This department will require that any part of a wall or ceiling required to be replastered or repainted by §§ 78 and 80 of the Multiple Dwelling Law shall be so painted that the entire wall or ceiling is of a uniform color. Dark colors which tend to diminish the natural light within a dwelling shall not be accepted as meeting the requirements of § 80, subdivision 4, of the Multiple Dwelling Law.
Subchapter V: Posting of Certificate of Inspection Visits in Multiple Dwellings
(a) In multiple dwellings consisting of more than six families or whenever a certificate of inspection visits is posted, a certificate frame shall be provided inside the building in a conspicuous place within view of the place at which mail is delivered to the building and in a place readily accessible for signature by Office of Code Enforcement inspectors.
(b) The bottom of the certificate frame shall be not less than 48 nor more than 62 inches above the floor.
(c) The frame shall be constructed of corrosion-resistant metal or durable, impact and flame-resistant plastic.
(d) The certificate frame shall be of a size to accommodate properly a standard 6 x 9 certificate.
(e) The certificate frame shall be faced with plastic or other transparent lacing but not glass, adequate to permit the certificate of inspection visits to be read without difficulty.
(f) The frame shall be of tamperproof construction and shall be provided with a six thirty-two (6-32) "Allen Set Screw" located in the center of the top part of the frame to permit removal of the transparent facing and the inspection certificate for inspector's endorsement.
(g) Any replacement of certificate frames shall comply with all requirements specified herein.
(h) Sufficient lighting shall be provided to make the certificate of inspection visits legible at all times.
(i) The owner has a continuing duty to maintain complete and correct information on the certificate of inspection as the premises' address, registration number, name and address of owner or managing agent registered with the Office of Code Enforcement, and a telephone number which tenants may call for service and repairs.
(j) Where the certificate of inspection visits is destroyed or defaced, the owner shall notify the registration unit of the borough Code Enforcement Office requesting a replacement within five days by certified mail, return receipt requested, or in person on the form prescribed by the Department.
Subchapter W: Sealing and Protection of Vacant and Unguarded Buildings
(a) Where buildings are vacant, unguarded, open to unauthorized entry and are required to be sealed by the provisions of an unsafe building order, they shall be sealed and protected in the following manner:
(1) Buildings with exterior walls constructed of brick or other masonry.
(i) All exterior openings including door openings, in the cellar, in the story at street level, in the second story above street level, on the course of a fire escape, or which are less than 12 feet measured horizontally from an opening in an adjoining building, shall be sealed with concrete block. One door opening, readily visible from the street, may, at the discretion of the owner, be sealed with a door. The door shall be of solid wood covered with 26 gauge metal or constructed of 1-inch by 6-inch tongue and groove boards with cross and diagonal battens of 1-inch boards and covered on the outside with 26 U.S. gauge galvanized steel with edging turned over and nailed with flat heads galvanized nails. The door shall be hung in such a manner that no screws are exposed on the outside of the door on either the hinges or the hasps. Hinges shall not have removable hinge pins. Two hasps and locks shall be provided, located so as to divide the height of the door in equal sections.
(ii) Concrete block shall conform to the provisions of Reference Standard RS-10 of the Administrative Code.
(iii) All door and window frames shall be removed before concrete blocks are installed. Brickwork which new concrete blocks will abut, shall be cleaned and thoroughly wetted before blocks are installed.
(iv) Doors and windows, not exceeding 6 feet in width, shall be sealed with concrete block at least 4 inches in thickness. Openings exceeding 6 feet in width shall be sealed with concrete blocks at least 8 inches in thickness.
(v) Concrete blocks shall be laid in masonry cement mortar with a mix of not more than three parts of sand for each part of masonry cement by volume. Joints in masonry shall be broken. Masonry cement shall conform to the provisions of Reference Standard RS-10. Joints on the exterior faces shall be struck and shall be provided with a smooth finish.
(vi) Openings in masonry walls, which are not required to be enclosed with concrete block in accordance with subparagraph (i) of paragraph (1) of this subdivision, shall be sealed with boards covered by sheet metal in the manner specified in paragraph (4) of this subdivision.
(2) Buildings with exterior walls constructed of material other than masonry.
(i) All exterior openings in walls of buildings which do not have walls constructed of masonry, shall be sealed with boards covered by sheet metal in the manner specified in paragraph (a)(4) of this subdivision.
(3) Openings in roofs shall be sealed as follows:
(i) Roof bulkheads, skylights, ventilating equipment and similar structures shall be completely removed. Openings remaining after removal of structures shall be sealed with 1-inch tongue and groove boards, not less than 6 inches in nominal width, laid on 3-inch by 6-inch joists, not more than 16 inches on center. Joists shall be secured to the roof timbers framed about the openings in a sound and secure manner. Boards shall be covered with roofing to provide a watertight durable cover.
(4) Sealing of openings by boards covered with sheet metal, where permitted under subparagraph (vi) of paragraph (l) in masonry walls and under subparagraph (i) of paragraph (4) in walls of material other than masonry, shall be done in the following manner:
(i) Boards shall be 1-inch by 6-inch cut to a length to fit the height and width of the wall opening, with a cross and diagonal battens of l-inch boards, on the inside, or shall be exterior grade plywood, at least 5/8 inches in thickness, cut to fit the wall opening on the inner side of the window frame.
(ii) Outside or exposed surfaces of the boards or plywood shall be covered with No. 26 U.S. gauge galvanized steel, with edging turned over and nailed with flat head galvanized nails.
(iii) Boards shall be nailed to the sides, top and bottom of the window frame with 16-penny, 3 1/2-inch nails, where the window frame is in good, firm condition. Where the window frame is loose or defective, the boards shall be securely fastened to the brick wall.
(5) Utilities and service lines. All gas, electric, water, steam and other service lines to the building except sewer lines shall be disconnected and certifications to that effect by the respective utility companies or city agencies having jurisdiction shall be filed with the department.
(6) Prior to the completion of required sealing of exterior openings as detailed pursuant to paragraphs (1), (2), (3) and (4), above, all combustible debris, rubbish, abandoned furniture or materials capable of supporting combustion shall be removed from the premises.