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New York City Overview
The New York City Charter
The New York City Administrative Code
The Rules of the City of New York
Title 1: Department of Buildings
Title 2: Board of Standards and Appeals
Title 3: Fire Department
Title 6: Department of Consumer and Worker Protection
Title 9: Procurement Policy Board Rules
Title 12: Franchise and Concession Review Committee
Title 15: Department of Environmental Protection
Chapter 1: Asbestos Control Program
Chapter 2: Engineering Criteria for Fossil Fuel Burning Boilers and Water Heaters
Chapter 3: Cessation of Operation and Removal and Sealing of Refuse Burning Equipment
Chapter 4: Certification of Gasoline Dispensing Sites and Transport Vehicles
Chapter 5: Criteria Used For Upgrading Existing Apartment House Incinerators
Chapter 6: Interpolation of Allowable Sound Levels For Motor Vehicles
Chapter 7: Tunneling
Chapter 8: Industrial Equipment
Chapter 9: Gas Fired Burner Installations
Chapter 10: Air Pollution Control Instruction in Fuel Burning Equipment Using Residual Fuel Oil and Refuse Burning Equipment
Chapter 11: Hazardous Substances Emergency Response
Chapter 12: Perchloroethylene Dry Cleaning Facilities
Chapter 13: Rules Pertaining to the Prevention of the Emission of Dust from Construction Related Activities
Chapter 14: Rules Concerning the Use of Ultra Low Sulfur Diesel Fuel and Emissions Control Technology in Nonroad Vehicles Used in City Construction
Chapter 15: Rules Concerning the Use of Ultra Low Sulfur Diesel Fuel and Emission Control Technology on City Motor Vehicles
Chapter 16: NYCDEP Rules for the Recreational Use of City Property*
Chapter 17: [Occupation or Use of New York City Property (Lands, Water Bodies, Reservoirs and Infrastructure) in the Counties of Delaware, Dutchess, Greene, Orange, Putnam, Schoharie, Sullivan, Ulster, and Westchester]
Chapter 18: Protection from Contamination, Degradation and Pollution of the New York City Water Supply and Its Sources
Chapter 19: Use of the Public Sewers
Chapter 19.1: Stormwater Management for Water Pollution Control
Chapter 20: Governing and Restricting the Use and Supply of Water
Chapter 21: Water Shortage Emergency Rules
Chapter 22: Withdrawal of Water from the New York City Water Supply System
Chapter 23: Construction of Private Sewers or Private Drains
§ 23-01 Applicability, Definitions, Prohibitions, Variances, and Incorporation by Reference of Appendices.
§ 23-02 Requirements for the Submission of Drainage Proposals for the Construction of Private Drains and Additional Requirements for Drainage Proposals and Private Drain Plans.
§ 23-03 Legal Requirements for Private Sewers or Private Drains.
§ 23-04 Insurance, Bonding, Security, and Indemnity Requirements for Private Sewers or Private Drains.
§ 23-05 Standards for Drainage Proposal Approval, Revision, and Revocation.
§ 23-06 Standards and Requirements for the Submission and Approval of Private Sewer or Private Drain Plans.
§ 23-07 Standards and Requirements for the Submission and Approval of Private Sewer or Private Drain Construction Permit Applications and Professional Engineer or Registered Architect Construction Supervision.
§ 23-08 Application and Filing Fees.
