A.   Purpose Statement: The requirements of this section are intended to promote recycling by providing dedicated space for such activities in developments and to promote efficient management of construction and demolition waste. These requirements are also intended to help better manage the life of the local landfill by reducing the amount of materials entering the landfill, reducing municipal expenditures and saving taxpayer dollars through more efficient and reduced refuse collection services and preservation of natural resources for future generations.
   B.   Scope Of Regulations: The recycling and waste reduction provisions of this title shall apply to all buildings and structures erected and all uses of land established after 1995.
   C.   Site Plan Information: Any application for a building permit shall include a site plan, drawn to scale and fully dimensioned, showing the location and size of the recycling collection station, if applicable, to be provided in compliance with this title.
   D.   Designation Of Recycling Collection Station In The Multi- Family Residential, Nonresidential And Mixed Use Districts: All construction of new principal buildings and all remodels/expansions greater than one thousand (1,000) square feet in gross floor area shall include a recycling collection station as part of the development. All new developments and remodels/expansions in the mixed use districts may provide a shared recycling collection station subject to approval from the zoning administrator. The recycling collection station shall be accessible to collection services, including adequate on site vehicular pick up service and subject to the location provisions of section 21A.36.020 of this chapter.
   E.   Voluntary Conversion Of Parking Spaces To Provide A Recycling Collection Station: These provisions apply to existing developments in all zones except single-family and R-2 single- and two-family residential districts that do not currently meet the recycling collection station requirements of this code. Existing developments may convert up to six (6) existing on site parking spaces in order to accommodate the installation of a recycling collection station. Such a conversion may be allowed through administrative approval when the zoning administrator finds that the following conditions exist:
      1.   When the existing parking on site is not reduced by more than ten percent (10%). If ten percent (10%) equates to less than one parking stall, then only one parking stall can be eliminated to accommodate the recycling collection station;
      2.   The recycling collection station is centrally located such that it is easily accessible to all users;
      3.   Adequate space exists for the recycling collection station to be accessed by service vehicles on site;
      4.   The zoning administrator may request additional review from the transportation division; and
      5.   The property owner, or authorized agent or homeowners' association, if applicable, provide proof of a valid contract stipulating that the owner will maintain or contract ongoing recycling services to the development.
   F.   Construction Waste Management Plan Requirement For Development Or Demolition Applications: A construction waste management plan shall be submitted with all new development and/or demolition permit applications. These provisions apply to the following:
      1.   New construction of multi-family developments with three (3) or more dwelling units;
      2.   New subdivision developments of over twenty (20) single-family homes;
      3.   All new mixed use and nonresidential developments that exceed five thousand (5,000) square feet;
      4.   The demolition of any principal structure; and
      5.   Any expansion, alterations or modification that increases the existing development's gross floor area by at least one thousand (1,000) square feet.
   G.   Construction Waste Management Plan: A construction waste management plan shall be submitted with all new development and/or demolition permit applications and shall describe how at least fifty five percent (55%), by weight, of new construction waste materials and demolition waste will be recycled or reused. The construction waste management plan shall also describe:
      1.   Steps that will be taken to reduce the amount of waste created by the project.
      2.   How subcontractors and employees will be trained to ensure material will be reused or recycled to the maximum extent possible.
      3.   On site collection system for waste, including any separation required. Hazardous waste must be kept separate for proper handling.
      4.   Total amount and types of construction and demolition waste material reused, recycled, or composted.
      5.   Amount and types of construction and demolition waste material landfilled.
      6.   Names of facilities which will receive or process any construction and demolition waste material.
   H.   Issuance Of Certificate Of Occupancy: Prior to the issuance of a certificate of occupancy the applicant shall submit a copy of the construction waste audit performed by the company (or companies) contracted to remove waste and recyclables. The audit receipt shall include information such as pictures and an itemized list of material contained in each load, the makeup of the waste stream and the percentage (by weight) of the materials recycled, reused or otherwise diverted from the landfill.
   I.   Location Of Recycling Collection Station: Recycling collection stations shall be located indoors or outdoors, in yard areas as specified below. The purpose of the following regulations is to promote recycling through increased convenience and ensure the neat appearance of the recycling collection station so that it does not impact aesthetic values of the community. Recycling containers located in single-family and two-family residential districts shall be subject to the accessory storage limits of subsection 21A.24.010R of this title.
      1.   Multi-Family Residential Districts: In multi-family residential districts, recycling collection stations shall be either located in an enclosed principal building, accessory building, side yard or the rear yard and shall be designed and operated to accommodate on site recycling only.
      2.   Nonresidential Districts: In nonresidential districts or for nonresidential uses in residential districts recycling collection stations may be located, designed and operated to accommodate the recycling activities of both on site and off site users.
   J.   Screening:
      1.   Landscaping and screening of recycling collection stations shall be provided in a manner that improves their appearance without obscuring their visibility. Landscaping and screening requirements shall be established on a case by case basis as part of the site plan review process pursuant to chapter 21A.58 of this title. In districts where site plan review is not required, no landscaping or screening will be required.
      2.   Recycling collection stations shall not be located within any required landscape yard or landscape buffer.
   K.   Maintenance: All recycling collection stations shall be maintained in a clean and safe condition and free of litter.
   L.   Advertising: Recycling collection stations shall not be used for advertising. The maximum sign area to be used for identification and instructions shall be ten (10) square feet.
   M.   Reverse Vending Machines: Reverse vending machines shall not be permitted in residential districts, except as accessory uses to nonresidential uses.
   N.   Donation Bins: Donation containers or bins for charitable purposes are exempt from screening or site location regulations and may be located in outdoor public locations for people to drop off clothing or other items for reuse or recycle. (Ord. 12-14, 2014)