There shall be a water or sewer service charge established by the village.
   (A)   The owner of the property which is served by a village water or sewer system shall be liable for all charges for the service rendered that property.
   (B)   Unless provided otherwise by agreement between a property owner and the village, water or sewer service charges will begin on the dates, stated herein, and continue to be charged thereafter unless the property is disconnected from the village systems for which service charges have been rendered. Charges will commence on the date service line installation has been completed and approval thereof has been given by the village. Water service charges will commence on the date the water meter installation has been completed.
   (C)   The sewer service charge for any property which has a village owned water meter installed shall be determined as described in the Deposit, Fee, and Charge Schedule using the amount of water recorded on the water meter as the amount of sewage entering the village sewer system. If approved by the village, the property owner may install a meter for the flows which do not enter the sewer system. In this case, the sewer charge shall be computed by deducting the amount shown on the meter from the amount shown on the water meter to establish the amount by which the sewer service charge is multiplied.
   (D)   If, in the judgment of the village, the sewer service charge for any property which does not have a water meter should be based on a metered flow, the village will notify the property owner of this determination. The sewer meter and its installation shall be at the owner’s expense and shall be approved by the village prior to its use for determining the amount of sewer service charge owed the village.
   (E)   Regardless of the method used to determine the sewer service charge, the sewer service charge shall be increased in proportion to the amount the sanitary sewage concentrations exceed 200 ppm BOD and 200 ppm suspended solids.
(Ord. 287, passed 3-12-2024)