Environmental Category
Environmental Category
Salt Lake Valley Health regulation noise control
Air pollution
Salt Lake Valley Health regulation air pollution control
State of Utah Division of Air Quality
Salt Lake Valley health regulation air pollution control
Toxic substances
Salt Lake Valley health regulations solid waste management facilities
State of Utah division of solid and hazardous waste
Water pollution
State of Utah division of water quality
State of Utah division of drinking water
Radiation hazards
State of Utah division of radiation control
(Ord. 1-06 § 30, 2006: Ord. 26-95 § 2(18-18), 1995)
Any new single-family detached dwelling, two-family dwelling or twin home that is replacing a legal conforming single-family, two-family or twin home, in a nonresidential zoning district shall comply with the following standards:
   A.   Front Facade Controls: To maintain architectural harmony and primary orientation along the street, all buildings shall be required to include an entrance door, and such other features as windows, balconies, porches, and other such architectural features in the front facade of the building, totaling not less than ten percent (10%) of the front facade elevation area, excluding any area used for roof structures. For buildings constructed on a corner lot, only one front facade is required in either the front or corner side facade of the building.
   B.   Basement Structures: All dwellings must have at least one full story aboveground. Residential structures built into a hillside with less than all elevations exposed may be approved through the site plan review process.
   C.   Repealed.
   D.   Repealed.
   E.   Placement Of A Replacement Structure: Placement of a replacement structure on the existing lot should be consistent with the front yard setbacks of the existing residential structures on the street. Front yard setback must be in line with the average setback of the other principal buildings on the same block face, but not less than fifteen feet (15') from the front property line. For purposes of determining the average setback, steps under three feet (3') in height and eaves projecting three feet (3') or less may project into the required front yard.
   F.   Scale And Mass Of The Replacement Structure: The scale and mass of the replacement structure should be compatible with that of the existing adjacent residential structures and not exceed twenty five percent (25%) of the structure it is replacing. Replacement structures which exceed twenty five percent (25%) of the original footprint may be allowed as a conditional use subject to the provisions of chapter 21A.54 of this title. (Ord. 29-24, 2024: Ord. 63-03 § 3, 2003)
   A.   Accessory Buildings: Accessory buildings associated with urban farms are subject to the standards in chapter 21A.40, "Accessory Uses, Buildings And Structures", of this title and the requirements of the international building code. Structures, such as coops and pens, associated with the keeping and raising of animals, livestock, and poultry must meet the requirements of title 8, chapter 8.08, "Keeping Animals, Livestock And Poultry", of this code and are subject to the requirements of the adopted building code, when applicable.
   B.   Riparian Corridor: Urban farms proposed in a riparian corridor, as defined in section 21A.34.130 of this title, shall be subject to all rules and regulations therein.
   C.   Storage Requirements: All flammables, pesticides and fertilizers shall be stored in accordance with the regulations of the uniform fire code and Utah state department of agriculture or successor agency. At a minimum, any area where such materials are stored shall have a continuous concrete floor and lip which is tall enough to contain one hundred ten percent (110%) of the volume of all the materials stored in the area. No pesticides, chemical fertilizers or other hazardous materials shall be stored outside of buildings.
   D.   Disposal Requirements: All flammables, pesticides, fertilizers and other hazardous wastes should be disposed of according to federal and state requirements.
   E.   Large Vehicles: No vehicles in excess of five (5) tons shall be kept, stored or parked on the property, except that such vehicles may be on the property as necessary for completion of grading performed in accordance with a grading permit issued by the city building services division.
   F.   Hours Of Operation: All urban farm related uses shall operate only during daylight hours, except for irrigation.
   G.   Irrigation Systems: Sufficient irrigation shall be provided to cover all needs of the urban farm. Irrigation systems designed for water conservation such as, but not limited to, hand watering, and drip irrigation are strongly encouraged.
   H.   Delivery And Pick Up: In single-family and two-family zones, delivery and pick up of products is allowed provided pick up times are staggered so that only one patron is on site at a time.
