EDITOR'S NOTE: This chapter, previously a codification of Ordinance 51-48, passed July 19, 1948, and Ordinance 196-57, passed July 29, 1957, was reenacted in its entirety by Ordinance 88-85, passed July 15, 1985.
753.01 Intent.
753.02 Permit required.
753.03 Permit applications.
753.04 Review of applications.
753.05 Approval or rejection of applications by Planning Commission.
753.06 Issuance of permits; bonds; insurance.
753.07 Effective period of permits; renewals; fee.
753.08 Permit limitations.
753.09 Duties of permit holders.
753.10 Well operations.
753.11 Prohibited locations.
753.12 Abandonment of wells; permit required.
753.13 Compliance with Planning and Zoning Code and other State and local requirements; conflicts.
753.14 Inspections.
753.15 Nonissuance or revocation of permits; stop work orders; changed conditions.
753.151 Appeals.
753.16 Application of chapter; liability of City and permit holders.
753.99 Penalty; equitable remedies.
State regulations - see Ohio R.C. Ch. 1509
License fees - see ADM. 185.04(c)