizontally. Each attached unit may be on its own lot.
DWELLING, SINGLE-FAMILY: A detached building containing only one dwelling unit surrounded by yards that is built on site or is a modular home dwelling that resembles site built dwellings. Mobile homes, travel trailers, housing mounted on self- propelled or drawn vehicles, tents, or other forms of temporary housing or portable housing are not included in this definition. All living areas of a single-family dwelling shall be accessible and occupied by the entire family.
DWELLING, SINGLE-FAMILY ATTACHED: A dwelling unit that is attached via a common party side wall to at least one other such dwelling and where at least three (3) such dwellings are connected together.
DWELLING, THREE-FAMILY: A detached building containing three dwelling units.
DWELLING, TWIN HOME: A building containing one dwelling separated from one other dwelling by a vertical party wall. Such a dwelling shall be located on its own individual lot.
DWELLING, TWO- FAMILY: A detached building containing two (2) dwelling units on a single lot.
ECONOMIC HARDSHIP: Denial of a property owner of all reasonable beneficial or economically viable use of a property without just compensation.
ELEVATION AREA: The area or portion thereof (in square feet) of an architectural elevation of one side of a building.
EMERGENCY MEDICAL SERVICE FACILITY: A facility or licensed healthcare provider providing emergency medical or dental or similar examination, diagnosis, treatment and care on an outpatient basis only. An emergency medical service facility shall not provide twenty four (24) hour service unless it meets all zoning requirements applicable to hospitals.EQUIPMENT RENTAL (INDOOR AND/OR OUTDOOR):A use involving the rental of equipment including tools, lawn and garden equipment, party supplies and similar goods and equipment, including storage and incidental maintenance. This term excludes heavy construction vehicles and equipment.
EXCESS DWELLING UNIT: A dwelling unit which is not permitted by zoning regulations applicable to the property where the unit is located and which is not a legal nonconforming use recognized by the City.
EXHIBITION HALL: A facility used to house exhibits and displays, where individuals and groups gather to view exhibits, promote and share common interests.
EXPLOSIVE MANUFACTURING AND STORAGE: A use engaged in making and storage of explosive devices, but excluding explosive materials wholesale distributors.
EXTRACTIVE INDUSTRY: An establishment engaged in the on site extraction of surface or subsurface mineral products or natural resources. Typical extractive industries are quarries, barrow pits, sand and gravel operations, oil and gas extraction, and mining operations.
FAIRGROUND: A use including, but not limited to: agricultural related office buildings, animal shows and judging, carnivals, circuses, community meeting or recreational buildings and uses, concerts, food booths and stands, games, rides, rodeos, sales and auctions, storage, theaters.
A. One or more persons related by blood, marriage, adoption, or legal guardianship, including foster children, living together as a single housekeeping unit in a dwelling unit; or
B. A group of not more than three (3) persons not related by blood, marriage, adoption, or legal guardianship living together as a single housekeeping unit in a dwelling unit; or
C. Two (2) unrelated persons and their children living together as a single housekeeping unit in a dwelling unit.
The term "family" shall not be construed to mean a club, group home, residential support dwelling, a lodge or a fraternity/sorority house.
FARMERS' MARKET: An establishment for the sale of fresh produce and related food items, which may have outdoor storage and sales. A farmers' market may provide space for one or more vendors.
FEE SCHEDULE: The Salt Lake City consolidated fee schedule which, among other things, shows the fees required in connection with applications for a zoning amendment, a special exception, a conditional use, a zoning certificate, a certificate of occupancy, sign certificate, or any other type of approval required by the provisions of this title.
FENCE: A structure erected to provide privacy or security which defines a private space and may enhance the design of individual sites. A wall or similar barrier shall be deemed a fence.
FENCE, ELECTRIC SECURITY: "Electric security fence" means a fence designed to protect a property or properties from intrusion by means of conducting an electric current along one or more wires thereof so that a person or animal touching any such wire or wires will receive an electric shock.
FENCE, OPAQUE OR SOLID: An artificially constructed solid or opaque barrier that blocks the transmission of at least ninety five percent (95%) of light and visibility through the fence, and is erected to screen areas from public streets and abutting properties.
FENCE, OPEN: An artificially constructed barrier that blocks the transmission of a maximum of fifty percent (50%) of light and visibility through the fence, and is erected to separate private property from public rights of way and abutting properties.
FINANCIAL INSTITUTION: A building, property or activity, the principal use or purpose of which is the provision of financial services, including, but not limited to, banks, facilities for automated teller machines (ATMs), credit unions, savings and loan institutions, stock brokerages and mortgage companies. "Financial institution" shall not include any use or other type of institution which is otherwise listed in the table of permitted and conditional uses for each category of zoning district or districts under this title.
FIXED DIMENSIONAL STANDARDS: Numerical maximum or minimum conditions which govern the development on a site.
FLAG LOT: A lot of irregular configuration in which an access strip (a strip of land of a width less than the required lot width) connects the main body of the lot to the street frontage. (See illustration in section 21A.62.050 of this chapter.)
FLAMMABLE LIQUIDS OR GASES, HEATING FUEL DISTRIBUTION AND STORAGE: A type of wholesale distributor engaged in supplying flammable liquids, gases and/or heating fuel.
FLEA MARKET (INDOOR): A building devoted to the indoor sales of new and used merchandise by independent vendors with individual stalls, tables, or other spaces.
FLEA MARKET (OUTDOOR): An outdoor area devoted to the periodic outdoor sales of new and used merchandise by independent vendors with individual stalls, tables, or other spaces.
FLOOR AREA, GROSS: "Gross floor area" (for determining size of establishment) means the sum of the gross horizontal area of all floors of the building measured from the exterior face of the exterior walls or from the centerline of walls separating two (2) buildings. The floor area of a building shall include basement floor area, penthouses, attic space having headroom of seven feet (7') or more, interior balconies and mezzanines, enclosed porches, and floor area devoted to accessory uses. Space devoted to open air off street parking or loading shall not be included in floor area.
The floor area of structures devoted to bulk storage of materials including, but not limited to, grain elevators and petroleum storage tanks, shall be determined on the basis of height in feet (i.e., 10 feet in height shall equal 1 floor).
FLOOR AREA, USABLE: "Usable floor area" (for determining off street parking and loading requirements) means the sum of the gross horizontal areas of all floors of the building, as measured from the outside of the exterior walls, devoted to the principal use, including accessory storage areas located within selling or working space such as counters, racks, or closets, and any floor area devoted to retailing activities, to the production or processing of goods or to business or professional offices. Floor area for the purposes of measurement for off street parking spaces shall not include:
A. Floor area devoted primarily to mechanical equipment or unfinished storage areas;
B. Floor area devoted to off street parking or loading facilities, including aisles, ramps, and maneuvering space.
FOOD PROCESSING: Manufacturing establishment producing or processing food and related products for consumption.
FOOTPRINT: The measurement of lot area covered by a building, including cantilevered portions of the building.
FUEL DISPENSING FACILITY: A stationary facility consisting of one or more fuel storage tanks and associated equipment, which receive, store, and dispense fuel for private use and not for sale to the public.
FUGITIVE DUST: Solid airborne particulate matter emitted from any source other than through a stack or chimney.
FUNERAL HOME OR MORTUARY: An establishment where the activities necessary for the care and custody of the dead, including: refrigeration, embalming; cremation; other necessary care; viewings; wakes; funerals; and other rites and ceremonies consistent with the proper final disposition of the dead, are conducted.
GARAGE: An accessory building or portion of a building designed or used for the storage of vehicles used by the occupants of the principal building.
GARAGE, ATTACHED: A garage that is attached to the principal building by a common wall or is connected to the principal building by a roof that has a width of five feet (5') or more. An attached garage shall be considered part of the principal building.
GAS STATION: A principal building site and structures for selling and dispensing motor fuels or other petroleum products.
GENERAL PLAN: The comprehensive plan for Salt Lake City adopted by the City Council.
GOLF COURSE: An outdoor area of land laid out for golf with a series of holes each including tee, fairway and putting green and often one or more natural or artificial hazards. A golf course may also consist of a club house or building where activities associated with golf take place including retail sales and/or services, a café venue where meals are prepared and served, an office and area where private or public events and other similar activities associated with a golf course takes place.
GOVERNMENT FACILITY REQUIRING SPECIAL DESIGN FEATURES FOR SECURITY PURPOSES: A building or structure owned, operated, or occupied by a governmental agency to provide a governmental service to the public. Such facility has the necessity of augmented security features. This type of facility does not include those of an industrial nature or prisons.
GOVERNMENT OFFICE: A building or structure used primarily for office use that is owned, operated, or occupied by a governmental agency to provide a governmental service to the public.
GOVERNMENTAL FACILITY: State or Federal government operations providing services from specialized facilities, such as the Highway Department Maintenance/Construction, State Police and Federal Bureau of Investigation, etc. Local government operations providing services from specialized facilities, such as road maintenance/construction, equipment and materials storage, greenhouses, etc. Local government operations providing services from nonspecialized facilities shall be considered office uses. State or Federal operations providing services from nonspecialized facilities shall also be considered office uses.
GRADE, ESTABLISHED: The grade of a property prior to the most recent proposed development or construction activity. On developed lots, the Zoning Administrator shall estimate established grade if not readily apparent, by referencing elevations at points where the developed area appears to meet the undeveloped portions of the land. The estimated grade shall tie into the elevation and slopes of adjoining properties without creating a need for new retaining wall, abrupt differences in the visual slope and elevation of the land, or redirecting the flow of runoff water.
GRADE, FINISHED: "Finished grade" means the final grade of a site after reconfiguring grades according to an approved site plan related to the most recent building permit activity on a site.
GRADE, NATURAL: The elevation of the surface of the ground which has been created through the action of natural forces and has not resulted from manmade cuts, fills, excavation grading or similar earthmoving processes.
GRAIN ELEVATOR: A storage area or structure where grain products are temporarily stored for transfer to trucks, train cars, or other forms of transportation.
GREENHOUSE: A temporary or permanent accessory structure typically made of, but not limited to, glass, plastic, or fiberglass in which plants are cultivated.
GROUND COVER: Any perennial plant material species that generally does not exceed 12 inches in height, stabilizes soils and protects against erosion, and covers 100% of the ground all year.
GROUND MOUNTED UTILITY BOXES: Such equipment and facilities, including pedestals, boxes, cabinets, meters or other ground mounted facilities and associated equipment that extend over six inches (6") above ground level used for the transmission or distribution of utilities.
GUEST: Any person hiring or occupying a room for living or sleeping purposes.
HARD SURFACED: A concrete, asphalt, brick, stone turf block, or other surface approved by the city engineer that is suitable for vehicle traffic.
HAZARDOUS WASTE PROCESSING OR STORAGE: A facility that treats, stores, recycles, incinerates or transfers hazardous waste. Hazardous waste shall include any waste material that is subject to Utah Code title 19.
