18.49.010   Purpose and intent.
   A.   Purpose. The purpose of the CPI zone is to:
      1.   Promote and facilitate innovative and comprehensively planned industrial developments which are compatible with surrounding residential communities; and
      2.   Encourage the highest standards of architecture and site planning which will foster compact industrial developments.
   B.   Intent.
      1.   The CPI zone is intended exclusively for research and development laboratory, large headquarter office and modern nonnuisance industrial uses;
      2.   The permitted uses, dimensional standards and landscaping requirements are designed to insure a compatibility with adjoining nonindustrial areas;
      3.   The zone will make available attractive locations for businesses and factories which will provide employment close to residences and reduce travel time between home and work;
      4.   CPI development regulations shall be utilized to create new industrial centers and also shall be applied to properties in established industrial zones as an alternative to existing regulations;
      5.   The zone may also be used to provide industrial sites along interstate and major travel routes;
      6.   The granting of CPI zoning shall be based on the performance of the industry as well as the type of industry;
      7.   Development and performance standards will provide a healthful operating environment for industry and prevent effects detrimental to the surrounding neighborhood;
      8.   The standards will ensure that all manufacturing, processing or assembling of materials and products is not injurious or offensive to the occupants of surrounding properties.
(Ord. 1985-82 (part), 1985)