Article I. In General
   6-1   Definitions
   6-2   Obedience to chapter
   6-3   Obedience to police
   6-4   Application of chapter – Drivers of governmental vehicles
   6-5   Same – Persons propelling pushcarts, riding bicycles
   6-6   Same – Authorized emergency vehicles
   6-7   Same – Certain private property
   6-8   Authority of police in special cases
   6-9   Boarding moving vehicles and the like
   6-10   Entering vehicles without permission
   6-11   Keeping body wholly within vehicle
   6-12   Front seat passengers restricted
   6-13   Clinging to moving vehicles
   6-14   Riding other than in places intended for passengers
   6-15   Vehicles with lugs and the like prohibited
   6-16   Damaging public property
   6-17   Public urination
   6-18   Glass containers
   6-19   Operation of motor vehicles on private property
   6-20   Discharge of firearms and dangerous instruments; hunting and trapping
   6-21 – 6-30   Reserved
Article II. Operation
   6-31   Moving cars from parked positions
   6-32   Driving on roadways laned for traffic
   6-33   Driving through barricaded streets
   6-34   Driving over fire hose
   6-35   Driving on sidewalks
   6-36   Obstructing intersections prohibited
   6-37   Manner of making left turns
   6-38   Driving through funeral processions
   6-39   Limitations on backing
   6-40   Limitations on turning around
   6-41 – 6-50   Reserved
Article III. Traffic-Control Devices
   6-51   Designation of traffic zones, through streets and the like, erection and installation of devices
   6-52   Ratification of existing devices
   6-53   Duty to obey
   6-54   Necessity of signs
   6-55   Moving or damaging devices
   6-56   Display of unauthorized signs, signals or markings
   6-57   Traffic-control signal legend
   6-58   Flashing signals
   6-59   Manner of entering through street
   6-60   Stop intersections
   6-61   Yield right-of-way intersections
   6-62 – 6-70   Reserved
Article IV. Speed Limitations
   6-71   Reasonable, prudent rule
   6-72   Residential streets
   6-73   Variation of maximum speed limits
   6-74   Speed limit on SR 1568 (New River Inlet Road)
   6-75   Reserved
   6-76   Reserved
   6-77   Speed limit on roads in Cape Island subdivision
   6-78   Reserved
   6-79   Speed limit on town-owned side streets
   6-80   Reserved
Article V. Stopping, Standing and Parking
Division 1. Generally
   6-81   Emerging from alleys or private driveways
   6-82   Stopping in streets prohibited; exceptions
   6-83   Lights on parked vehicles
   6-84   Parking for certain purposes prohibited
   6-85   Prohibited at certain places
   6-86   Public conveyances prohibited except in designated zones
   6-87   Moving vehicles into prohibited area
   6-88   Residential areas – Duration
   6-89   Same – Commercial motor vehicles
   6-90   Continuous parking period defined
   6-91   Impoundment – Authorized
   6-92   Same – Redemption
   6-93   Same – Effect of failure to redeem
   6-94 – 6-100   Reserved
Division 2. Prohibited, Restricted on Certain Streets
   6-101   Designation of no parking areas
   6-102   Parking in limited parking zone
   6-103   No parking area designated
   6-104   Prohibitions in town parking lots
   6-105 – 6-110   Reserved
Article VI. Bicycles
   6-111   Observance of traffic regulations
   6-112   Impounding
   6-113   Clinging to moving vehicles
   6-114   Lamps and reflectors
   6-115 – 6-119   Reserved
Article VII. Noise Control
   6-120   Established
   6-121   General prohibition
   6-122   Exception
   6-123   Blowing horns
   6-124   Sirens
   6-125   Playing radios and the like
   6-126   Pets
   6-127   Use of vehicles
   6-128   Discharge of exhaust
   6-129   Compressed air devices
   6-130   Building operations
   6-131   Quiet zones
   6-132   Loading and unloading operations
   6-133   Bells or gongs
   6-134   Peddlers and the like
   6-135   Noises to attract attention
   6-136   Reserved
   6-137   Statement of purpose
   6-138   Types of noises exempted
   6-139   Allowable noise levels within the town
   6-140 – 6-145   Reserved
Article VIII. Wrecker/Towing Services and Impoundment
   6-146   Definitions
   6-147   Administrative responsibility
   6-148   Wrecker service application/agreement
   6-149   Duties and requirements of wrecker tow services
   6-150   Availability and storage requirements; location and towing to be within city limits
   6-151   Liability; insurance
   6-152   Wrecker equipment
   6-153   Inspections
   6-154   Regulations governing wrecker operations
   6-155   Rate schedule and responsibility for charges
   6-156   Duties and responsibilities of police officers – Wrecker and tow services; rotation list
   6-157   Same – Impoundments
   6-158   Duties and responsibilities of wrecker firms providing towing for impoundment purposes
   6-159   Appeal
   6-160   Private towing
Article IX. Enforcement
   6-161   Civil penalty for traffic violations
   6-162   Ticketing of vehicles
Article X. Alarm Control Systems
   6-163   Definitions
   6-164   Notice of false alarm
   6-165   Corrective action and penalty
Statutory reference:
   Motor vehicles generally, see G.S. Ch. 20
   Powers of local authorities, see G.S. § 20-169