HEALTH AND FITNESS FACILITY: A business or membership organization providing exercise facilities and/or nonmedical personal services to patrons, including, but not limited to, gymnasiums (except facilities owned by a governmental entity), private clubs (athletic, health, or recreational), reducing salons, tanning salons, and weight control establishments.
HEAVY MANUFACTURING: The assembly, fabrication, or processing of goods and materials using processes that ordinarily have greater than average impacts on the environment, or that ordinarily have significant impacts on the use and enjoyment of adjacent property in terms of noise, smoke, fumes, odors, glare, or health and safety hazards, or that otherwise do not constitute "light manufacturing". Heavy manufacturing generally includes processing and fabrication of large or bulky products, products made from extracted or raw materials, or products involving flammable or explosive materials and processes which require extensive floor areas or land areas for the fabrication and/or incidental storage of the products. The term "heavy manufacturing" shall include uses such as refineries and chemical manufacturing. The term "heavy manufacturing" shall not include any use which is otherwise listed specifically in the table of permitted and conditional uses for the category of zoning district or districts under this title.
HEIGHT, BUILDING - MEASURED FROM ESTABLISHED GRADE: The vertical distance between the top of the roof and established grade at any given point of building coverage (see Illustration A in Section 21A.62.050 of this chapter).
HEIGHT, BUILDING - MEASURED FROM FINISHED GRADE: The vertical distance, measured from the average elevation of the finished grade at each face of the building, to the highest point of the coping of a flat roof or to the deck line of a mansard roof or to the average height of the highest gable of a pitch or hip roof (see Illustration B in section 21A.62.050 of this chapter).
HEIGHT, EXTERIOR WALL: The vertical distance of any building wall measured from finished grade to the top of the wall plate.
HELIPORT: A facility or structure that is intended or used for the landing and takeoff of rotary wing aircraft, but not including the regular repair or maintenance of such aircraft or the sale of goods or materials to users of such aircraft.
HISTORIC BUILDINGS OR SITES: Those buildings or sites listed on the National Register of Historic Places.
HISTORIC DESIGN GUIDELINES: The historic design guidelines provide guidance in determining the suitability and architectural compatibility of proposed maintenance, repair, alteration or new construction while at the same time, allowing for reasonable changes that meet current needs of properties located within the H Historic Preservation Overlay District. For architects, designers, contractors and property owners, they provide guidance in planning and designing future projects. For city staff and the historic landmark commission, they provide guidance for the interpretation of the zoning ordinance standards. Design guidelines are officially adopted by city council.
HISTORIC INTEGRITY: The ability of a property to convey its historical associations or attributes. As defined by the National Park Service, the following aspects or qualities, in various combinations, define historic integrity:
Location- Location is the place where the historic property was constructed or the place where a historic event occurred.
Design: Design is the combination of elements that create the form, plan, space, structure, and style of a property.
Setting: Setting is the physical environment of a historic property.
Materials: Materials are the physical elements that were combined or deposited during a particular period of time and in a particular pattern or configuration to form a historic property.
Workmanship: Workmanship is the physical evidence of the crafts of a particular culture or people during any given period in history.
Feeling: Feeling is a property's expression of the aesthetic or historic sense of a particular period of time.
Association: Association is the direct link between an important historic event or person and a historic property.
HISTORIC LANDMARK COMMISSION: The Historic Landmark Commission of Salt Lake City, Utah. (See section 21A.06.050 of this title.)
HISTORIC RESOURCE SURVEY: A systematic resource for identifying and evaluating the quantity and quality of historic resources for land use planning purposes following the guidelines and forms of the Utah State Historic Preservation Office. Historic resource surveys shall be prepared by a qualified professional meeting the minimum professional qualifications defined by the U.S. National Park Service in the fields of history, archeology, architectural history, architecture, or historic architecture.
HISTORIC SITE: See definition of landmark site.
HOME OCCUPATION: A business, profession, occupation, or trade conducted for gain or support and located and conducted within a dwelling unit subject to the regulations set forth in Section 21A.36.030 of this title.
HOMELESS RESOURCE CENTER: A building or portion thereof which contains sleeping facilities for those experiencing homeless and operates year round. The facility may contain related services such as bathing, eating, laundry facilities, housing case management, medical care and treatment; behavioral and mental health counseling; employment counseling; educational instruction, and/or vocational training as defined in Utah State Code or its successor.
HOMELESS RESOURCE CENTER (TEMPORARY): A building or portion thereof which contains sleeping facilities for no more than one hundred fifty (150) people per night experiencing homelessness and operates for no more than one hundred eighty (180) consecutive days or a total of one hundred eighty (180) days in a calendar year between October 1 and April 30th of the following year. The facility may contain related services such as bathing, eating, laundry facilities, housing case management, medical care and treatment; behavioral and mental health counseling; employment counseling; educational instruction, and/or vocational training as defined in Utah State Code or its successor.
HOOP HOUSE: A temporary or permanent accessory structure typically made of, but not limited to, piping or other material covered with translucent plastic, constructed in a "half round" or "hoop" shape, for the purposes of growing plants. A hoop house is considered more temporary than a greenhouse.
HOSPICE: A program of care for the terminally ill and their families which occurs in a home or in a healthcare facility and which provides medical, palliative, psychological, spiritual, and supportive care and treatment.
HOSPITAL, INCLUDING ACCESSORY LODGING FACILITY: An institution licensed by the State of Utah specializing in giving clinical, temporary, or emergency services of a medical or surgical nature to human patients.
HOTEL/MOTEL: An establishment providing, for a fee, sleeping accommodations and customary lodging services, including maid service, the furnishing and upkeep of furniture and bed linens, and telephone and desk service. Related ancillary uses may include, but shall not be limited to, conference and meeting rooms, restaurants, reception centers, and recreational facilities.
HUNTING CLUB, DUCK: Private association organized to participate in duck hunting activities on private property.
HYDROZONES: In a landscape, when plants with similar water needs are grouped together and irrigated together for the purpose of using water efficiently. A hydrozone may be irrigated or nonirrigated. Hydrozones and applicable plants are further defined in the "Salt Lake City Plant List and Hydrozone Schedule".
IMPACT MITIGATION PLAN: A report provided by an inland port land use applicant that identifies all potential detrimental impacts that may be produced by an inland port use. The impact mitigation report includes the topics required in section 21A.34.150 of this title and any other information deemed necessary by the Planning Director for the Planning Commission to evaluate the detrimental impacts identified in chapter 21A.54 of this title.
IMPERVIOUS SURFACE: Any material that substantially reduces or prevents the infiltration of stormwater directly into the ground, including: asphalt, concrete, pavers, and brick.
IMPOUND LOT: A facility that provides temporary storage for vehicles that are to be claimed by titleholders or their agents.
INCINERATOR, MEDICAL WASTE/HAZARDOUS WASTE: A device using heat, for the reduction of medical/hazardous waste materials, as defined by the State of Utah Division of Solid and Hazardous Waste.
INDUSTRIAL ASSEMBLY: An industrial use engaged in the fabrication of finished or partially finished products from component parts produced off site. Assembly use shall not entail metal stamping, food processing, chemical processing or painting other than painting that is accessory to the assembly use.
INFILL: New development that occurs within an already developed area where building patterns and lot platting are already established.
INLAND PORT: The use of land as defined in Utah Code chapter 11-58 and its successor.
INLAND PORT LAND USE APPLICATION: Any application required by this title and any required building permits, utility permits, or other permits required by the City necessary to develop an inland port use.
INLAND PORT USE: A use of land that supports, promotes and depends on the proximity to the inland port as defined in Utah Code chapter 11-58 and its successor.
INSTITUTION: An organization or establishment providing religious, educational, charitable, medical, cultural or governmental services.
INTERMODAL TRANSIT PASSENGER HUB: A publicly owned and operated central transit passenger transfer facility servicing rail, bus, shuttle, limousine, taxis, bicyclists and pedestrians and may include, but is not limited to, the following complementary land uses such as offices, restaurants, retail sales and services, bus line terminals, bus line yards and repair facilities, limousine service and taxicab facilities.
INTERPRETATION: An administrative decision regarding the general provisions of this title to specific cases. Interpretations shall not include administrative decisions that will affect a permitted use, conditional use or nonconforming use.
INTERPRETATION, USE: An administrative decision of this title related to specific cases which affect permitted use or conditional use provisions within a specific district and affect nonconforming uses.
JAIL: A place for lawful confinement of persons. For the purpose of this title, a jail shall not include community correctional facilities and mental hospitals. A jail includes a facility for the judicially required detention or incarceration of people who are under twenty four (24) hour supervision by sworn officers, and confinement of offenders where force may be used to restrain them if they attempt to leave the institution without authorization.
JEWELRY FABRICATION: The production of jewelry from component materials, diamond cutting and related activities.
LABORATORY, MEDICAL RELATED: An establishment that performs research and analysis of medical tests and biologic samples collected for the purpose of medical diagnosis. A medical related laboratory is not a bio-medical facility.
LAND USE: The conduct of an activity, or the performance of a function or operation, on a site or in a building or facility for the purpose for which the land or building is occupied, or maintained, arranged, designed or intended.
LAND USE APPEAL AUTHORITY: The designated or appointed Land Use Appeals Hearing Officer(s) for Salt Lake City.
LAND USE APPLICANT: An individual or entity that submits a land use application. A land use applicant shall be the owner of the property or a designated representative of the owner.
LAND USE APPLICATION: An application required by this title for any process, development, or permit required by this title. A land use application does not include an application to create or modify a master plan or a zoning amendment.
LAND USE TYPE (SIMILAR LAND USE TYPE): Land uses shall be considered to be similar land use types, if the uses are listed as a permitted or conditional use in the same land use tables within chapter 21A.33 of this title and the uses have similar off street parking requirements as defined in chapter 21A.44, "Off Street Parking, Mobility And Loading", of this title.
LANDFILL: A Municipal, commercial or construction debris disposal facility where solid waste is placed in or on the land and which is not a land treatment facility. The term "landfill" does not include facilities where solid waste is applied onto or incorporated into the soil surface for the purpose of biodegradation.
LANDFILL, END USE PLAN: "End use plan landfill" means a plan showing how the site will be reused/reclaimed upon completion of landfill activities to allow for the productive and compatible reuse of the site.
LANDMARK SITE: Any historic site that has been designated in accordance with Subsection 21A.51.030.B or any site on the Salt Lake City Register of Cultural Resources. A landmark site includes an individual building, structure or feature or an integrated group of buildings, structures or features on a single site. Such sites are of exceptional importance to the city, state, region or nation and impart high artistic, historic or cultural values. A landmark site clearly conveys a sense of time and place and enables the public to interpret the historic character of the site. Landmark sites are subject to the regulations of Section 21A.34.020, the H Historic Preservation Overlay District.