Appendix A-1: Standards for the Design of Private Sewers or Private Drains
Appendix A-2: Requirements for the Preparation and Submission of Drainage Proposal Plans
Appendix A-3: Requirements for the Preparation of Private Sewer or Private Drain Plans
Appendix A-4: Requirements for Standard Notes on Private Sewer or Private Drain Plans
Appendix A-5: Requirements for Specific Notes on Private Sewer or Private Drain Plans
Appendix A-6: Requirements for the Preparation of the Survey of the Proposed Development and the Location and Route of the Private Sewers or Private Drains
Appendix A-7: Requirements for the Preparation of the Professional Engineer or Registered Architect's Cost Estimate
Appendix A-8: Requirements for the Preparation of the Boring Logs and Boring Reports
Chapter 24: [Contamination of Tax Lot by Hazardous Materials or Hazardous Waste; Placement and Removal of an (E) Designation on Tax Lot in Connection with Zoning Map Amendment]
Chapter 25: Rules Concerning the Use of Emissions Control Technology on Sight-Seeing Buses
Chapter 26: Rules Concerning the Use of Ultra Low Sulfur Diesel Fuel and Emissions Control Technology on Vehicles That Transport Children to and from School
Chapter 27: Rules Concerning the Use of Ultra Low Sulfur Diesel Fuel and Emissions Control Technology On Solid Waste Vehicles
Chapter 28: Citywide Construction Noise Mitigation
Chapter 29: Commercial Music Noise Mitigation Rules
Chapter 30: Minimal Noise Impact Construction Activities
Chapter 31: Rule Governing House / Site Connections to the Sewer System
Chapter 32: Adjudications
Chapter 33: Sale of Tax Liens and Complaint Resolution
Chapter 34: [Air Pollution Control Code Fees]
Chapter 35: Voluntary Master Environmental Hazard Remediation Technician Registration Program
Chapter 36: Cure Period for Certain Air and Noise Code Violations
Chapter 37: Emission Reduction Technologies for Char Broilers
Chapter 38: Emissions Reduction Technologies for New Cook Stoves
Chapter 39: Engine Idling
Chapter 40: Rules Concerning the Registration of Emergency Generators [Repealed]
Chapter 41: Community Right-to-Know Regulations
Chapter 42: City Environmental Quality Review (CEQR) (City Planning and Department of Environmental Protection)
Chapter 43: Air Code Penalty Schedule
Chapter 44: Standard Test Procedures to Determine Smoke Emissions from Generators with an Output of 40 kw or More
Chapter 45: Abatement Orders
Chapter 46: Filming and Photography Authorized by the Department
Chapter 47: Noise Code Penalty Schedule
Chapter 48: Green Infrastructure Grant Program
Chapter 49: Spraying Insulating Material
Chapter 50: Registration of Other Emission Sources or Activities
Chapter 51: [Retrofit Technology in Heavy Duty Trade Waste Hauling Vehicles]
Chapter 52: After Hours Noise Complaints
Chapter 53: Air Asbestos Penalty Schedule
Chapter 54: Community Right-To-Know Law Penalty Schedule
Chapter 55: Stormwater Penalty Schedule
Chapter 56: Sewer Control Rules Penalty Schedule
Chapter 57: Rules Concerning Drilling and Excavation
Chapter 58: Notification of Mold Remediation
Chapter 59: Hazardous Substances Emergency Response Law Penalty Schedule
Chapter 60: Rulemaking Petitions
Chapter 61: Public Hearings Held Pursuant to Administrative Code § 24-110
Chapter 62: Emissions Reduction Technologies for Existing Cook Stoves
Chapter 63: Stationary Engines
Title 16: Department of Sanitation
Title 17: Business Integrity Commission
Title 19: Department of Finance
Title 20: Tax Appeals Tribunal
Title 21: Tax Commission
Title 22: Banking Commission
Title 24: Department of Health and Mental Hygiene
Title 25: Department of Mental Health and Retardation [Repealed]
Title 28: Housing Preservation and Development
Title 29: Loft Board
Title 30: Rent Guidelines Board
Title 31: Mayor's Office of Homelessness and Single Room Occupancy
Title 34: Department of Transportation
Title 35: Taxi and Limousine Commission
Title 38: Police Department
Title 38-A: Civilian Complaint Review Board
Title 39: Department of Correction
Title 40: Board of Correction
Title 41: Department of Juvenile Justice
Title 42: Department of Probation
Title 43: Mayor
Title 44: Comptroller
Title 45: Borough Presidents
Title 46: Law Department
Title 47: Commission on Human Rights
Title 48: Office of Administrative Trials and Hearings (OATH)
Title 49: Department of Records and Information Services
Title 50: Community Assistance Unit
Title 51: City Clerk
Title 52: Campaign Finance Board*
Title 53: Conflicts of Interest Board
Title 55: Department of Citywide Administrative Services
Title 56: Department of Parks and Recreation
Title 57: Art Commission
Title 58: Department of Cultural Affairs
Title 60: Civil Service Commission
Title 61: Office of Collective Bargaining
Title 62: City Planning
Title 63: Landmarks Preservation Commission
Title 66: Department of Small Business Services
Title 67: Department of Information Technology and Telecommunications
Title 68: Human Resources Administration
Title 69: Department of Aging
Title 70: In Rem Foreclosure Release Board
Title 71: Voter Assistance Commission
Title 72: Office of Emergency Management
Title 73: Civic Engagement Commission
Title 74: Community Hiring
§ 23-06 Standards and Requirements for the Submission and Approval of Private Sewer or Private Drain Plans.
