(A)   Septage will be accepted only from haulers licensed with the village.
   (B)   License will include owner’s name, address, telephone number, billing address, and general area served. Registration will also include a signed statement of agreement to abide by all rules and regulations for septage haulers that discharge to the village waste water treatment plant. Said license shall require the execution of the contract for discharge by septage haulers.
   (C)   The Village Administrator or his or her designated representative may revoke any septage haulers license at anytime for failure to follow or for violating these regulations. Upon request by the septage hauler and, the determination by the Village Administrator that all expenses, fees, and deposits incurred by or due to the village have been paid, the Village Administrator may, at his or her discretion, issue the septage hauler a new license and contract. By doing so, neither the Village Administrator or the village assumes any responsibility or liability for any act whatsoever of the septage hauler.
(Ord. 287, passed 3-12-2024)