LANDSCAPE AREA: That portion of a lot devoted exclusively to landscaping, except streets, drives and sidewalks may be located within such an area to provide reasonable access.
LANDSCAPE BUFFER: An area of natural or planted vegetation adjoining or surrounding a land use and unoccupied in its entirety by any building, structure, paving or portion of such land use, for the purposes of screening and softening the effects of the land use.
LANDSCAPE PLAN: The plan for landscaping required pursuant to chapter 21A.48 of this title.
LANDSCAPE YARD: That portion of a lot required to be maintained in landscape area.
LANDSCAPING: The improvement of a lot, parcel or tract of land with vegetation such as ornamental grass, shrubs and trees. Landscaping may include pedestrian walks, flowerbeds, ornamental objects such as fountains, statuary, and other similar natural and artificial objects designed and arranged to produce an aesthetically pleasing effect.
LATTICE TOWER: A self-supporting multiple sided, open steel frame structure used to support telecommunications equipment.
LAUNDRY, COMMERCIAL: An establishment primarily engaged in the provision of laundering, dry cleaning, or dyeing services other than retail services establishments. Typical uses include bulk laundry and cleaning plants, diaper services, and linen supply services.
LEGAL CONFORMING: A status conferred by a provision of this title which shall be limited to the regulation(s) contained within that provision. Legal conforming status allows the reconstruction of a destroyed use/structure to its level of use intensity and building bulk before destruction.
LIBRARY: A public, nonprofit facility in which literary, musical, artistic, or reference materials such as, but not limited to, books, manuscripts, computers, recordings, or films are kept for use by or loaning to patrons of the facility.
LIGHT MANUFACTURING: The assembly, fabrication or processing of goods and materials using processes that ordinarily do not create noise, smoke, fumes, odors, glare, or health or safety hazards outside of the building or lot where such assembly, fabrication or processing takes place or where such processes are housed entirely within a building. Light manufacturing generally includes processing and fabrication of finished products, predominantly from previously prepared materials, and includes processes which do not require extensive floor areas or land areas. The term "light manufacturing" shall include uses such as electronic equipment production and printing plants. The term "light manufacturing" shall not include any use which is otherwise listed specifically in the table of permitted and conditional uses for the category of zoning district or districts under this title.
LIMOUSINE SERVICE: A use that provides personal vehicular transportation for a fee, and operating by appointment only.
LIMOUSINE SERVICE (LARGE): A use that provides personal vehicular transportation for a fee, and operating by appointment only, utilizing four (4) or more vehicles.
LIMOUSINE SERVICE (SMALL): A use that provides personal vehicular transportation for a fee, and operating by appointment only, utilizing three (3) or less vehicles.
LOCAL HISTORIC DISTRICT: A contiguous geographically definable area with a minimum district size of one "block face", as defined in Section 21A.62.040, designated by the city council pursuant to the provisions in Subsection 21A.51.030.A, which contains buildings, structures, sites, objects, landscape features, archaeological sites and works of art, or a combination thereof, that contributes to the historic preservation goals of Salt Lake City. All properties within a local historic district are subject to the regulations of Section 21A.34.020 the H Historic Preservation Overlay District.
LOCALLY GROWN: Food crops and/or nonfood, ornamental crops, such as flowers that are grown within the state of Utah.
LOT: A piece of land identified on a plat of record or in a deed of record of Salt Lake County and of sufficient area and dimensions to meet district requirements for width, area, use and coverage, and to provide such yards and open space as are required and has been approved as a lot through the subdivision process. A lot may consist of combinations of adjacent individual lots and/or portions of lots so recorded; except that no division or combination of any residual lot, portion of lot, or parcel shall be created which does not meet the requirements of this title and the subdivision regulations of the city.
LOT AREA: The total area within the property lines of the lot plus one-half (½) the right of way area of an adjacent public alley.
LOT AREA, NET:"Net lot area" means the area within the property lines of a lot, excluding any right of way area of an adjacent public alley.
LOT, CORNER: "Corner lot" means a lot which has two (2) adjacent sides abutting on public streets, serving more than two (2) lots, provided the interior angle at the intersection of such two (2) sides is less than one hundred thirty five degrees (135°).
LOT DEPTH: The mean horizontal distance between the front lot line and the rear lot line of a lot, measured within the lot boundaries.
LOT, INTERIOR: "Interior lot" means a lot other than a corner lot.
LOT LINE, CORNER SIDE: "Corner side lot line" means any lot line between the front and rear lot lines which abuts a public street.
LOT LINE, FRONT: "Front lot line" means that boundary of a lot which is along an existing or dedicated public street, or where no public street exists, is along a public way. On corner lots, the property owner shall declare the front lot line and corner side yard line on a building permit application. In the case of landlocked land, the front lot line shall be the lot line that faces the access to the lot.
LOT LINE, INTERIOR SIDE: "Interior side lot line" means any lot line between the front and rear lot lines which does not abut a public street.
LOT LINE, REAR: "Rear lot line" means that boundary of a lot which is most distant from, and is, or is most nearly, parallel to, the front lot line.
LOT WIDTH: The horizontal distance between the side lot lines measured at the required front yard setback.
LOW IMPACT DEVELOPMENT (LID): Systems or practices that use or mimic natural processes that result in the infiltration, evapotranspiration, and/or use of stormwater to protect water quality and aquatic habitat.
MANUFACTURED/M OBILE HOME SALES AND SERVICE: A facility for the sale and service of manufactured/mobile homes.
MASTER PLAN: A portion of the long range general plan for Salt Lake City as adopted by the city council.
MEDICAL CANNABIS PHARMACY: An establishment as defined in Chapter 26-61a, Utah Code, as amended.
MEETING HALL OF MEMBERSHIP ORGANIZATION: A building designed for public assembly, containing at least one room for an association of persons for the promotion of a common objective, such as literature, science, politics, good fellowship, or community service, which meets regularly and is limited to formal written membership.
MID BLOCK AREA: An area of development not deemed to be a block corner.
MIXED USE DEVELOPMENT: A development that includes residential and nonresidential uses allowed in the zoning district, on the same site.
MOBILE FOOD BUSINESS: A business that serves food or beverages from a self- contained unit either motorized or in a trailer on wheels, and conducts all or part of its operations on premises other than its own and is readily movable, without disassembling, for transport to another location. The term "mobile food business" shall not include vending carts or mobile ice cream vendors.
MOBILE FOOD COURT: A parcel of land where two (2) or more mobile food businesses congregate to offer food or beverages for sale to the public. Any cluster of more than one mobile food business, vending cart and seasonal farm stand, located on the same parcel of land shall be considered a mobile food court.
MOBILE FOOD TRAILER: A mobile food business that serves food or beverages from a nonmotorized vehicle that is normally pulled behind a motorized vehicle. The term "mobile food trailer" shall not include vending carts, mobile food trucks or mobile ice cream vendors.
MOBILE FOOD TRUCK: A mobile food business that serves food or beverages from an enclosed self-contained motorized vehicle. The term "mobile food truck" shall not include vending carts, mobile food trailers or mobile ice cream vendors.
MOTEL/HOTEL: A building or buildings in which lodging units are offered for persons, for compensation by the day or the week.
MULCH: Any material such as rock, bark, compost, wood chips or other materials left loose and applied to the soil, for the purposes of suppressing weeds, moderating soil temperature, and preventing soil erosion.
MUNICIPAL SERVICE USES, INCLUDING CITY UTILITY USES AND POLICE AND FIRE STATIONS: City or County government operations and governmental authorities providing services from specialized facilities, such as police service, Street/Highway Department maintenance/construction, fire protection, sewer and water services, etc. City or County operations and governmental authorities providing services from nonspecialized facilities shall be considered office uses.
MUSEUM: An institution for the acquisition, preservation, study and exhibition of works of artistic, historical or scientific value and for which any sales relating to such exhibits are incidental and accessory to the exhibits presented.
NATURAL OPEN SPACE: Land in a predominantly open and undeveloped condition that is suitable for protection of sensitive environmental conditions such as aquifer recharge areas; floodplains, river, stream and riparian corridors, water bodies, wetlands, shorelands and uplands, geologically unique or sensitive areas, wildlife habitat, native plant communities and similar features.
NATURAL RESOURCE: A material supplied by nature excluding any material that has gone through a process to alter the material from its natural state, such as refined products, chemical products, or waste materials, other than collecting it from its natural setting and transporting to another location.
NEW CONSTRUCTION: On site erection, fabrication or installation of a principal building, structure, facility or addition thereto.
NONCOMPLYING LOT: A parcel of land which was legally established on the effective date of any amendment to this title that made the lot noncomplying that has less lot area, frontage or dimensions than required in the district in which it is located.
NONCOMPLYING STRUCTURE: Buildings and structures that serve complying land uses which were legally established on the effective date of any amendment to this title that makes the structure not comply with the applicable yard area, height and/or bulk regulations of this title.
NONCONFORMING USE: Any building or land legally occupied by a use at the time of passage of the ordinance codified herein or amendment thereto which does not conform after passage of said ordinance or amendment thereto with the use regulations of the district in which located.
NONCONFORMITY: The presence of any nonconforming use or noncomplying structure.
NONCONTRIBUTING STRUCTURE: A structure or site within the H Historic Preservation Overlay District that has been determined noncontributing through the process outlined in Section 21A.51.040, or an adopted historic resource survey, or Subsection 21A.34.020.D, and does not retain historic integrity. The major character defining features have been so altered as to make the historic form, materials or details indistinguishable and such alterations are irreversible. Noncontributing structures may also include those rated out of period, and therefore, they are not representative of a period of significance as identified in an adopted historic resource survey.
NON-RESIDENTIAL USE: Lands, buildings or structures or portions thereof used or designed or intended for uses other than a residential use, including, but not limited to, commercial, industrial and institutional uses.
NOTICE OF COMPLIANCE: A written notice informing the person cited that the violation has been corrected.
NURSING CARE FACILITY: A healthcare facility licensed by the State of Utah under title 26, chapter 21 of the Utah Code, or its successor, other than a general acute or specialty hospital, constructed, licensed, and operated to provide patient living accommodations, twenty four (24) hour staff availability, and at least two (2) of the following patient services:
A. A selection of patient care services, under the direction and supervision of a registered nurse, ranging from continuous medical, skilled nursing, psychological, or other professional therapies to intermittent health related or paraprofessional personal care services;
B. A structured, supportive social living environment based on a professionally designed and supervised treatment plan, oriented to the individual's habilitation or rehabilitation needs; or
C. A supervised living environment that provides support, training, or assistance with individual activities of daily living.
OBSTRUCTION: A structure or appurtenance to a building that is located or projects into a required yard. Allowed obstructions are listed in section 21A.36.020 of this title.
OFF SITE: A lot that is separate from the lot on which the principal use is located.
OFF STREET PARKING: A site or portion of a site devoted to the parking of automobiles in an area that is not a public or private street or other public right-of-way, including parking spaces, aisles, driveways, and associated landscaped areas.