   I.   Parking: Parking for an urban farm shall comply with the provisions governing off street parking and loading in Chapter 21A.44 of this title. All vehicular circulation, staging, and parking shall be on a hard surface.
   J.   On Site Sales And Events: Products produced or grown on urban farms may be donated or sold on site provided the following requirements are met:
      1.   The sales stand may not exceed one hundred fifty (150) square feet in size.
      2.   Signs are allowed as temporary portable signs subject to the regulations in section 21A.46.055 of this title. Signs must be removed immediately following the sale each day.
      3.   All necessary city business licenses shall be obtained prior to the sale.
      4.   Sales stands must be set back a minimum of ten feet (10') from the edge of pavement of a city street.
      5.   The sales stand shall be a nonpermanent structure, and must be removed immediately following the sale.
      6.   Perishable foods must be stored in a vermin proof area or container when the facility is closed.
   K.   Fencing: Fencing of urban farms shall comply with the standards in section 21A.40.120, "Regulation Of Fences, Walls And Hedges", of this title.
   L.   License: A business license is required for an urban farm. When the urban farm is accessory to a residential use, a home occupation license is required.
   M.   Demolition Of A Single-Family Dwelling: No more than one single-family dwelling may be demolished for an urban farm. Any proposed demolition is subject to all requirements in section 18.64.050, "Residential Demolition Provisions", of this code. (Ord. 67-22, 2022: Ord. 21-11, 2011)
   A.   Accessory Buildings: Accessory buildings associated with community gardens are subject to the standards in chapter 21A.40, "Accessory Uses, Buildings And Structures", of this title and the requirements of the international building code. Structures, such as coops and pens, associated with the keeping and raising of animals, livestock, and poultry must meet with the requirements of title 8, chapter 8.08, "Keeping Animals, Livestock And Poultry", of this code and are subject to the requirements of the adopted building code, when applicable.
   B.   Riparian Corridor: Community gardens proposed in a riparian corridor, as defined in section 21A.34.130 of this title shall be subject to all rules and regulations therein.
   C.   Disposal Requirements: All flammables, pesticides, fertilizers and other hazardous wastes should be disposed of according to federal and state requirements.
   D.   Hours Of Operation: Community gardens shall conform with title 9, chapter 9.28, "Noise Control", of this code and other applicable county health department regulations.
   E.   Large Vehicles: No vehicles in excess of five (5) tons shall be kept or stored on the property, except that such vehicles may be on the property as necessary for completion of grading performed in accordance with a grading permit issued by the city building services division.
   F.   Irrigation: Sufficient irrigation shall be provided to cover all needs of the community garden. Irrigation systems designed for water conservation such as, but not limited to, hand watering, and drip irrigation are strongly encouraged.
   G.   Parking: Unless otherwise required by the transportation division, community gardens shall be exempt from the off street parking requirements of chapter 21A.44, "Off Street Parking, Mobility And Loading", of this title. All vehicular circulation, staging, and parking provided shall be on a hard surfaced area. Any on street parking is to comply with the existing roadway status.
   H.   On Site Sales And Events: Owners and producers associated with community gardens may conduct educational or promotional events, and sell locally grown products on site provided the following requirements are met:
      1.   The sale or event is directly linked to the community garden. No external events such as a reception or sales of products and goods not generally associated with a community garden are allowed, unless the event is otherwise allowed in the zone by the zoning ordinance.
      2.   Signs are allowed as temporary portable signs subject to the regulations in section 21A.46.055 of this title. Signs must be removed immediately following the sale or event each day.
      3.   All required city business licenses and permits shall be obtained prior to the sale or event.
      4.   Sales stands and exhibits are not allowed within the public right of way except in an area abutting a community garden.
      5.   The sales stand and exhibits shall be nonpermanent structures, and must be removed immediately following the sale or event.
