   (A)   In order to simplify purchasing of goods and services, the village may obtain credit cards for use by village officers and employees.
   (B)   The village credit card program shall be administered by the Office Manager, who shall keep a record of all village credit cards and the persons to whom they have been furnished. All persons to whom a credit card is issued shall acknowledge, in writing, receipt of this Credit Card Use Policy. Only a person to whom a card is issued may use the card.
   (C)   Credit cards may only be used for the purchase of any goods and services needed in the conduct of village business, including but not limited to fuel, office supplies, tools, spare parts, uniform items and safety equipment expressly authorized by a collective bargaining agreement, and maintenance services. Credit cards may also be used for travel expenses for official business, but only if approved in advance by the Village Board.
   (D)   Credit cards shall never be used for any Internet purchase except by or in the presence of the Office Manager.
   (E)   All expenditures made with a village credit card shall be documented with a receipt showing the date of purchase, name of vendor, and product or service involved. The receipt shall be signed by the officer or employee making the expenditure and annotated with a statement of the purpose of the expenditure, and in the case of fuel purchases, the vehicle or equipment involved. Receipts shall be turned into the Office Manager within two working days of the date of expenditure.
   (F)   The Office Manager shall, together with the Village President or Chairman of the Administration Committee, review all credit card statements and shall match all expenditures on statements with receipts, prior to such statements being recommended to the Village Board for payment.
   (G)   In no event shall any person use a village credit card for any cash advance or in an automated teller machine.
   (H)   There shall be no personal use of any village credit card for any reason whatsoever.
   (I)   Credit cards shall be returned to the Office Manager upon demand in the Officer Manager's sole discretion.
   (J)   Lost or stolen credit cards shall be promptly reported to the Office Manager.
(Ord. 13-016, passed 8-19-2013)
   (A)   Purpose. The village will reimburse employee and officer travel, meal, and lodging expenses incurred in connection with pre-approved travel, meal, and lodging expenses incurred on behalf of the village.
   (B)   Definitions. The following definitions shall apply as written to this section unless context indicates or requires a different meaning.
      ENTERTAINMENT. Includes, but is not limited to, shows, amusements, theaters, circuses, sporting events, or any other place of public or private entertainment or amusement, unless ancillary to the purpose of the program or event.
      TRAVEL. Any expenditure directly incident to official travel by employees and officers of the village or by wards or charges of the village involving reimbursement to travelers or direct payment to private agencies providing transportation or related services.
   (C)   Authorized types of official business. Travel, meal and lodging expenses shall be reimbursed for employees and officers of the village only for purposes of official business conducted on behalf of the village, which includes but is not limited to off-site or out-of-town meetings related to official business and seminars, conferences and other educational events related to the employee’s or officer’s official duties. Employee travel will be approved in advance by the employee’s supervisor. Travel of the Village President and trustees will be approved in advance by the Village Board. Travel of other village officers will be approved in advance by the Village President.
   (D)   Reimbursable expenses and limits.
      (1)   CMS rates for meals, lodging and mileage. Reimbursable expenses for meals and lodging and for mileage will be limited to those amounts established by the State of Illinois Department of Central Management Services from time to time and published on the internet (currently, www.illinois.gov/cmc/Employees/travel/Pages/TravelReimbursement.aspx ). These expense limits in force as of the date of this section are attached to Ord. 16-031; however, when the Department of CMS publishes changes in its limits, the village’s limits shall be deemed to be changed in like amount.
      (2)   Airfare. Since official business of the village does not normally involve air transportation, all air transportation expenses for any employee or officer of the village must be approved by the Village Board in advance. Travelers are expected to obtain the lowest available airfare that reasonably meets business travel needs. Only coach or economy tickets will be paid or reimbursed. The traveler will pay for the difference between higher priced tickets and coach or economy tickets with his or her personal funds.
      (3)   Automobiles. If a village-owned vehicle is available, it will be used. There will be no reimbursement of the cost of rental cars. For personal vehicles, mileage reimbursement will be based on mileage from the Village Hall to the off-site location of the official business, not from the employee’s or officer’s residence. When attending a training event or other off-site official business directly from an employee’s or officer’s normal commute, reimbursement will be paid based on the differential of the commute less the mileage of a normal commute to the workplace.
      (4)   Other transportation. The traveler should utilize hotel shuttle service or other shuttle services, if available. If none are offered, the use of the most economic transportation is encouraged.
      (5)   Vacation in conjunction with business travel. In cases where vacation time is added to a business trip, any cost variance in airfare, car rental, lodging and/or any other expenses must be clearly identified on the travel, meal, and lodging expense report form and paid by the traveler.