OFFICE: A type of business use, which may or may not offer services to the public, that is engaged in the processing, manipulation or application of business information or professional expertise. An office use is not materially involved in fabricating, assembling or warehousing of physical products for the retail or wholesale market, nor is an office engaged in the repair of products or retail services. Examples of professional offices include accounting, investment services, architecture, engineering, legal services and real estate services. Unless otherwise specified, office use shall include doctors' and dentists' offices. Office use shall not include any use or other type of establishment which is otherwise specifically listed in the table of permitted and conditional uses for the applicable zoning districts.
OFFICE AND/OR RECEPTION CENTER IN LANDMARK SITE: A facility located in a landmark site that primary functions as an office and/or reception center and may include on site kitchen/catering facilities. The banquet/reception hall's primary purpose is a location for activities such as weddings and other such gatherings by appointment.
OFFICE, PUBLISHING COMPANY: A company whose business is the editing and publishing of works of authors. The term "publishing company" shall not include a printing plant, unless it is only accessory to the publishing business.
OFFICE, SINGLE PRACTITIONER MEDICAL, DENTAL, AND HEALTH: An office where medical, dental, mental health, and/or other personal healthcare services are provided to human patients on an outpatient basis, and that accommodates no more than one State licensed primary practitioner (for example, medical doctor, dentist, chiropractor, psychologist, etc.) within a single parcel of land.
OPEN SPACE: An area of land or water that is improved or unimproved, and serves the purposes of preservation of natural resources, recreation, or public health and safety. Open space is land set aside for conservation or recreation purposes. It may include woodlands, play areas, recreation centers, government facilities, walking and riding trails, nature center, wetlands and lands in the floodplain as well as land use for passive or active recreation.
OPEN SPACE AREA: Any area of a lot which is completely free and unobstructed from any structure or parking areas. Landscaping, walkways, uncovered patio areas, light poles and other ornamental features shall not be considered as obstructions for purposes of this definition. Driveways that provide access to parking lots shall not be considered as an obstruction subject to the driveways not exceeding twenty percent (20%) of any required yard area that they provide access through.
OUTDOOR DINING: A dining area with seats and/or table(s) located outdoors of a restaurant, brewpub, bar establishment, tavern, market, deli, and other retail sales establishment that sells food and/or drinks, and which is either: a) located entirely outside the walls of the building of the subject business, or b) enclosed on two (2) sides or less by the walls of the building with or without a solid roof cover, or c) enclosed on three (3) sides by the walls of the building without a solid roof cover.
OUTDOOR TELEVISION MONITOR: An outdoor large screen television monitor that displays material generated and/or produced by an on site television station. The material displayed shall be the television station's primary broadcast feed or rebroadcast news, sports and/or public affairs broadcasts, and shall not be in conflict with the Federal Communications Commission's (FCC) community standards that apply to broadcasts from the television station between the hours of six o'clock (6:00) A.M. and twelve o'clock (12:00) midnight (regardless of the time of day that such material is displayed on the outdoor television monitor). The material displayed must be the television station's primary broadcast feed or rebroadcast news, sports and/or public affairs broadcasts to the general public (except between the hours of 12:00 midnight and 6:00 A.M. where daytime programming, consistent with community standards, may be substituted). Outdoor television monitors may not be illuminated to a brightness that causes undue glare or interference with adjacent properties. Sound emanating from the outdoor television monitor may not exceed Salt Lake City or County health standards.
OUTREACH EVENT: One or more opportunities for members of the public to learn about and provide comments on land use projects. An outreach event includes, but is not limited to, open houses, online forums, presentations at community events, social media postings and dialogue, or other events determined appropriate by the planning director. These events are used to expand involvement opportunities for community members by providing a chance to ask questions and provide comments on an issue or be involved in the decision-making process.
OVERLAY DISTRICT: A zoning district pertaining to particular geographic features or land uses imposing supplemental requirements and standards in addition to those provided in the base or underlying zoning district. Boundaries of overlay districts are shown on the zoning map or on special maps referenced in the text.
PACKAGE DELIVERY FACILITY: A facility for the receipt, transfer, short term storage, and dispatching of goods and packages.
PAINT MANUFACTURING: A facility engaged in making and storing paint and related products from raw or partially finished materials.
PARCEL: A continuous area of real property, or lot, which is legally described and accurately drawn on the plat of such property and recorded with Salt Lake County. See definition of lot.
PARK: A noncommercial, not for profit facility designed to serve the recreation needs of the residents of the community. Such facilities may include a playground, swimming pool, athletic field, pavilions, turf areas, horticultural gardens, nature center, community gardens, special events areas, concessions, trails, passive and active recreational uses, and other similar uses typically found within a park. This definition is further supplemented by the definitions of section 2.94.030 of this Code.
PARK AND RIDE LOT: An area or structure intended to accommodate parked vehicles for the general public, where commuters park their vehicles and continue travel to another destination via public transit, carpool, vanpool, or bicycle. Parking lot may be shared with other uses or stand alone.
PARKING GARAGE: A structure or part of a structure used primarily for the housing, parking, or storage of automobiles.
PARK STRIP: The landscape area within a public way located between the back of street curb and the sidewalk, or in the absence of a sidewalk, the right-of-way line.
PARK STRIP LANDSCAPING: The improvement of property within the street right- of-way situated between the back of curb and the sidewalk or, if there is no sidewalk, the back of curb and the right-of-way line, through the addition of plants and other organic and inorganic materials harmoniously combined to produce an effect appropriate for adjacent uses and compatible with the neighborhood.
PARKING, COMMERCIAL: A surface lot or structure used for parking or storage of automobiles, generally available to the public, and involving payment of a charge for such parking or storage.
PARKING FACILITY, SHARED: "Shared parking facility" means a parking lot or garage used for shared parking by two (2) or more businesses or uses.
PARKING GARAGE, AUTOMATED: A parking garage that uses automated technology and equipment to move, park and store vehicles in parking spaces that do not meet minimum dimensional requirements.
PARKING LOT: An area on the surface of the land used for the parking and circulation of more than four (4) automobiles.
PARKING, OFF SITE: An off-street parking area intended to serve one or more uses and that is located on a different parcel or lot than the use(s) it is intended to serve. Parking approved within the boundary of a planned development that only serves uses within the planned development area is not considered off-site parking.
PARKING, SHARED: Joint use of a parking lot or area for more than one principal use.
PARKING SPACE: Space within a parking area of certain dimensions as defined in chapter 21A.44 of this title, exclusive of access drives, aisles, ramps, columns, for the storage of one vehicle.
PARKING STUDY: A study prepared by a licensed professional traffic engineer specifically addressing the parking demand generated by a use and which provides information necessary to determine whether proposed parking will have a material negative impact to adjacent or neighboring properties.
PARKING, TANDEM: The in-line parking of one vehicle behind another in such a way that one parking space can only be accessed through another parking space.
PATIO: A paved surface on an earthen/stone base that is not more than two feet (2') above established grade, designed for pedestrian use.
PEDESTRIAN CONNECTION: A right of way intended for pedestrian movement/activity, including, but not limited to, sidewalks, internal walkways, external and internal arcades, and plazas.
PERFORMANCE STANDARDS: Standards which establish certain criteria which must be met on a site, but allow flexibility as to how those criteria can be met.
PERFORMING ARTS PRODUCTION FACILITY: A mixed use facility housing the elements needed to support a performing arts organization. Such facility should include space for the design and construction of stage components; costume and prop design and construction, administrative support, rehearsal space, storage space, and other functions associated either with an on site or off site live performance theater.
PERIOD OF SIGNIFICANCE: The period of significance is the period when the historic events associated with a local historic district, thematic designation, or landmark site occurred. This period must reflect the dates associated with the property or site, or in the case of a district, the collection of properties within the district. A period of significance may be thousands of years (in the case of an archeological property), several years, or even a few days, depending on the duration of the event. There may be multiple periods of significance associated with a local historic district, thematic designation, or landmark site.
PERSON: A firm, association, authority, organization, partnership, company or corporation as well as an individual.
PERSON CITED: The property owner, property owner's agent, tenant or occupant of any building or land or part thereof and any architect, builder, contractor, agent or other person who participates in, assists, directs or creates any situation that is contrary to the requirements of this title, and who received the notice of violation and is being held responsible for the violation.
PERSONS WITH DISABILITIES: As defined in the Americans with Disabilities Act and all other applicable federal and state laws.
PHILANTHROPIC USE: An office or meeting hall used exclusively by a nonprofit public service organization.
PITCHED ROOF: The covering on the top of a structure, serving to protect against rain, snow, sunlight, wind, and extremes of temperature, having a minimum pitch or slope of a two foot (2') rise over a twelve foot (12') run.
PLACE OF WORSHIP: A church, synagogue, temple, mosque or other place of religious worship, including any accessory use or structure used for religious worship.
PLANNED DEVELOPMENT: A type of land development that requires more planning flexibility than is otherwise allowed under a strict application of zoning requirements and/or lot configuration, in order to create a development that achieves/implements adopted development policies/goals of the city. A planned development is controlled by a single landowner or by a group of landowners in common agreement as to control, to be developed as a single entity, the character of which is compatible with adjacent parcels and the intent of the zoning district or districts in which it is located. The planned development maintains the same density that is permitted by the underlying zone.
PLANNING COMMISSION: The planning commission of Salt Lake City, Utah.
PLANNING DIRECTOR: The director of the Salt Lake City Planning Division, or his/her designee.
PLANTING SEASON: That period during which a particular species of vegetation may be planted for maximum survivability and healthy growth.
PLAZA: An open area which is available to the public for uses such as, but not limited to, walking, seating, socializing, reading and eating.
PORCH: An unenclosed structure attached to a building, covered by a separate roof, and providing access to an entrance to a building. Similar structures providing access to an entrance other than the primary entrance shall be considered a covered deck when located on a platform that is more than two feet (2') above finished grade.
POTABLE WATER: Water that is safe for human consumption and provided by the Salt Lake City Department of Public Utilities.
POULTRY FARM OR PROCESSING PLANT: A lot, structure, or building used intensively for the raising, feeding, breeding, or keeping of chickens, turkeys, or other poultry for marketing or slaughter, or for the production of eggs for sale.
PRIMARY ENTRANCE: The entrance to a building, parcel, or development most used by the public for day-to-day ingress and egress.
PRIMARY FACADE: The side of a building that faces a public or private street and includes the main customer or resident entrance. Buildings located in zoning districts that include a mix of residential and that have sides of the building that face multiple streets shall be interpreted to have a principal facade along each side of the building that faces a street.
PRINTING PLANT: A commercial establishment which contracts with persons for the printing and binding of written works. The term "printing plant" shall not include a publishing company or a retail copy or reproduction shop.
PROPERTY OWNER: Any person who, alone or jointly or severally with others, holds legal title to the property at issue.
