General Provisions
51.001 Purpose; regulations
51.002 Definitions
51.003 Provision of water or sewer service by others
51.004 Construction and transfer of system components
51.005 Separation of systems
51.006 Access to property
51.007 Conditions; terms of care
51.008 Malicious mischief
51.009 Damage to system; charges
51.010 Discontinued service; restoration
51.011 Notice of violations
Sewer System Use
51.025 Purpose; scope; regulations
51.026 Definitions
51.027 Prohibited discharges
51.027 Storm water and obstructions prohibited in sanitary sewers
51.028 Connection with districts’ sewer required
51.029 Determination of acceptability or unacceptability of discharge
51.030 Grease, oil, and sand interceptors
51.031 Monitoring and flow measurement facilities
51.032 Discharge reports
51.033 Public record
51.034 Protection from accidental discharge
Water System Use
51.045 Purpose; scope; regulations
51.046 Definitions
51.047 Prohibited use
51.048 Protection from accidental contamination or damage
51.049 Unauthorized activities
51.050 Water meters
51.051 Obstructions prohibited in water lines
51.052 Connection with village’s water line required
Connections, Fees, Permits, and Billings
51.065 Purpose; regulations
51.066 Definitions
51.067 Application for water and sewer service
51.068 Deposits, fees, and charges
51.069 Connection to systems
51.070 Owner to bear cost and be responsible for service lines
51.071 Connections, fees, and deposits
51.072 Water connection (tap)
51.073 Water line fee
51.074 Water meter installation
51.075 Temporary water service
51.076 Inspection
51.077 Repair of service lines
51.078 Service charges
51.079 Bill and payment for services; remedies for non-payment
51.080 Change of ownership; liability of unpaid bills
Design Criteria
51.095 Purpose
51.096 Reference publications
51.097 Definitions
51.098 Requirements, generally
51.099 Sanitary sewer design
51.100 Water line design
Construction Procedure
51.115 Purpose
51.116 Definitions
51.117 Procedures
51.118 Plan approval
51.119 Obligations of the owner; construction guarantees; violations of provisions
51.120 Inspection
51.121 Plan review fees and deposits
51.122 Notification of the village
51.123 Conditional acceptance
51.124 Maintenance guarantee for improvements; bond
51.125 Final acceptance
51.126 Official notices
51.127 Violations
Contractor’s License, Insurance, and Indemnification
51.140 Purpose
51.141 Definitions
51.142 License required
51.143 Criteria for granting license
51.144 Contractor’s insurance
51.145 License renewal
51.146 Nonrenewal, revocation of license
Septage Hauler Requirements and Procedures
51.160 Purpose; regulations
51.161 Definitions
51.162 Acceptable wastes
51.163 License required, revocation, and renewal
51.164 Location and time for wastes
51.165 Sampling and testing
51.166 Billing and rates
51.999 Penalty
(A) The village is organized in accordance with the Ohio Revised Code to:
(1) Supply water to users within and without the village; and
(2) Provide for the collection, treatment, and disposal of waste water within and outside the village.
(B) To regulate water and sewer service within the jurisdiction of the village.
(C) In the event of any conflict between these regulations and the requirements of the state’s Environmental Protection Agency (EPA), the documents providing the highest or most stringent requirement, criteria, standard, or rule shall govern.
(D) The village reserves the right at any time to alter, amend or add to these regulations.
(Ord. 287, passed 3-12-2024)