      (6)   Accompanied travel. When a traveler is accompanied by others not on official business, any lodging, transportation, meals or other expenses above those incurred for the authorized traveler will not be reimbursed by the village.
      (7)   Parking. Parking fees at a hotel or motel will be reimbursed only with a receipt. Valet parking will not be reimbursed.
   (E)   Approval of expenses.
      (1)   Travel, meal, and lodging expenses incurred by any employee in excess of $250 must be approved in an open meeting by a majority roll-call vote of the Village Board.
      (2)   Travel, meal, and lodging expenses incurred by the Village President or any Village Trustee any mount must be approved by roll call vote at an open meeting of the Village Board. Travel meal and lodging expenses advances as a per diem to any employee or any member of the Village Board must be approved by roll call vote at an open meeting of the Village Board prior to payment. Documentation of expenses must be provided in accordance with divisions (C), (D), and (F) of this policy, and any excess from the per diem must be repaid.
   (F)   Documentation of expenses. 
      (1)   Before an expense for travel, meals, or lodging may be approved under division (E) of this policy, the following minimum documentation must first be submitted, in writing, to the Village Board on a travel, meal, and lodging expense form:
         (a)   An estimate of the cost of travel, meals, or lodging if expenses have not been incurred or a receipt of the cost of the travel, meals, or lodging if the expense have already been incurred;
         (b)   The name of the individual who received or is requesting the travel, meal or lodging expense;
         (c)   The job title or office of the individual who received or is requesting the travel, meal, or lodging expense; and
         (d)   The date or dates and nature of the official business for which the travel, meal, or lodging expense was or will be expended.
      (2)   All documents and information submitted under this section are public records subject to disclosure under the Freedom of Information Act.
      (3)   The village hereby adopts as its official standardized form for the submission of travel, meal, and lodging expenses the travel, meal, and lodging expense report form attached to Ord. 16-031.
   (G)   Entertainment expenses. No employee or officer shall be reimbursed for any entertainment expense, unless ancillary to the purpose of the program, event or other official business.
(Ord. 16-031, passed 12-19-2016)
   The proper operation of democratic government requires that public office not be used for personal gain. In recognition of this goal, there is hereby established this Code of Ethics for all officials and employees, whether elected or appointed, paid or unpaid. The provisions and purpose of this subchapter and such rules and regulations, as may be established pursuant hereto, are declared to be in the best interest of the village.
(Prior Code, § 32.015)
   (A)   No elected official or other official or employee, whether paid or unpaid, shall engage in any business or transaction or shall have a financial or other personal interest, direct or indirect, which is incompatible with the proper discharge of his or her official duties in the public interest or would tend to impair his or her independence of judgement or action in the performance of his or her official duties. Personal, as distinguished from financial, interest includes an interest arising from blood or marriage relationships or close business association.
   (B)   The following are hereby designated as constituting conflicts of interest:
      (1)   Engaging in or accepting private employment or rendering services for private interests when such employment or service is incompatible with the proper discharge of official duties or would tend to impair independence of judgement or action in performance of official duties;
      (2)   Appear on behalf of private interests before any agency of the village excepting without compensation and only in the course of duties as a representative of the electorate or in the performance of public or civic obligations; and/or
      (3)   Failing to disclose the full nature and extent of a substantial or controlling financial interest in or any substantial dealings as a debtor, creditor or otherwise in connection with any business entity contracting with the village for the sale of real estate, materials, supplies or services. Such official, with or without such disclosure, shall refrain from voting upon or otherwise participating in any such transaction, contract or sale.
(Prior Code, § 32.016)
   (A)   An official or employee, whether paid or unpaid, who has a direct or indirect financial or other interest in any transaction, the disposition of which may be influenced by his or her official position or action, shall disclose all sources of income and the nature and extent of any personal interest in such transaction as an officer, agent, member or owner of any business entity or other association which is subject to regulation by the village.
   (B)   Such disclosure shall remove any presumption of conflict of interest for any transaction where the information disclosed is pertinent.
(Prior Code, § 32.017)
   It shall be improper for any administrative member of the staff or any appointive official serving on the Zoning Board of Appeals to appear within a period of two years after the termination of his or her employment for the village or the termination of the appointive official’s term of office before the agency in which he or she was formerly employed in connection with any case or other matter with which he or she was directly connected while an official or employee, or as a member of the Zoning Board of Appeals.
(Prior Code, § 32.018)
   Nothing herein contained shall create or detract from the civil or criminal liability of any public official or employee, or any other laws or ordinances. Violations of any provisions of this code shall constitute a cause for suspension, removal from office or employment or other disciplinary action by the appropriate authority.
(Prior Code, § 32.019)