QUALITY OF LIFE: The attributes or amenities that combine to make an area a desirable place to live or work, including, but not limited to, the availability of political, educational, and social support systems; good relations among constituent groups; a safe and healthy physical environment; and economic opportunities for both individuals and businesses.
RADIO, TELEVISION STATION: Land, buildings, or structures used as a media production facility. Typically, structures involved in or with the production of (but not limited to): motion pictures; radio and television shows or movies; recording or broadcasting facilities; and other motion picture production and distribution service offices.
RAILROAD, FREIGHT TERMINAL FACILITY: A major railroad track yard area for regional scale interstate mainline oriented intermodal freight transfers of: a) multimodal (sea, rail, truck transport) self-contained cargo containers from train to train, train to semitruck trailer, and semitruck trailer to train loading; and b) for new motor vehicle train transports to semitruck trailer transports for regional distribution purposes. Also includes storage of train vehicles and temporary storage of bulk materials at the facility while the material awaits distribution.
RAILROAD, PASSENGER STATION: A facility, either light or heavy rail, for the boarding of passengers and related ticketing sales and offices.
RAILROAD, REPAIR SHOP: An area of land used for the purpose of repairing rail cars, trains, engines, locomotives, rolling stock and similar facilities.
RECEPTION CENTER: An establishment which is rented by individuals or groups to accommodate private functions including, but not limited to, banquets, weddings, anniversaries and other similar celebrations or gatherings. Such a use may or may not include on site kitchen/catering facilities. In some cases, a bed and breakfast and/or a restaurant may be associated with a reception center.
RECONSTRUCTION (AS IT APPLIES TO PROPERTIES WITHIN THE H HISTORIC PRESERVATION OVERLAY DISTRICT): The act or process of depicting, by means of new construction, the form, features, and detailing of a non-surviving site, landscape, building, structure, or object for the purpose of replicating its appearance at a specific period of time and in its historic location.
RECREATION (INDOOR): Public or private recreation facilities, tennis or other racquet courts, swimming pools, bowling alleys, skating rinks, ball courts, video arcades, community centers, gymnasiums, health and fitness facilities, or similar uses which are enclosed in buildings primarily for the use of persons who do not reside on the same lot as that on which the recreational use is located. The term "recreation (indoor)" shall include any accessory uses, such as snack bars, pro shops, and locker rooms, which are designed and intended primarily for the use of patrons of the principal recreational use. The term "recreation (indoor)" shall not include theaters, cultural facilities, commercial recreation centers, massage parlors, or any use which is otherwise listed specifically in the table of permitted and conditional uses.
RECREATION (OUTDOOR): Miniature golf, swimming pools, tennis courts, country clubs, ball fields, ball courts, fishing piers, skateboarding courses, water slides, mechanical rides, go-cart or motorcycle courses, raceways, drag strips, stadiums, marinas, overnight camping, hunting where permitted by Salt Lake City ordinance, fishing, hiking, biking or gun firing ranges, or other similar type uses which are not enclosed in buildings. The term "recreation (outdoor)" shall include any accessory uses, such as snack bars, concessionaires and pavilions which are designed and intended primarily for the use of patrons of the principal recreational use. The term "recreation (outdoor)" shall not include any use which is otherwise listed specifically in the table of permitted and conditional uses.
RECREATIONAL (PLAYGROUND) EQUIPMENT: Structures used to provide recreational activities such as ropes courses, climbing walls, water slides, back stops and other similar features commonly found in parks, recreation centers and active recreation areas.
RECREATIONAL VEHICLE PARK: A business that provides space for living in a recreational vehicle (camper, travel trailer or motor home), on a daily or weekly basis. A recreational vehicle park may include accessory uses such as a convenience store, gasoline pumps and recreation amenities, such as swimming pools, tennis courts, etc., for the convenience of persons living in the park.
RECYCLING COLLECTION STATION: A use, often accessory in nature, providing designated containers for the collection, sorting and temporary storage of recoverable resources (such as paper, glass, metal and plastic products) until they are transported to separate processing facilities.
RECYCLING CONTAINER: An enclosed or semienclosed container used for the temporary storage of recyclable materials until such materials can be efficiently collected and processed.
RECYCLING PROCESSING CENTER (INDOOR): A facility to temporarily store, sort, recycle, process, compost or treat materials (such as paper, glass, metal and plastic products) to return them to a condition in which they can be reused for production or transported to another approved site for permanent storage, landfilling or further processing. Recycling processing center (indoor) does not include automobile salvage and recycling.
RECYCLING PROCESSING CENTER (OUTDOOR): A facility to temporarily store, sort, recycle, process, compost or treat materials (such as paper, glass, metal and plastic products) to return them to a condition in which they can be reused for production or transported to another approved site for permanent storage, landfilling or further processing. Recycling processing center (outdoor) does not include automobile salvage and recycling.
REFINERY, PETROLEUM PRODUCTS: Oil related industrial activities involving the processing or manufacture of substances such as: asphalt and tar paving mixtures; asphalt and other saturated felts (including shingles); fuels; lubricating oils and greases; paving blocks made of asphalt, creosoted wood, and other compositions of asphalt and tar with other materials; and roofing cements and coating.
RELOCATABLE OFFICE BUILDING: A portable structure built temporarily on a chassis or skids, and designed to be used with or without a permanent foundation for use or occupancy for any commercial or industrial purpose when connected to water, power or utility hookups. (See subsection 21A.42.090D3 of this title.)
RESEARCH AND DEVELOPMENT FACILITY: An establishment comprised of one or more structures used primarily for applied and developmental research conducted entirely indoors. The use may include testing to determine the physical qualities of already manufactured materials or materials used in the manufacturing of a prototype. Research and development facility is not a bio-medical facility or light manufacturing.
RESIDENTIAL DISTRICTS: Those districts listed in subsection 21A.22.010A of this title.
RESIDENTIAL STRUCTURE: For the purposes of the RB Zoning District means a structure that has maintained the original residential exterior without significant structural modifications. (False facades are not considered a significant structural modification.)
RESTAURANT: An establishment where food and/or drink are prepared and served.
RETAIL GOODS ESTABLISHMENT: A building, property or activity, the principal use or purpose of which is the sale of physical goods, products or merchandise directly to the consumer. Retail goods establishment shall not include any use or other type of establishment which is otherwise listed specifically in the table of permitted and conditional uses found in chapter 21A.33 of this title.
RETAIL GOODS ESTABLISHMENT, PLANT AND GARDEN SHOP WITH OUTDOOR RETAIL SALES AREA: The growing, cultivation, storage, and sale of garden plants, flowers, trees, shrubs, and fertilizers, as well as the sale of garden tools and similar accessory and ancillary products, to the general public.
RETAIL SERVICE ESTABLISHMENT: A building, property or activity, the principal use or purpose of which is the provision of personal services directly to the consumer. The term "retail service establishment" shall include, but shall not be limited to, barbershops, beauty parlors, laundry and dry cleaning establishments (plant off premises), tailoring shops, shoe repair shops and the like. Retail service establishment shall not include any use or other type of establishment which is otherwise listed specifically in the table of permitted and conditional uses found in chapter 21A.33 of this title.
RETAIL SERVICE ESTABLISHMENT, ELECTRONIC REPAIR SHOP: A use engaged in the consumer repair services of household electronic items and appliances.
RETAIL SERVICE ESTABLISHMENT, FURNITURE REPAIR SHOP: A building, property or activity, the principal use or purpose of which is the consumer repair services of furniture.
RETAIL SERVICE ESTABLISHMENT, UPHOLSTERY SHOP: A business specializing in the upholstery of furniture for individual customers for residential, office or business use, but excluding upholstery for automobile use.
RETAINING WALL: A wall designed to resist the lateral displacement of soil or other materials.
REVERSE VENDING MACHINE: A machine designed to pay cash to customers in exchange for the deposit of used beverage cans and/or bottles for recycling.
ROCK, SAND AND GRAVEL STORAGE AND DISTRIBUTION: The outdoor storage and sale of rock, sand and gravel in bulk quantities and the storage on site of necessary loading equipment, facilities and vehicles.
ROOFTOP PATIO: A portion of a flat roof that is dedicated to occupiable space, or a deck sitting atop a roof.
SALES AND DISPLAY (OUTDOOR): The use of open areas of the lot for sales or display of finished products for sale to the consuming public. Outdoor sales and display shall include accessory sales/display areas, such as auto accessory items at a gas station, as well as principal sales/display areas, such as the sales yard of garden center. Outdoor sales and display shall not include items sold in bulk quantities (e.g., sand, gravel, lumber), merchandise inventory not intended for immediate sale, or items not typically sold to the consuming public (e.g., pallets, construction equipment and supplies, industrial products).
SALT LAKE CITY LANDSCAPE BMPs FOR WATER RESOURCE EFFICIENCY AND PROTECTION: A manual published and maintained by the Salt Lake City public utilities department establishing standards and practices to achieve water use efficiencies, water quality protection measures, and tree and landscape best management practices in landscaping. Also referred to as "Landscape BMPs Manual".
SALT LAKE CITY PLANT LIST AND HYDROZONE SCHEDULE: A guide published and maintained by the Salt Lake City public utilities department setting forth appropriate plants and turf to be utilized in landscape plans and their associated hydrozones.
SALT LAKE INTERNATIONAL CENTER: Boundaries are West of 4000 W, north of I-80, properties east of John Glenn Drive (including properties that front on John Glenn Drive on both the east and west sides of said drive), and south of John Cannon Drive (including properties that front on John Cannon Drive on both the north and south sides of said drive).
SCHOOL, COLLEGE OR UNIVERSITY: An institution accredited by the state providing full time or part time education beyond the high school level for a BA, BS or associate degree, including any lodging rooms or housing for students or faculty. (See also definitions of Schools, Public Or Private.)
SCHOOL, K - 12 PRIVATE: A private institution of learning or instruction primarily catering to minors, which is licensed at such facility by either the city or the state of Utah. The definition includes nursery schools, kindergarten, elementary schools, junior high schools, middle high schools, senior high schools or any special institution of learning under the jurisdiction of the state department of education, but not including professional and vocational schools, charm schools, dancing schools, music schools or similar limited schools nor public or private universities or colleges.
SCHOOL, K - 12 PUBLIC: A public institution of learning or instruction primarily catering to minors, which is licensed at such facility by either the city or the state of Utah. The definition includes nursery schools, kindergarten, elementary schools, junior high schools, middle high schools, senior high schools or any special institution of learning under the jurisdiction of the state department of education, but not including professional and vocational schools, charm schools, dancing schools, music schools or similar limited schools nor public or private universities or colleges.
SCHOOL, MEDICAL/NURSING: A professional school with facilities for teaching and training individuals for the nursing profession and that awards a degree for individuals who complete the nursing curriculum.
SCHOOL, MUSIC CONSERVATORY: A school primarily engaged in the study of music.
