A.   Purpose Statement: The purpose of this section is to permit the establishment of medicinal cannabis pharmacy use as defined in Chapter 21A.62 of this title, subject to licensing procedures required by the State of Utah.
   B.   License Required: No medicinal cannabis pharmacy shall be established, operated, or maintained within the city without a valid license issued by the Utah Department of Health, and without a valid business license issued by the city.
   C.   Medicinal Cannabis Pharmacy Authorized as Permitted Use: A medicinal cannabis pharmacy shall be permitted pursuant to Chapter 26-61a, Utah Code, as amended, in all city zoning districts, except zoning districts that are primarily residential unless otherwise stated in this Subsection 21A.36.310.C. Residential zones that are primarily residential in Salt Lake City are all zoning districts established in Chapter 21A.24, Residential Districts, as well as the FB-UN1 Form Based Urban Neighborhood District, FP Foothills Protection District, and the MH Mobile Home Park District. Notwithstanding the prohibition of this use in primarily residential districts, a medicinal cannabis pharmacy shall be permitted in the RMU, RMU-35, RMU-45, RO, and RB zoning districts.
      1.   As required by Utah Code Chapter 26-61a, a medicinal cannabis pharmacy shall be located at least:
         a.   Two hundred feet (200') from a community location (public or private school, licensed child care facility or preschool, church, public library, public playground or public park); or
         b.   Six hundred feet (600') from an area zoned primarily residential.
      2.   The proximity requirements described in Subsection C.1 shall be measured as required in Chapter 26-61a, Utah Code, as amended.
   D.   Signs: Signs shall be subject to the dimensional requirements per Sections 26-61a-505 and 4-41a-403, Utah Code, as amended.
   E.   Conflict of Laws: If any regulation in Title 21A - Zoning, regarding medicinal cannabis is in conflict with Utah Code, the provisions of Utah Code shall prevail.
(Ord. 4-20, 2020)