18.83.050   Address display.
   A.   General requirements:
      1.   All structures designed for human occupancy or use which have an assigned address shall display the address.
      2.   Upon commencement of construction, the assigned address shall be displayed at the primary access of the subject lot parcel or structure. The address display may be temporary signage during construction.
      3.   Permanent address display shall be installed on all buildings, tenant spaces and entrance signage, or as otherwise required by these Standards, prior to building inspection final approval, certificate of occupancy or occupancy of any building or structure. Display shall be required at all times thereafter, conforming to standards.
      4.   More than one address or number display may be required for each building or site.
      5.   The address number shall be displayed on all corner buildings at a street intersection, for each side of building facing any street.
      6.   Addresses shall be displayed and visible from both directions of approaching vehicular travel.
      7.   Numbers and letters (letters refers to the street spelling on sites that require the entire address to be displayed) shall be made of durable and clearly visible material. Paint shall not be considered durable for building addresses.
      8.   Numbers and letters (letters refers to the street spelling on sites that require the entire address to be displayed) shall be of colors contrasting with the background of the sign or wall to which they are attached.
      9.   Numbers and letters (letters refers to the street spelling on sites that require the entire address to be displayed) shall have a minimum proportion ratio of height to width of six to one. The formula for width to height is w = h/6, where w is width and h is height in inches. Width refers to the brush stroke width.
      10.   Numbers shall not be spelled.
      11.   All height requirements are minimum sizes.
   B.   Residential: The address numbers assigned shall be conspicuously placed immediately at the appropriate location on each building, structure entrance or at the property access point.
      1.   For properties containing multiple addresses, addresses shall be placed near the primary entrance in addition to the structure placement.
      2.   A building or structure set back fifty feet or more from the curb line or edge of pavement shall permanently display the address a minimum of thirty-six inches from ground level at the primary access point of the property. Structure display may also be required by the addressing official.
      3.   Minimum number height shall be four inches.
   C.   Apartments: The address numbers assigned shall be conspicuously placed immediately at the property access points, appropriate locations on each building, and structure entrances.
      1.   Building numbers shall be a minimum of fifteen inches in height.
      2.   Apartment number ranges shall be placed below building numbers or on signage near the building. Apartment number ranges shall be a minimum of eight inches in height.
      3.   Individual apartment numbers shall be a minimum of four inches in height for exterior entrances and a minimum of one inch in height for interior (hallway) entrances.
      4.   Both exterior signage and interior numbering may be required by the addressing official on specific development types.
      5.   Apartment complex with multiple buildings:
         a.   All buildings shall have pedestrian directional signage visible from both directions of pedestrian travel, with numbers a minimum of two inches in height.
         b.   All interior accessory buildings, structures and pool areas shall be identified and have directional signage.
         c.   The apartment complex shall have entrance signage at all access points address.
         d.   For access points that enter the complex from other than the addressed street, the complete address shall be displayed on entrance signage.
         e.   Site and building addresses shall be visible at all times.
   D.   Commercial: The address number assigned shall be conspicuously placed immediately at each property access point, and the appropriate locations on each building, and each structure entrance.
      1.   Buildings or structures set back no more than fifty feet from the curb line or edge of pavement shall display a twelve-inch minimum height number.
      2.   Buildings or structures set back more than fifty feet from the curb line or edge of pavement shall display a fifteen-inch minimum height number.
      3.   Individual addresses shall be placed near the primary entrance, a minimum of four inches in height.
      4.   The low and high number range may be displayed on buildings with multiple addresses, a minimum of twelve inches in height.
      5.   Site and building addresses shall be visible at all times.
   E.   RV and mobile home park: The address numbers assigned shall be conspicuously placed immediately at each property access point, and at the appropriate locations for each building, structure, and property rental space.
      1.   Number height:
         a.   Space, directional signage and internal street signage numbers shall be a minimum of four inches; and
         b.   Building numbers shall be a minimum of six inches.
      2.   Internal street signs shall be placed at each street intersection. The signs shall display the word "Row" plus the appropriate number (e.g., Row 9).
   F.   Entrance signage: The address or address numbers assigned shall be placed at primary access points immediately and shall be permanently installed prior to first occupancy of any internal structure or building.
      1.   Numbers or address shall be a minimum of twelve inches in height on all entrance signage.
      2.   Complete address display shall be required at all street access points in addition to the primary access street.
   G.   Directional signs: If buildings within a commercial development are obscured from the primary street to which the development is addressed and from parking and access areas, directional signs shall be installed.
      1.   A directional sign shall be required at each primary entryway to the obscured buildings.
      2.   A directional sign shall be clearly visible from all parking areas serving a building and shall have numbers of not less than six inches in height.
      3.   Each directional sign shall carry appropriate addresses or range of addresses and a directional arrow or locational instructions as minimum directional information.
      4.   Additional signs: Buildings having parking and access areas only at their side or rear shall display additional numbers, at least six inches in height, visible from all such areas.
(Ord. 2020-41, § 6, 2020; Ord. 2010-26 § 1 (part), 2010; Ord. 1988-2 § 1 (part), 1988)