18.83.080   Address and street name changes.
   A.   An owner of property may request the change of its address, provided:
      1.   The change shall not conflict with these standards;
      2.   The change shall bring the address into conformance with these standards;
      3.   The applicant shall comply with the display requirements of these standards; and
      4.   The applicant shall provide the required materials specified in Section 18.83.040E6.
   B.   The addressing official shall correct an address number or street direction prefix not in conformance with these standards as follows:
      1.   Notice of the change shall be mailed to all owners and the occupants of the property whose address is changed. The notice shall:
         a.   Advise the property owners or occupants that they may submit a written objection to the change to the addressing official within fifteen working days of the mailing of notice;
         b.   State the reasons for the change and the effective date of change; and
         c.   Include an objection form.
      2.   An owner or occupant of property whose address numbers or street direction prefix is to be changed may object to the change, and shall submit the objection in writing, within fifteen working days of the mailing of notice. Objections received after the fifteen days shall not be considered.
      3.   Action of address official: The addressing official shall render a decision on the objection within five working days of receipt and notify the objector in writing of the decision. The effective date of the change shall be unaffected unless altered by the addressing official or an order of the superior court.
   C.   The addressing official shall change the name of a street as follows:
      1.   Notice of the change shall be mailed to all owners and occupants of property whose existing address will be changed by the renaming. The notice shall:
         a.   Advise the property owners or occupants that they may submit a written objection to the change to the addressing official within fifteen working days of the mailing of notice;
         b.   State the reasons for the change and the date the addressing official will consider the renaming; and
         c.   Include an objection form.
      2.   Action of address official: The addressing official shall render a decision on the objection within five working days of receipt of a timely objection and notify the objector in writing of the decision. The effective date of the change shall be unaffected unless altered by the addressing official, the board of adjustment on appeal or an order of the superior court.
(Ord. 2010-26 § 1 (part), 2010; Ord. 1988-2 § 1 (part), 1988)