(A)   The owner of any real property located within the village is required to connect to the village sewer systems as stated herein, pursuant to the Ohio Revised Code so as to prevent or abate pollution and protect the health and property of persons in the village.
   (B)   New construction. To construct any structure on said property including, but not limited to, the construction of single-family residences, multi-family residences, office, commercial, manufacturing, or industrial buildings, recreational facilities or any other kind of building or structure, the owner shall, prior to the commencement of any construction or grading activities on said property, notify in writing the village of such intents, and provide to the village administrator or other representative of the village a copy of the building plan therefore.
      (1)   Thereafter, providing that said structure is designed with plumbing fixtures to provide sanitary waste removal, and provided that the village determines that owner’s property is accessible to a village sewer line, owner shall be required to pay to the village the appropriate tap fee, and any other applicable fees, prior to the commencement of said construction or grading activities.
      (2)   Thereupon, owner shall be required to, simultaneously with the construction of said structure or structures, construct and pay for any lines, equipment or machinery necessary to connect into the village’s sewer line in compliance with these regulations, and, upon completion of said construction shall forthwith be required to connect into the village said sewer line pursuant to these regulations.
   (C)   Existing buildings. The owner of any real property containing existing structures, including, but not limited to, single-family and multi-family residences, offices, commercial, manufacturing, or industrial buildings, recreational facilities, or any other kind of building or structure which contains plumbing fixtures to provide sewage or waste removal, and provided the village determines that the owner’s property is accessible to a village sewer line, shall pay the appropriate connection and other fees and connect said structure or building directly into the village sewer in accordance with these regulations within 90 days after the date of mailing of official notice to do so.
(Ord. 287, passed 3-12-2024) Penalty, see § 51.999