SCHOOL, PROFESSIONAL AND VOCATIONAL: An institution offering occupational and vocational training, the courses of which are not generally transferable toward a bachelor's degree.
SCHOOL, SEMINARY AND RELIGIOUS INSTITUTE: An institution used for the purposes of educating students in theology.
SCHOOLS, PUBLIC OR PRIVATE: "Public or private schools" means an institution of learning or instruction primarily catering to minors, whether public or private, which is licensed at such facility by either the city or the state of Utah. The definition includes kindergarten, elementary schools, junior high schools, middle high schools, senior high schools or any special institution of learning under the jurisdiction of the state department of education. This does not include professional and vocational schools, charm schools, dancing schools, music schools or similar limited schools nor public or private universities or colleges.
SEASONAL FARM STAND: A sales table, area, or kiosk of food crops and/or nonfood, an ornamental crop, such as flowers, that is located off premises from the location where the food was grown, or when located in any agricultural district, and operates during the time of year coinciding with the growing season.
SEXUALLY ORIENTED BUSINESS: Any business for which a sexually oriented business license is required as an adult business, nude entertainment business, or as a seminude dancing bar, pursuant to the sexually oriented business licensing requirements in title 5, chapter 5.61 of this code. (See section 21A.36.140 of this title.)
SHADE TREE: Any tree that has a mature minimum tree canopy of 30 feet and a mature height that is 40 feet or greater.
SHARED HOUSING: A building, or portion thereof, that is designated for residential purposes and contains individual housing units that may be occupied on a weekly or monthly basis. Each individual housing unit consists of one or more sleeping rooms and may contain either kitchen or bathroom amenities, but not both. Whichever amenities are not contained within the individual unit (the kitchen, bathroom, or both) shall be provided as a common facility within the same building, to be shared with other tenants of the shared housing development.
SHOPPING CENTER: A concentration of related commercial establishments with one or more major anchor tenants, shared parking, and unified architectural and site design. A shopping center normally has single or coordinated ownership/operations/management control and may include pad site as well as architecturally connected units.
SHOPPING CENTER PAD SITE: A separate parcel of land designated in the shopping center plan as a building site. The pad site may not be owned by the shopping center owner.
SHORT TERM RENTAL: The use of a dwelling unit or units that are offered for rent or lease for a period less than thirty (30) days.
SIGHT DISTANCE TRIANGLE: A triangular area formed by a diagonal line connecting two (2) points when measured as follows:
A. For corner lots: Extending thirty feet (30') from the intersecting line of each street face of curb, or edge of roadway where curbing is not provided.
B. For intersections of street and driveways or alleys: Extending ten feet (10') from each intersecting edge of the driveway or alley and street curb line, or edge of roadway where curbing is not provided.
C. For alleys or driveways crossing a sidewalk: Extending ten feet (10') from each intersecting edge of the alley or driveway and back edge of the sidewalk.
The purpose of the sight distance triangle is to define an area in which vision obstructions are prohibited. (See illustration in Section 21A.62.050
of this chapter.)
SIGN PAINTING/FABRICATION: A facility and/or service that specializes in the fabrication of all types of interior and exterior signage and offers services including painting, printing, sandblasting, routing, engraving and/or sign installation.
SITE DEVELOPMENT PERMIT: A permit for earthwork or site preparation required pursuant to title 18, chapter 18.28 of this code.
SITE PLAN: An accurately scaled plan that illustrates the existing conditions on a land parcel and the details of a proposed development.
SKETCH PLAN REVIEW: A preliminary review process administered by the development review administrator or designee for the purpose of determining the required standard for front or corner side yard; building height and wall height, width and placement of attached garages; and the location, building height and footprint of accessory structures prior to the formal submittal of plans to obtain a building permit.
SLAUGHTERHOUSE: A building or structure where livestock is slaughtered and prepared for distribution to butcher shops or retail sales establishments such as grocery stores. A slaughterhouse is designed to accommodate the confinement and slaughtering of live animals and may include packing, treating, storage, or sale of the product on the premises.
SLEEPING ROOM: A room within a shared housing land use that is identified and used for sleeping purposes.
SLUDGE: Any solid, semisolid or liquid waste, including grit and screenings generated from a municipal, commercial or industrial wastewater treatment plant or water supply treatment plant or air pollution control facility or any other such use having similar characteristics.
SMALL BREWERY: A brewery that produces less than fifteen thousand (15,000) barrels of beer, heavy beer, or malt liquor annually and occupies less than ten thousand (10,000) square feet in gross floor area.
SMOKE OR SMOKING: Means and includes possession, carrying, or holding a lighted pipe, cigar, or cigarette of any kind, or any other lighted smoking equipment, or the lighting or emitting or exhaling of smoke of a pipe, cigar, or cigarette of any kind, or of any other lighted smoking equipment.
SOCIAL SERVICE MISSION: An establishment that provides social services other than on site housing facilities.
SOIL AMENDMENT: Elements added and incorporated into the soil, such as compost, peat moss, vermiculite, sand, or fertilizer, to improve its capacity to support plant life.
SOLAR ARRAY: A packaged interconnected assembly of solar cells used to transform solar energy into thermal, chemical, or electrical energy. A solar array uses solar energy for any or all of the following purposes: a) water heating, b) space heating or cooling, and c) power generation.SOLAR ENERGY COLLECTION SYSTEM, SMALL: "Small solar energy collection system" shall mean an accessory structure that is roof mounted, wall mounted, or ground mounted panel, the primary purpose of which is to provide for the collection, inversion, storage, and distribution of solar energy for electricity generation, space heating, space cooling, or water heating of buildings located on the same property.
SPECIAL PURPOSE DISTRICTS: Zoning districts which require regulations that address special types of land uses, such as the airport or institutional uses.
SPECIMEN TREE: A structurally sound and healthy tree or grouping of trees, having an individual or combined dbh measuring greater than 10 inches; whose future vitality can be reasonably expected and maintained with proper protection and regularly scheduled care; and whose absence from the landscape would significantly alter the site’s appearance, environmental benefit, character or history.
STABILIZING: The area is expected to become stable through continued reinvestment, maintenance, or remodeling.
STABLE: The area is expected to remain substantially the same with continued maintenance of the property. While some changes in structures, land uses, and densities may occur, all such changes are expected to be compatible with surrounding development and in accordance with the adopted master plan policies and adopted zoning regulations. Other items that can determine the stability of an area include, but are not limited to, the following: property values, number of demolition or building permits issued.
STADIUM: A facility used or intended to be used primarily for spectator sports, entertainment events, expositions, and other public gatherings.
STORAGE, ACCESSORY (OUTDOOR): The ancillary use of a lot for storage located outdoors.
STORAGE AND DISPLAY (OUTDOOR): The use of a lot for storage or public display of products.
STORAGE (OUTDOOR): The use of open areas of the lot for the storage of items used for nonretail or industrial trade, the storage of merchandise inventory, and the storage of bulk materials such as sand, gravel, and other building materials. Outdoor storage shall also include contractors' yards and salvage or recycling areas.
STORAGE, PUBLIC (OUTDOOR): The use of open areas of the lot for the storage of private personal property including recreational vehicles, automobiles and other personal equipment. This use category does not include or allow the storage of junk as defined in section 21A.40.140 of this title.
STORAGE, SELF: A retail service establishment providing off site storage space to residents and businesses, offering convenience storage and limited warehousing services primarily for personal effects and household goods within enclosed structures having individual access, but excluding use as workshops, hobby shops, manufacturing or commercial activity.
STORE, CONVENIENCE: A retail establishment that offers for sale a limited line of groceries and household items intended for the convenience of the neighborhood and may or may not include gasoline sales.
STORE, DEPARTMENT: A retail business which offers a broad range of merchandise lines at moderate level price points, consisting of primarily apparel and home goods. No merchandise line predominates and goods are displayed in a departmentalized format. Customer assistance is provided in each department, but checkout facilities can be either departmentalized or centralized. These stores are typically over one hundred thousand (100,000) square feet in size.
STORE, FASHION ORIENTED DEPARTMENT: A retail business which offers more specialized lines of merchandise than conventional department stores, with an emphasis on apparel merchandise. The merchandise is displayed in separate departments, with over forty percent (40%) of sales area devoted to the sale of apparel, shoes, cosmetics and accessories related to personal care and appearance. Fashion oriented department stores sell goods which are primarily nationally advertised brands, they may sell appliances which are usually serviced by other companies, and often offer limited lines of merchandise through seasonal or special catalogs. These stores provide checkout service and customer assistance (sales persons) within each department. These stores are typically over one hundred thousand (100,000) square feet in size.
STORE, MASS MERCHANDISING: A retail business selling a variety of merchandise, including apparel and home goods, at generally lower price points. Mass merchandising stores have fast turnover and high volume retailing with centralized checkout stations. Generally, shopping carts are available to customers and there is reduced customer assistance within each department but customer assistance may occur in departments for special promotions or where appropriate for product demonstration, legal compliance or security purposes. These stores typically exceed eighty thousand (80,000) square feet in size.
STORE, PAWNSHOP: A commercial establishment which lends money at interest in exchange for valuable personal property left with it as security.
STORE, SPECIALTY: A retail business specializing in a broad range of a single category of goods at competitive prices. The categories usually included are home improvement, consumer music and electronics, office supply, auto aftermarket, computers, toys, books, home/bed/bath, pet supply, craft/hobby, or sporting goods. They often have departments, centralized and/or exit checkout stations and operate in various physical formats. These stores typically range from twenty thousand (20,000) to one hundred thousand (100,000) square feet in size.
STORE, SUPERSTORE AND HYPERMARKET: A retail business primarily engaged in retailing a general line of groceries in combination with general lines of new merchandise, such as apparel, furniture, and appliances, sold at discount prices. They have centralized exit checkout stations, and utilize shopping carts for customers. These stores typically range from one hundred twenty thousand (120,000) to one hundred eighty thousand (180,000) square feet in size.
STORE, WAREHOUSE CLUB: A retail business requiring patron membership, and selling packaged and bulk foods and general merchandise. They are characterized by high volume and a restricted line of popular merchandise in a no frills environment. They have centralized exit checkout stations, and utilize shopping carts for customers. These stores typically range from one hundred twenty thousand (120,000) to one hundred fifty thousand (150,000) square feet in size.
STORMWATER CURB CUT: Openings created in the curb to allow storm water from an adjacent impervious surface to flow into a depressed planting area.
STORY (FLOOR): The vertical distance between the finished floor of one level and the finished floor of the level above or below.
STREET: A vehicular way which may also serve for all or part of its width as a way for pedestrian traffic, whether called street, highway, thoroughfare, parkway, throughway, road, avenue, boulevard, lane, place, alley, mall or otherwise designated.
STREET FRONTAGE: All of the property fronting on one side of the street between intersecting streets, or between a street and a waterway, a dead end street, or a political subdivision boundary, and having unrestricted vehicular and pedestrian access to the street. For the purpose of regulating signs or flags, "street frontage" means an entire lot fronting on a portion of the street.
