18.49.050   Review and adoption procedures.
   A.   Initial Submittal Requirements. In addition to submitting a zoning application and appropriate fee, the applicant shall submit to the planning and development services department the following:
      1.   A legal description of the total site proposed for development;
      2.   The names and addresses of all owners;
         a.   If an owner is a corporation, the names and addresses of the principal officers and members of the board of directors,
         b.   If an owner is a partnership, the names and addresses of the general and managing partners;
      3.   A statement of planning and design objectives to be achieved by the campus development through the particular approach proposed by the applicant; and
      4.   A description of the relationship of the proposed development to adjacent developments and lands. This shall include neighboring rezonings contemplated by the applicant.
   B.   Final Submittal Requirements and Review.
      1.   Development plan and related materials: Prior to any rezoning ordinance being adopted, the applicant shall submit to the planning and development services department the following:
         a.   A development plan of the total site showing:
            1)   The existing topography, including floodplains and unusual natural features,
            2)   Proposed uses that will change the existing topography or remove natural vegetation, and the manner in which such areas will be treated,
            3)   Proposed lot lines and plot designs,
            4)   Architectural renderings, showing architectural harmony among the buildings, structures and other improvements,
            5)   The location and floor area size of all existing and proposed buildings, structures and other improvements, including maximum heights, types of use, and other use information as required by the reviewing bodies,
            6)   The location, size and specific function of all areas to be reserved as open space,
            7)   The location of all driveways and areas assigned for parking, loading, curbs, islands, landscaping, pedestrian ways and sidewalks,
            8)   The location of all streets, showing access to and from and circulation within the proposed development, and relation to adjacent streets,
            9)   The proposed treatment of the perimeter of the development, including materials and techniques used, such as screens, fences and walls,
            10)   A complete list of raw materials used in the manufacturing processes, and
            11)   The design, size, height, size of lettering, and lighting of all signs;
         b.   A description of the proposed uses and materials used in manufacturing processes;
         c.   Quantitative data for:
            1)   Total number of industrial units,
            2)   Parcel size,
            3)   Proposed lot coverage of buildings and structures,
            4)   Total amount of open space, and
            5)   Other studies as required by the reviewing bodies;
         d.   A schedule of phasing, if development of the site is to occur in increments over a period of time.
      2.   Review by the design review committee:
         a.   Prior to a rezoning ordinance being adopted, the proposal shall be reviewed by the design review committee (refer to Section 18.99.030 Design Review Committee);
         b.   The committee shall make a written report for the public record as to the conformance of the proposal with the purpose and requirements of this chapter:
            1)   The report shall also contain recommendations by the committee for denial, approval, or approval with restrictions. Such restrictions may include the prohibition of uses found unsuitable by the committee,
            2)   If the committee recommends denial, the applicant may be requested to revise and resubmit the proposal,
            3)   The report may positively or negatively recommend the granting of one or more variances from the development regulations of Section 18.49.040, except Section 18.48.040(I).
      3.   Board of supervisors public hearing:
         a.   The final committee report shall be submitted to the supervisors for consideration at a public hearing prior to adoption of the final rezoning ordinance;
         b.   The supervisors, at the public hearing, may consider the granting of one or more variances to the development regulations only upon receipt of a positive or negative recommendation by the committee.
      4.   Conformance with plan: The final plat, when required, must conform with the approved development plan.
(Ord. 1985-141 § 1 (part), 1985; Ord. 1985-82 (part), 1985)