(A) All easements granted to or reserved by the village shall be at least 20 feet wide, except that an easement may be ten feet wide when it borders another easement or a public right-of-way, part of which can be used for the purpose of the easement. Notwithstanding the above, all easements and easement right-of-way combinations shall be wide enough to insure that the easement limit is five feet away from all village utilities within the easement.
(B) The water and/or sewer design shall use pipe that is, in conjunction with the specified bedding, strong enough to withstand the trench loading and line loadings imposed now or in the known future.
(C) The design of the water and/or sanitary systems, and their components, shall be based on generally accepted engineering practices which are compatible with the reference publications and these regulations. When required by the village, the Village Engineer shall submit a design calculations sheets.
(D) Construction drawings shall be prepared in accordance with generally accepted practices for all water and/or sanitary sewers which are proposed to be owned or operated by the village. The drawings shall be signed and sealed by a professional engineer, licensed in the state.
(1) All drawings shall be made on reproducible material (linen or mylar) sized 24 inches by 36 inches, with a one-inch border on the left and one-half inch border around the balance of the sheet. The proposed work shall be shown in both plan and profile on the same sheet and in sufficient detail to clearly show all work to be done. The drawing shall also show existing and proposed rights-of-way, property lines and easements, as well as the existing or other proposed improvements to or features of, the land in the area of the improvement. In general, the horizontal scale shall be one inch equals 50 feet or one inch equals 20 feet, and the vertical scale shall be one inch equals five feet or one inch equals ten feet, except when larger scales are necessary to show details or special work. The drawings shall contain general notes and a summary of estimated quantities. All drawings shall be made in ink and a title block shall be included in the lower right hand corner of each sheet except on the title sheet. Spaces shall be provided on the first sheet for the approval signatures of the village and other apparent officials. Water and/or sewer improvements may be included on the construction drawing for other improvements, provided that the construction drawings provide the information as required herein.
(2) The general notes shall include a reference to the village specifications.
(3) Supplemental specifications may be submitted as separate documents typewritten or printed on eight and one-half by 11-inch paper or may be part of the construction drawings.
(4) All sets of plans shall include a location map, a 200 scale drawing of the development, the development title, required signature spaces, a standard drawing list, and an index.
(E) Except for applications for service to one- and two-family dwellings, site plans, or utility plans will be required for the installation of service lines. The site or utility plan shall conform to the following:
(1) Contain the name and location of the lot or project, the scale, a north arrow, and a reference to village regulations.
(2) Be signed and sealed by a professional engineer licensed in the state.
(3) Show the proposed work in plan and, when required for clarity, in profile, and in sufficient detail to clearly show all work to be done. The drawing shall also show existing and proposed rights-of-way, property lines and easements, as well as the existing or other proposed improvements to or features of, the land in the area of the improvement. In general, the horizontal scale shall be one inch equals 50 feet or one inch equals 20 feet, and the vertical scale shall be one inch equals five feet or one inch equals ten feet, except when larger scales are necessary to show details or special work.
(F) A grading plan shall be prepared for all development covered under this regulation. The grading plan may be combined with other plans, if such a combination is neat and the information easily read. The grading plan shall show:
(1) The development title, sheet scale, north arrow, and location map unless it is made a part of other drawings. The scale shall be no less than one inch equals 50 feet;
(2) The floor elevations for first floor of proposal structures; and
(3) The proposed elevations, slopes, and grade of the site in the area of the improvements.
(G) When the proper village officials have affixed their signatures to the construction drawings, such drawings become the property of the village as a record of the village systems; however, the owner shall cause the drawings to be corrected to conform to the “record drawings” conditions. Public improvements will not be accepted by the village until reproducible “record drawings” construction drawings are delivered to the village together with four prints thereof. As used herein reproducible drawings shall be mylar which will accept ink, will produce clear, sharp prints, and will not fade, darken, or become brittle with age.
(H) The “record drawings” shall show changes in the construction as shown in the contractor’s records and observed in the field. The “record drawings” shall also show dimensions to the water and sewer taps from two permanent landmarks such as manholes, fire hydrants, catch basins, top of curb, or edge of pavement.
(I) Prior to the filing of any plat or deed of easement which contains an easement or right-of-way in which village owned water or sewer system components are to be or have been installed, said plat or deed of easement shall be accepted/approved by the village.
(Ord. 287, passed 3-12-2024)