STREET TREES: Trees located in the landscape area within a public way located between the back of the street curb and the sidewalk, or in absence of the sidewalk, the right of way line.
STREETSCAPE: All public rights of way, all front yards to the plane of the front of the house, and on corner lots, all side yards to the plane of the side of the house.
STRUCTURAL ALTERATION: Any change in the supporting members of a structure, such as foundations, bearing walls or bearing partitions, columns, beams or girder, or any substantial change in the roof.
STRUCTURAL SOIL: A combination of amended soil and gravel that allows tree root development while providing the structural strength to hold the weight of hard surface treatments such as sidewalks or parking lot pavement. The specific mix of structural soil is determined by Salt Lake City engineering standards.
STRUCTURE: Anything constructed or erected with a fixed location on the ground or in/over the water bodies in the city. Structure includes, but is not limited to, buildings, fences, walls, signs, and piers and docks, along with any objects permanently attached to the structure.
STUDIO, ART: A building or portion of a building where an artist or photographer creates works of art or where instruction in art is given such as a dance or music studio.
STUDIO, MOTION PICTURE: A facility for the production of motion pictures and television film and tape, including motion picture and television stages; exterior sets; construction, repair, and storage facilities; caretaker and temporary housing; all vehicles used to transport this equipment and other related commercial vehicles; and accessory fabrication activities.
SUBDIVISION: Any land that is divided, resubdivided or proposed to be divided into two (2) or more lots, parcels, sites, units, plots, or other division of land for the purpose, whether immediate or future, for offer, sale, lease, or development either on the installment plan or upon any and all other plans, terms, and conditions.
TAXICAB FACILITY: A service that offers transportation in passenger automobiles and vans to persons including those who are handicapped in return for remuneration. The business may include dispatching, staging, facilities for servicing, repairing, and fueling the taxicabs or vans.
TECHNOLOGY FACILITY: An establishment that is engaged in research, development, production, service, or related functions that uses technology to produce, deliver, or maintain data, information, equipment, computers, or related accessories or services to others. A technology facility is not a bio-medical facility or a research and development facility.
TEMPORARY USE: A use intended for limited duration as defined for each type of temporary use in chapter 21A.42 of this title.
THEATER, LIVE PERFORMANCE: An establishment for musical, theatrical, dance or any other combination thereof, performed by one or more persons, whether or not they are compensated for the performance, in a privately owned premises that is open to the public, whether or not admission is charged.
THEATER, MOVIE: An establishment for showing movies or motion pictures.
THEMATIC DESIGNATION: A collection of individual sites, buildings, structures, or features designated by City Council pursuant to the provisions in Subsection 21A.51.030.A, which are contained in two (2) or more geographically separate areas that are united together by historical, architectural, or aesthetic characteristics and contribute to the historic preservation goals of Salt Lake City by protecting historical, architectural, or aesthetic interest or value. All properties within a thematic designation are subject to the regulations of Section 21A.34.020 the H Historic Preservation Overlay District.
TIRE DISTRIBUTION RETAIL/WHOLESALE: An establishment where the principal business is the sale or installation of new, used, or retread tires and tubes.
TRANSIT ROUTE: A route over which a public transit vehicle travels and that is specifically labeled or numbered for the purpose of picking up and dropping off passengers at regularly scheduled stops and intervals.
TRANSPORTATION TERMINAL, INCLUDING BUS, RAIL AND TRUCKING: A facility for the transfer, pick up, or discharge of people or goods without the long term storage of such items. The transportation method can include bus, rail or trucking and can include the transient housing or parking of motor driven buses, rail or trucks.
TREE PROTECTION FENCING: The fencing required to be installed, and maintained during construction activities, to delineate required tree protection zones.
TREE PROTECTION ZONE: The area of a development site that includes the area located within the drip line of specimen trees and includes the area that supports tree health requirements and interactions as determined by the city forester.
TRELLIS: A frame of latticework designed to support plants.
TRUCK FREIGHT TERMINAL: A premises used by a motor freight company as a carrier of goods, which is the origin or destination point of goods being transported, for the purpose of storing, transferring, loading, and unloading goods.
TRUCK STOP: A building site and structures where the business of maintenance, servicing, storage or repair of trucks, tractor trailer rigs, eighteen (18) wheel tractor trailer rigs, buses and similar commercial or freight vehicles is conducted, including the sale and dispensing of motor fuel or other petroleum products and the sale of accessories or equipment for trucks and similar commercial vehicles. A truck stop may also include overnight sleeping accommodations and restaurant facilities.
TURF: Grasses planted as a ground cover that may be mowed and maintained to be used as a lawn area of landscaping. Does not include grasses that are listed in the Salt Lake City Plant List and Hydrozone Schedule. Inorganic substitutes commonly referred to as artificial turf are prohibited in required landscaping areas.
UNDEVELOPABLE AREA: The portion of a lot that is unusable for or not adaptable to the normal uses made of the property, which may include areas covered by water, areas that are excessively steep, included in certain types of easements, or otherwise not suitable for development, including areas designated on a plat as undevelopable.
UPLIGHTING: Lights that have been designed to throw illumination upward.
URBAN FARM: A farm where food is cultivated, processed and distributed in or around a residential or commercial area. Urban farming is generally practiced for income earning or food producing activities.
USE, PRINCIPAL: "Principal use" means the main use of land and/or buildings on a lot as distinguished from an accessory use.
USED OR OCCUPIED: Include the words intended, designed or arranged to be used or occupied.
UTILITY, BUILDING OR STRUCTURE: A building or structure needed to provide distribution, transmittal and maintenance of public utility services for water, sewer and flood control including wells, pumping stations, reservoirs, water treatment plant, water storage tanks, detention basins, lift stations, regulators and other similar facilities unless exempted in section 21A.02.050 of this title.
UTILITY, ELECTRIC GENERATION FACILITY: An electric generating facility that uses natural gas, coal, solar energy, steam, wind or other means to produce electricity for exclusive delivery to the local or regional high voltage electric transmission grid.
UTILITY, SEWAGE TREATMENT PLANT: A facility used for the treatment of industrial, commercial or domestic wastewater approved by the appropriate County, State, City, or Federal agencies, which provides a collection network and a central wastewater treatment facility for a community, or a region.
UTILITY, SOLID WASTE TRANSFER STATION: A facility used to combine and compact loads of solid waste into larger units of waste, which are then loaded onto trucks for delivery to landfill sites.
UTILITY, TRANSMISSION WIRE, LINE, PIPE OR POLE: Infrastructure used to support essential services such as water, sewer, electric, gas or communication such as telephone, television cable lines or internet, typically located in public rights-of-way or private easements.
VACANT LOT: A lot in an established area or neighborhood which at the present time contains no structures or other aboveground improvements. In new residential subdivisions, lots which contain no structures or other aboveground improvements shall be considered vacant, as opposed to undeveloped land, when ninety percent (90%) or more of the total number of lots in the subdivision have been built upon and the remaining lots are scattered throughout the subdivision.
VANPOOL: A group of seven (7) to fifteen (15) commuters, including the driver, who share the ride to and from work or other destination on a regularly scheduled basis.
VARIANCE: A reasonable deviation from those provisions regulating the size or area of a lot or parcel of land, or the size, area, bulk or location of a building or structure under this title and authorized according to the procedures set forth in chapter 21A.18 of this title.
VEGETATION: Living plant material including, but not limited to, trees, shrubs, flowers, grasses, herbs and ground cover.
VEHICLE: A device by which any person or property may be transported upon a public highway except devices used exclusively upon stationary rails or tracks or exclusively moved by human power.
VEHICLE AUCTION: A place where vehicles, operable or inoperable, are offered for sale to persons who bid on the vehicles in competition with each other.
VEHICLE, AUTOMOBILE AND TRUCK REPAIR: Any building, structure, improvements, or land used for the repair and maintenance of automobiles, motorcycles, trucks, trailers, or similar vehicles including, but not limited to, engine, body, fender, muffler, or upholstery work, oil change and lubrication, painting, tire service and sales, or installation of radios, car alarms, stereo equipment, or cellular telephones.
VEHICLE, AUTOMOBILE AND TRUCK SALES AND RENTAL (INCLUDING LARGE TRUCK): A business establishment that uses any building, land area, or other premises or portion thereof, that sells or leases new or used automobiles, trucks, vans, and trailers or other similar motorized transportation vehicles. An automobile and truck dealership may maintain an inventory of the vehicles for sale or lease either on site or at a nearby location and may provide on site facilities for the repair and service of the vehicles and trucks sold or leased by the dealership.
VEHICLE, AUTOMOBILE PART SALES: An establishment that sells new automobile parts, tires, and accessories. May also include minor parts installation. Does not include tire recapping establishments or businesses dealing exclusively in used parts.
VEHICLE, AUTOMOBILE RENTAL AGENCY: Leasing or renting of automobiles, motorcycles, and light load vehicles including incidental parking and servicing of vehicles for rent or lease.
VEHICLE, AUTOMOBILE REPAIR, MAJOR: A use principally engaged in repairing of automobiles, where all repairs are performed within an enclosed building, including any activities excluded in the definition of Vehicle, Automobile Repair, Minor.
VEHICLE, AUTOMOBILE REPAIR, MINOR: A use engaged in the repair of automobiles involving the use of three (3) or fewer mechanics' service bays, where all repairs are performed within an enclosed building, and where not more than ten (10) automobiles, plus one automobile per employee, are parked on site at any one time including, but not limited to, those permitted as gas stations. Auto body repairs and drive train repair are excluded from this definition.
VEHICLE, AUTOMOBILE SALES/RENTAL AND SERVICE: A business establishment that uses any building, land area, or other premises or portion thereof, that sells or leases new or used automobiles, trucks, vans, trailers, recreational vehicles, boats, or motorcycles or other similar motorized transportation vehicles. An automobile dealership may maintain an inventory of the vehicles for sale or lease either on site or at a nearby location and may provide on site facilities for the repair and service of the vehicles sold or leased by the dealership.
VEHICLE, AUTOMOBILE SALVAGE AND RECYCLING (INDOOR): The dismantling of automobiles, including the collection and storage of parts for resale, and/or the storage of inoperative automobiles for future salvage or sale. Such activities shall be conducted within fully enclosed buildings.
VEHICLE, AUTOMOBILE SALVAGE AND RECYCLING (OUTDOOR): The dismantling of automobiles, including the collection and storage of parts for resale, and/or the storage of inoperative automobiles for future salvage or sale. Such activities may be conducted outdoors or within fully enclosed buildings.