   (a)   Private sewer or private drain plans; when required.
      (1)   Private sewers. Owners proposing to construct a private sewer in compliance with the city drainage plan shall submit a private sewer plan to the department for review and approval.
      (2)   Private drains. Owners proposing to construct a private drain shall submit a private drain plan only after the department has reviewed and approved the owner's drainage proposal. Such private drain plans shall be prepared in accordance with the approved drainage proposal.
   (b)   General requirements for the submission of private sewer or private drain plans. All private sewer or private drain plans shall be prepared by or under the supervision of a professional engineer or registered architect and shall be accompanied by the following information and documentation:
      (1)   a copy of the approved drainage proposal or city drainage plan for the proposed development;
      (2)   a survey prepared or updated by a New York State licensed professional land surveyor within one year of the date of submission of the private sewer or private drain plans to the department showing the proposed development and the route(s) of the proposed private sewers or private drains;
      (3)   a letter from the office of the Borough President of the county in which the proposed development is located verifying the legal status of all streets involved in the proposed development;
      (4)   boring logs prepared in compliance with Appendix A-8;
      (5)   an approved builder's pavement plan;
      (6)   a copy of the latest Tax map of the proposed development as certified by the city surveyor;
      (7)   a copy of the portion of the adopted Final map and, if applicable, pending alteration map showing all streets shown on the private sewer or private drain plans;
      (8)   utility company reply letters received no more than ninety days prior to the date of submission of the private sewer or private drain plan;
      (9)   an engineer's cost estimate prepared in accordance with Appendix A-7;
      (10)   a bill of materials describing all items to be utilized in the construction of the proposed private sewers or private drains;
      (11)   as-built drawings for the existing outlet for the proposed private sewers or private drains. If as-built drawings are not available, then a sewer route survey showing the sewer or drain size, type, material, and invert/rim elevations at the manholes shall be submitted;
      (12)   design calculations for all proposed structures which do not conform to department's most recent sewer design standards;
      (13)   copies of all permits or approvals required by federal, state, and other local laws and regulations;
      (14)   proof of compliance with all legal documentation required by 15 RCNY § 23-03(c) all insurance and security requirements of 15 RCNY § 23-04;
      (15)   a sworn affidavit executed by the owner of the proposed development stating that he or she has submitted all the required legal documents and affidavits required for final approval of the proposed private sewer or private drain and attesting to the truth and validity of such legal documents and affidavits;
      (16)   paper prints prepared in accordance with Appendix A-3; and
      (17)   the department's review fee for private sewer or private drains in accordance with 15 RCNY § 23-08;
   (c)   Standard for approval of private sewer or private drain plans. The department shall approve a private sewer or private drain plans only after that the department has determined that such plans are complete and have been designed and will be constructed in full compliance with all standards, requirements, and provisions of this rule and the department's most recent design criteria.
   (d)   Duration of approval. The department's approval of a private sewer or private drain plan shall be valid for a period of one year from the date of the approval of the plan. The department may, upon written request made by an applicant prior to the expiration date of an approved private sewer or private drain plan, extend, without charge, the approval for a one-time sixty day period. After expiration, the owner shall submit a new private sewer or private drain plan for review. All pertinent documents and permits shall be updated and a revision and approval signature box shall be added to the new private sewer or private drain plan.
§ 23-07 Standards and Requirements for the Submission and Approval of Private Sewer or Private Drain Construction Permit Applications and Professional Engineer or Registered Architect Construction Supervision.
   (a)   Private sewer or private drain construction permit applications; when required. Owners with approved private sewer or private drain plans shall submit a private sewer or private drain construction permit application and all the information and documentation required by subdivision (d) of this section at the time of the preconstruction meeting required by subdivision (c) of this section.
