Chapter I. Incorporation and Corporate Powers
Sec. 1.1 Incorporation and corporate powers
Chapter II. Corporate Boundaries
Sec. 2.1 Town boundary
Chapter III. Governing Body
Sec. 3.1 Structure of governing body; number of members
Sec. 3.2 Manner of electing board
Sec. 3.3 Term of office of board of aldermen members; four-year terms
Sec. 3.4 Selection of mayor; term of office
Sec. 3.5 Appointment of initial board of aldermen and mayor
Chapter IV. Elections
Sec. 4.1 Conduct of town elections
Chapter V. Administration
Sec. 5.1 Council-manager plan
The inhabitants of the Town of North Topsail Beach are a body corporate and politic under the name “Town of North Topsail Beach.” Under that name they have all the powers, duties, rights, privileges, and immunities conferred and imposed upon towns by the General Law of North Carolina.