VEHICLE, BOAT/RECREATIONAL VEHICLE SALES AND SERVICE: A business establishment that uses any building, land area, or other premises or portion thereof, that sells or leases new or used recreational vehicles, boats, trailers, motorcycles or other similar motorized transportation vehicles. A boat/recreational vehicle dealership may maintain an inventory of the boats and vehicles for sale or lease either on site or at a nearby location and may provide on site facilities for the repair and service of the boats and vehicles sold or leased by the dealership.
VEHICLE, ELECTRIC: A device which is considered a vehicle that uses electricity as its primary source of power, such as a plug-in electric vehicle or a plug-in hybrid electric vehicle. An electric vehicle does not include devices that are moved by human power.
VEHICLE, RECREATION: Any motorized vehicle and/or associated non- motorized equipment used for camping, traveling, boating, or other leisure activities including, but not limited to campers, boats, travel trailers, motor homes, snow mobiles, wave runners, and other vehicles designed for traveling on water (motorized and non-motorized). Trailers used for transporting this type of vehicle are also included within this definition.
VEHICLE, RECREATIONAL VEHICLE (RV) SALES AND SERVICE: A business establishment that uses any building, land area, or other premises or portion thereof, that sells or leases new or used recreational vehicles (RVs). An RV dealership may maintain an inventory of the vehicles for sale or lease either on site or at a nearby location and may provide on site facilities for the repair and service of the vehicles sold or leased by the dealership.
VEHICLE, TRUCK REPAIR (LARGE): A use engaged in the repair of trucks that are in excess of one ton in size.
VEHICLE, TRUCK SALES AND RENTAL (LARGE): A business establishment that uses any building, land area, or other premises or portion thereof, that sells or leases new or used trucks that are in excess of one ton in size and are primarily designed to carry cargo and material. A truck dealership may maintain an inventory of the vehicles for sale or lease either on site or at a nearby location and may provide on site facilities for the repair and service of the vehicles sold or leased by the dealership.
VENDING CART: Includes any nonmotorized mobile device or pushcart from which limited types of products, as listed in title 5, chapter 5.65 of this code, are sold or offered for sale directly to any consumer, where the point of sale is conducted at the cart, where the duration of the sale is longer than fourteen (14) days and where the vending cart meets the requirements of title 5, chapter 5.65 of this code for the conducting of business in a specified permit operating area approved by the city.
VERTICAL CLEARANCE: Clear space between floor grade level and ceiling height.
WAREHOUSE: A structure, or part thereof, or area used principally for the storage of goods and merchandise.
WATER BODY/WATERWAY: A natural or manmade body of water such as a lake, river, creek, stream, canal, or other channel over which water flows at least periodically.
WATER FEATURE: A design element with open water that performs an aesthetic or recreational function. Water features include, but are not limited to, ponds, lakes, waterfalls, fountains, artificial streams, spas, and swimming pools where water is artificially supplied. Constructed wetlands used for on site wastewater treatment or stormwater best management practices are not included in this definition.
WELDING SHOP: A business in which metal is joined, united, repaired, produced, or created by heating and allowing the parts to flow together, or by hammering or compressing with or without previous heating.
WHOLESALE DISTRIBUTION: A business that maintains an inventory of materials, supplies and goods related to one or more industries and sells bulk quantities of materials, supplies and goods from its inventory to companies within the industry. A wholesale distributor is not a retail goods establishment. The term "wholesale distribution" does not include accessory distribution that is subordinate and incidental to a primary land use (e.g., manufacturing, industrial assembly, or other type of primary commercial or industrial use).
WILLFUL NEGLECT: The intentional absence of routine maintenance and repair of a building over time.
WIND ENERGY SYSTEM, LARGE: A wind energy conversion system consisting of a wind turbine or group of wind turbines, tower, and associated control or conversion electronics, which has rated capacity of more than one hundred kilowatts (100 kW).
WIND ENERGY SYSTEM, SMALL: An accessory structure defined as a wind energy conversion system consisting of a wind turbine, a tower, and associated control or conversion electronics that has a rated capacity of not more than one hundred kilowatts (100 kW) and that is intended to generate electricity primarily for buildings and/or uses on the same property, thereby reducing on site consumption of utility power.
WIRELESS TELECOMMUNICATION FACILITY: An unmanned structure which consists of equipment used primarily for the transmission, reception or transfer of voice or data through radio wave or (wireless) transmissions. Such sites typically require the construction of transmission support structures to which antenna equipment is attached. Low power radio services facilities include "cellular" or "PCS" (personal communications system) communications and paging systems.
WOODWORKING MILL: A facility where timber is processed to produce wood products.
YARD: On the same zoning lot with a use, building or structure, an open space which is unoccupied and unobstructed from its ground level to the sky, except as otherwise permitted herein. A yard extends along a lot line, and to a depth or width specified in the yard requirements for the zoning district in which such zoning lot is located.
YARD, CORNER SIDE: A yard on a corner lot extending between front yard setback line and the rear lot line and between the corner side lot line and the required corner side yard setback line.
YARD, FRONT: A yard extending between side lot lines and between the front lot line and the required front yard setback line.
YARD, INTERIOR SIDE: A yard extending between the front and rear yard setback lines and between the interior side lot line and the required interior side yard setback line.
YARD, REAR: A yard extending between the two (2) interior side lot lines from the rear lot line to the required rear yard setback line. In the case of corner lots, the rear yard shall extend from the interior side lot line to the front yard or corner side yard setback line.
ZONING ADMINISTRATOR: The Director of the Planning Division of the Department of Community and Neighborhoods or his/her designee.
ZONING DISTRICTS: Areas of the City designated in the text of this title in which requirements and standards for the use of land and buildings are prescribed.
ZONING MAP: A map or series of maps delineating the boundaries of all zoning districts and overlay districts in the City.
ZOOLOGICAL PARK: 0An area, building, or structures which contain wild animals on exhibition for viewing by the public. It may also consist of accessory uses such as treatment facilities for the animals, storage areas, offices, retail sales and/or services, concession areas and areas where private or public events and other similar activities associated with a zoological park take place.
(Ord. 7- 25, 2025: Ord. 91- 24, 2024: Ord. 79-24, 2024: Ord. 70-24, 2024: Ord. 60- 24, 2024: Ord. 56-24, 2024: Ord. 29-24, 2024: Ord. 22- 24, 2024: Ord. 12-24, 2024: Ord. 10-24, 2024: Ord. 8- 24, 2024: Ord. 74-23, 2023: Ord. 67-23, 2023: Ord. 46-23, 2023: Ord. 45-23, 2023: Ord. 19-23, 2023: Ord. 17-23, 2023: Ord. 14-23, 2023: Ord. 67-22, 2022: Ord. 66-22, 2022: Ord. 15A-22, 2022: Ord. 69-21, 2021: Ord. 67-21, 2021: Ord. 64-21, 2021: Ord. 52-21, 2021: Ord. 51-20, 2020: Ord. 4-20, 2020; Ord. 14-19, 2019: Ord. 13-19, 2019: Ord. 69-18, 2018: Ord. 53-18, 2018: Ord. 23-18, 2018: Ord. 3-18, 2018: Ord. 60-17, 2017: Ord. 48-17, 2017: Ord. 47-17, 2017: Ord. 46-17, 2017: Ord. 49-16, 2016: Ord. 16-16, 2016: Ord. 70-15, 2015: Ord. 67-15, 2015: Ord. 64-15, 2015: Ord. 26-15, 2015: Ord. 65-14, 2014: Ord. 54-14, 2014: Ord. 20-14, 2014: Ord. 13-14, 2014: Ord. 66-13, 2013: Ord. 62-13, 2013: Ord. 15-13, 2013: Ord. 82-12, 2012: Ord. 73-12, 2012: Ord. 65-12, 2012: Ord. 63-12, 2012: Ord. 62-12, 2012: Ord. 30-12, 2012: Ord. 24-12, 2012: Ord. 8-12, 2012: Ord. 61-11, 2011: Ord. 60-11, 2011: Ord. 55-11, 2011: Ord. 24-11, 2011: Ord. 21-11, 2011: Ord. 20-11, 2011: Ord. 19-11, 2011: Ord. 27-10, 2010: Ord. 23-10 § 22, 2010: Ord. 19-10 § 1, 2010: Ord. 70-09 § 2, 2009: Ord. 62-09 § 4, 2009: Ord. 7-09 § 1, 2009: Ord. 2-09 §§ 4 - 6, 2009: Ord. 61-08 § 3, 2008: Ord. 60-08 § 1, 2008: Ord. 38-08, 2008: Ord. 2-08 § 6, 2008: Ord. 68-06 § 1, 2006: Ord. 52-06 § 2, 2006: Ord. 20-06 § 1, 2006: Ord. 13-06 § 1, 2006: Ord. 90-05 § 2 (Exh. B), 2005: Ord. 89-05 § 9, 2005: Ord. 77-05 § 1, 2005: Ord. 76-05 § 10, 2005: Ord. 15-05 §§ 3, 4, 2005: Ord. 72-04 § 2, 2004: Ord. 6-04 § 20, 2004: Ord. 4-04 §§ 6, 7, 2004: Ord. 62-03 § 3, 2003: Ord. 61-03 § 3, 2003: Ord. 6-03 § 4, 2003: Ord. 50-02 § 2, 2002: Ord. 23-02 § 8, 2002: Ord. 5-02 § 4, 2002: Ord. 2-02 § 2, 2002: Ord. 84-01 § 2, 2001: Ord. 64-01 § 4, 2001: Ord. 20-01 § 4, 2001: Ord. 54-00 § 3, 2000: Ord. 20-00 §§ 4, 5, 2000: Ord. 14-00 §§ 16 - 18, 2000: Ord. 35-99 § 102, 1999: Ord. 30-98 § 7, 1998: Ord. 12-98 § 8, 1998: Ord. 8-97 § 3, 1997: amended during 5/96 supplement: Ord. 88-95 § 1 (Exh. A), 1995: Ord. 84-95 § 1 (Exh. A), 1995: Ord. 26-95 § 2(31-4), 1995)
The definitions listed below are illustrated on the following pages:
A. Building Height As Measured From Established Grade.
B. Building Height As Measured from Finished Grade.
C. Flag Lot.
D. Reserved.
E. Lattice Tower.
F. Monopole With Antennas And Antenna Support Structures Greater Than Two Feet In Width.
G. Monopole With Antennas And Antenna Support Structures Less Than Two Feet In Width.
H. Roof Mounted Antennas.
I. Sight Distance Triangle.
J. Wall Mounted Antennas.
K. Dormer.
Finished Grade:
The final grade of a site after reconfiguring grades according to an approved site plan related to the most recent building permit activity on a site.
Established Grade:
The grade of a property prior to the most recent proposed development or construction activity. On developed lots, the zoning administrator shall estimate established grade if not readily apparent, by referencing elevations at points where the developed area appears to meet the undeveloped portions of the land. The estimated grade shall tie into the elevation and slopes of adjoining properties without creating a need for new retaining wall, abrupt differences in the visual slope and elevation of the land, or redirecting the flow of runoff water.
