18.83.070   Display exceptions, nonconforming street names and addresses.
   A.   Existing addresses displayed prior to January 13, 1981, shall be exempt from the address display provisions of these standards until January 1, 1991, except in the event of:
      1.   An address change;
      2.   A building or structure remodeling or repair which requires a building permit; or
      3.   An exterior sign replacement or repair which requires a building permit.
   B.   Except as provided in subsection A of this section, these standards shall not apply to existing street names or to addresses of buildings existing prior to January 13, 1991, unless there is:
      1.   Gross error in the physical placement of a hundred block increment;
      2.   Gross error or discontinuity in the assignment of an address number;
      3.   An incorrect directional prefix for a street;
      4.   More than one directional prefix for the same street;
      5.   More than one spelling for same street name;
      6.   Homonyms, Homophones;
      7.   Use and display of an address not assigned;
      8.   Duplication of a street name;
      9.   Excessive discontinuity of alignment for a street name;
      10.   More than one name for the same alignment;
      11.   An overlap in address ranges for the same primary name; or
      12.   Primary access from a street different than the address.
(Ord. 1988-2 § 1 (part), 1988)