21A.40.010: Purpose Statement
21A.40.020: General Authorization
21A.40.030: Zoning Compliance Required
21A.40.040: Use Limitations
21A.40.050: General Yard, Bulk And Height Limitations
21A.40.052: Accessory Uses On Accessory Lots (Rep. by Ord. 61-11, 2011)
21A.40.060: Drive-Through Facility Regulations
21A.40.065: Outdoor Dining
21A.40.070: Reserved
21A.40.080: Accessory Storage Of Flammable Liquids
21A.40.090: Antenna Regulations
21A.40.100: Location Of Mechanical Equipment
21A.40.110: Automatic Amusement Devices (Rep. by Ord. 73-11, 2011)
21A.40.120: Regulation Of Fences, Walls And Hedges
21A.40.130: Access For Persons With Disabilities
21A.40.140: Junk Vehicles And Materials
21A.40.150: Seasonal Farm Stands
21A.40.160: Ground Mounted Utility Boxes
21A.40.170: Crematoriums
21A.40.180: Small Wind Energy Systems
21A.40.190: Small Solar Energy Collection Systems
21A.40.200: Accessory Dwelling Units
This chapter is intended to provide general regulations, applicable to all zoning districts, for accessory uses, buildings and structures which are customarily incidental and subordinate to the principal use and which are located on the same lot. It is further intended to provide specific standards for certain accessory uses, buildings and structures. (Ord. 26-95 § 2(20-0), 1995)
Except as otherwise expressly provided or limited in this chapter, accessory uses, buildings and structures, as defined in chapter 21A.62 of this title, are permitted in any zoning district in connection with any principal use lawfully existing within such district; provided, that such accessory uses and structures conform to all applicable requirements of this title. Any accessory use, building or structure may be approved in conjunction with the approval of the principal use. (Ord. 26-95 § 2(20-1), 1995)
No accessory use, building or structure shall be established or constructed unless it complies with the zoning ordinance and proper building permits, if required, have been obtained. Accessory buildings associated with keeping animals, bees, livestock and poultry are not subject to this chapter or the building coverage limits of the respective zoning district but are subject to the provisions of title 8, "Animals", of this code. (Ord. 20-11, 2011)