General Provisions
31.001 Effect
31.002 Appointments
31.003 Term of office; vacancies
31.004 Moneys received
31.005 Oath
31.006 Salaries
31.007 Assignment of duties
31.008 Records
31.009 Bond
31.010 Termination of office
31.011 Fiscal year
31.012 Light duty
31.013 Credit card use policy
31.014 Travel and expenses reimbursement policy
Code of Ethics
31.025 Declaration of policy
31.026 Conflict of interest
31.027 Disclosure of income
31.028 Future employment
31.029 Enforcement
31.030 Cellular phone service
31.031 Equipment and credit card use
Gift Ban Act
31.045 Definitions
31.046 Prohibited political activities
31.047 Gift ban; general rule
31.048 Exceptions to general rule
31.049 Disposition of gifts
31.050 Ethics advisor
Village Clerk
31.065 Appointment of Clerk; term
31.066 Bond
31.067 Signatures
31.068 Duties
31.069 Records
31.070 Seal
31.071 Documents
31.072 Indices
31.073 Additional duties
31.074 Deputy Clerk
31.075 Compensation for Village Clerk
Village Treasurer
31.090 Appointment; term
31.091 Oath and bond
31.092 Receive money; keep accounts; give receipts
31.093 Keep register
31.094 Not to use village funds
31.095 Report of delinquent officers
31.096 Method of keeping books
31.097 Monthly statements to President and Board of Trustees
31.098 Annual report; publication
Superintendent of Public Works
31.115 Established
31.116 Supervision
31.117 Responsibilities designated
31.118 Discharge by Board only
Office Manager
31.130 Established
31.131 Supervision
31.132 Responsibilities designated
31.133 Discharge by Board only for cause
31.999 Penalty
All officers other than elective officers shall be appointed by the President and Board of Trustees, as is provided by statute; provided that, all employees shall, in the absence of any provision to the contrary, be appointed or selected by the Village President and Board of Trustees.
(Prior Code, § 32.002)
(A) Every appointive officer of the village shall hold office until May 1 following this appointment, or until his or her successor is appointed and qualified, unless it is otherwise provided by law.
(B) In case of a vacancy in any such office, it shall be filled in the same manner as which appointments or selections are made unless it is otherwise provided by law.
(Prior Code, § 32.003)