18.99.030   Design review committee.
   A.   Purpose. The review provided by this committee is intended to:
      1.   Protect the character and desirable living conditions of surrounding areas through careful site planning that alleviates impacts of new development;
      2.   Encourage site planning and building design that establishes a sensitive relationship both internally and between the elements of the site plan and contextual features of scenic, environmental or cultural significance;
      3.   Preserve the visual amenity of the county for residents and visitors, especially through the enhancement of roadway aesthetics;
      4.   Accomplish other goals for specific types of development, as described in Sections 18.09.040 (General Residential and Rural Zoning Provisions; Cluster Development Option), 18.49.010 (CPI Campus Park Industrial Zone; Purpose and Intent), 18.79.010 (Sign Standards; Purpose) and 18.79.100(B) (Sign Standards; Master sign program), and 18.63.010 (Historic Zone; Purpose and Intent).
      5.   Review projects developing under the Mixed Use Option for conformance to the Mixed Use Option Design Guidelines.
   B.   Establishment. The design review committee is established by the adoption of this chapter and replaces the previously established RVC architectural advisory, landscape architectural advisory, cluster review, and CPI development review committees.
   C.   Composition. The following persons or their representatives shall be members of the committee:
      1.   The planning and development services director;
      2.   The director of the department of transportation and flood control district;
      3.   The chief zoning inspector;
      4.   One architect appointed by the board of supervisors;
      5.   One landscape architect appointed by the supervisors;
      6.   One civil engineer or land planner appointed by the supervisors;
      7.   One person experienced in residential and commercial property development, appointed by the supervisors;
      8.   One person representing homeowners' associations in the community at-large, appointed by the supervisors;
      9.   One person representing all affected homeowners' association(s) of a specific development proposal, approved by such association(s) for review of that proposal only. In review of historic zone development, a member of the applicable historic district advisory board shall fill this position; and
      10.   One person representing the Tucson-Pima Arts Council or the director of art in public places, city of Tucson, to only review and approve streetscape sculpture and furniture in accordance with Section 18.73.030(B)(10) (Landscaping, Buffering and Screening Standards).
   D.   Transaction of Business.
      1.   Terms: Committee members appointed by the board of supervisors shall be appointed for three-year terms, a maximum of two such terms may be served;
      2.   Meetings: The committee shall hold regular meetings once a month, with additional meetings called, as needed, by the planning and development services director.
   E.   Powers and Duties. The committee shall serve as:
      1.   An advisory body providing procedural or development recommendations to applicable decision making bodies;
      2.   A review body with the power to require revisions to specified development proposals prior to review by the subdivision review committee;
      3.   The final voting body on development proposals in historic zones, with the power to approve, approve with conditions, or deny plans for such development;
      4.   A hearing body for appeals of decisions or requirements of the landscape review representative concerning final landscape plans (refer to Section 18.73.070 Landscaping Standards).
      5.    A final voting body on requests for the Master Sign Program as provided in Section 18.79.100(B) with the power to approve, approve with conditions, or deny requests.
   F.   Fees. Fees for specific types of design review shall be charged in accordance with the adopted fees schedule.
   G.   Review Procedures, Submittals and Criteria:
      1.   Cluster development review: Refer to Section 18.09.040 (General Residential and Rural Zoning Provisions);
      2.   CPI development review: Refer to Section 18.49.050 (CPI Campus Park Industrial Zone)
      3.   Historic zone review; Refer to Section 18.63.080 (Historic Zone);
      4.   RVC development review: Refer to Section 18.71.060 (Development Plan Standards);
      5.   Gateway Overlay Zone review; Refer to Section 18.78.030 (Development Standards) and 18.78.040 (Site Planning Review).
      6.   Master Sign program review: Refer to Section 18.79.100(B);
      7.   Commercial and other design review: Reserved.
   H.   Appeal of Design Review Committee Decision.
      1.   Cluster development: As directed in Section 18.09.040 (General Residential and Rural Zoning Provisions);
      2.   Historic zone development:
         a.   The decision of the committee may be appealed to the board of supervisors within thirty days of the committee decision by:
            1)   The applicant;
            2)   A member of the applicable historic district advisory board;
            3)   Any real property owner within the historic district; or
            4)   Any resident of the historic district;
         b.   The supervisors shall uphold or reverse the committee's decision, and may add, subtract or modify conditions of design plan approval.
      3.   Large scale retail establishment and regional, neighborhood, and small retail center.
         a.   The decision of the committee may be appealed to the board of supervisors within twenty days of the of the committee's decision by the applicant or any property owner within three hundred feet.
      4.   Master Sign Program Section 18.79.100(B). The decision of the committee may be appealed to the board of supervisors within thirty days of the committee's decision by the applicant or any property owner within three hundred feet.
(Ord. 2020-41, § 7, 2020; Ord. 2006-45 § 2, 2006; Ord. 2006-30 § 3, 2006; Ord. 2003-32 § 3, 2003; Ord. 2001-165 § 1 (part), 2001; Administrative amendment dated December 16, 1985; Ord. 1985-141 § 1 (part), 1985)
(Ord. 2006-45 § 2, 2006; Ord. 2006-30 § 3, 2006; Ord. 2003-32 § 3, 2003; Ord. 2001-165 § 1 (part), 2001; Administrative amendment dated December 16, 1985; Ord. 1985-141 § 1 (part), 1985)