A. Existing addresses displayed prior to January 13, 1981, shall be exempt from the address display provisions of these standards until January 1, 1991, except in the event of:
1. An address change;
2. A building or structure remodeling or repair which requires a building permit; or
3. An exterior sign replacement or repair which requires a building permit.
B. Except as provided in subsection A of this section, these standards shall not apply to existing street names or to addresses of buildings existing prior to January 13, 1991, unless there is:
1. Gross error in the physical placement of a hundred block increment;
2. Gross error or discontinuity in the assignment of an address number;
3. An incorrect directional prefix for a street;
4. More than one directional prefix for the same street;
5. More than one spelling for same street name;
6. Homonyms, Homophones;
7. Use and display of an address not assigned;
8. Duplication of a street name;
9. Excessive discontinuity of alignment for a street name;
10. More than one name for the same alignment;
11. An overlap in address ranges for the same primary name; or
12. Primary access from a street different than the address.
(Ord. 1988-2 § 1 (part), 1988)