      6.   Perishable foods must be stored in a verminproof area or container when the facility is closed.
   I.   Fencing: Fencing of community gardens will comply with the standards in section 21A.40.120, "Regulation Of Fences, Walls And Hedges", of this title.
   J.   Demolition Of A Single-Family Dwelling: No more than one single-family dwelling may be demolished for a community garden. Any proposed demolition is subject to all requirements in section 18.64.050, "Residential Demolition Provisions", of this code. (Ord. 62-13, 2013: Ord. 21-11, 2011)
   A.   Duration: Business activity associated with a seasonal farm stand shall be of a temporary nature.
   B.   Right Of Way: No seasonal farm stand is allowed within the public right of way.
   C.   Third Party Location: No business activity shall take place on the premises of a third party without first receiving written permission from the property owner.
   D.   Parking: Unless approved by the transportation division, if the seasonal farm stand is located within an existing parking lot, it shall not remove or encroach upon required off street parking or loading areas for other uses on the site or impede access to parking or loading areas. All vehicular circulation, staging, and parking provided shall be on a hard surfaced area. Any on street parking shall comply with the existing roadway status.
   E.   Setback: Seasonal farm stands must be set back a minimum of ten feet (10') from the edge of pavement of a city street.
   F.   Size: A seasonal farm stand may not exceed one hundred (100) square feet in size.
   G.   Food Preparation: Food preparation is prohibited at farm stands.
   H.   Signs: Signs for a seasonal farm stand are allowed as temporary portable signs subject to the regulations in section 21A.46.055 of this title. Signs are not allowed to be placed more than fifty feet (50') from the stand location.
   I.   Sales: Food crops and/or nonfood, ornamental crops, such as flowers grown locally are allowed to be sold at a seasonal food stand. Prepackaged "shelf stable" foods produced in close proximity to the farm stand may be sold as well, provided they are fully labeled and produced in an approved health department or Utah state department of agriculture facility.
   J.   Animals: No live animals, birds, or fowl shall be kept or allowed within twenty feet (20') of any area where food is stored or held for sale. This requirement does not apply to guide dogs, signal dogs, or service dogs.
   K.   Garbage: All garbage and refuse shall be stored and disposed of in accordance with established health department standards.
   L.   Storage: Perishable foods must be stored in a vermin proof area or container when the facility is closed. (Ord. 21-11, 2011)
   A.   Setbacks: A solar array shall meet all minimum setback requirements for the zone in which it is located. In no case shall a solar array be located less than six feet (6') from a property line or other structure.
   B.   Height: A solar array shall not exceed twenty feet (20') in height measured from established grade.
   C.   Landscape Buffer: No landscaped buffer yards shall be required on a site with a solar array as a principal use.
   D.   Code Compliance: Solar arrays are subject to review for compliance with all applicable international building and electrical code requirements by the Salt Lake City building services division.
   E.   Solar Easements: Solar easements are not a requirement for city approval; nonetheless, a property owner who has installed or intends to install a solar array may negotiate a solar easement with adjacent property owners to ensure perpetual sun on the property. Any easement agreed upon must be recorded by the county recorder.
   F.   Electrical Wires: All electrical wires associated with a solar array, shall be located underground except for wires connecting to the electrical distribution grid.
   G.   Nonmaintained Or Abandoned Arrays: The building official may require each nonmaintained or abandoned solar array to be removed from the premises when such a system has not been repaired or put into use by the owner, person having control or person receiving benefit of such structure within thirty (30) calendar days after notice of nonmaintenance or abandonment is given to the owner, person having control or person receiving the benefit of such structure. The city may require a performance bond or other means of financial assurance to guarantee removal of abandoned structures.
   H.   Utility Interconnection: No solar array shall be installed that does not meet the requirements of Rocky Mountain Power for an interconnected customer owned generator. Off grid systems shall be exempt from this requirement.
   I.   Off Street Parking And Loading: No additional parking is required for a solar array; however, a solar array may not replace or hinder existing required parking and loading. (Ord. 21-11, 2011)