   (b)   Standards and requirements for department's approval of professional engineers and registered architects supervising the construction of private sewers or private drains.
      (1)   Prohibition. No owner proposing to construct a private sewer or private drain may hire a professional engineer or registered architect to supervise the actual construction of a private sewer or private drain without the prior written approval of the department. Once a professional engineer or registered architect is approved by the department, there shall be no change to the owner's approved professional engineer or registered architect or his or her representative without the prior written approval of the department.
      (2)   Requirements for approval. The owner shall submit the name, address, resume, and a list of relevant construction supervision work experience of the professional engineer or registered architect selected to supervise the construction of the private sewer or private drain. If the professional engineer or registered architect will not be personally supervising the construction, then the professional engineer or registered architect shall also submit the resume and list of relevant construction supervision work experience of the person(s) in his or her employ who will be supervising the construction.
      (3)   Standard for approval of professional engineers, registered architects, and their employees. The department shall approve an owner's proposed professional engineer or registered architect to supervise the actual construction of a private sewer or private drain construction project and any related work, drawing, or plans after the department has determined that the professional engineer or registered architect has either:
         (i)   previously directly supervised and successfully completed at least two private sewer or private drain construction projects, or two capital sewer construction projects, or
         (ii)   has worked, with or without a professional license, in a responsible capacity under the direct supervision of a professional engineer or registered architect in connection with all stages of two such projects to their successful completion. The department reserves the right to reject the owner's professional engineer or registered architect if the department has documented that the professional engineer or registered architect failed to fully comply with the department's requirements or orders on any previous private sewer or private drain construction project, or on any capital sewer construction project. The department's approval shall not be unreasonably withheld.
      (4)   Filing of supervision agreement. After the department's approval of the owner's professional engineer or registered architect, the owner shall file a copy of the supervision agreement between the owner and his or her professional engineer or registered architect with the department.
   (c)   Pre-construction meeting. A pre-construction meeting between the department, the owner's professional engineer or registered architect, and the owner's contractor shall be held prior to the issuance of any private sewer or private drain construction permit. The professional engineer or registered architect shall prepare minutes of the meeting and submit the minutes to the department for review and approval. The department shall provide field books to be used by the professional engineer or registered architect.
   (d)   General requirements for the submission of private sewer or private drain construction permit applications. All private sewer or private drain construction permit applications shall be prepared by or under the supervision of the approved professional engineer or registered architect and shall be accompanied by the following information and documentation:
      (1)   an approved and valid private sewer or private drain plan;
      (2)   a completed private sewer or private drain construction permit application on a form supplied by the department signed by the applicant and the department;
      (3)   a street opening permit issued by the city;
      (4)   a signed and notarized copy of the construction contract between the owner and his or her private sewer or private drain contractor including the contractor's bid;
      (5)   an insurance policy complying with the requirements of 15 RCNY §§ 23-03 and 23-04 provided by the owner or his or her contractor and submitted directly by the owner or his or her contractor or their insurance broker to the department's borough records office;
      (6)   performance and maintenance bonds posted by the owner or the owner's contractor in the amount specified on the owner's approved private sewer or private drain plan;
      (7)   the signed and notarized agreement between the owner and his or her approved professional engineer or registered architect supervising the construction of private sewer or private drain;
      (8)   the signed and notarized agreement between owner and his or her contractor;
      (9)   traffic stipulations issued by the city;
      (10)   vendor's list;
      (11)   pavement restoration requirements issued by the city; and
      (12)   the private sewer or private drain construction permit application fee.
   (e)   Standard for approval of private sewer or private drain construction permit applications. The department shall approve a private sewer or private drain construction permit application only after the department has determined that such application is complete and is in full compliance with all standards, requirements, and provisions of this rule and the department's most recent design criteria.
   (f)   Duration of approval. A private sewer or private drain construction permit shall be valid for a period of ninety days from the date of issuance. If construction is not commenced within ninety days from the date of permit issuance, then the permit shall be null and void and the applicant shall be required to submit a new private sewer or private drain construction permit application in accordance with the requirements of this rule before commencing construction of any private sewer or private drain.
   (g)   Place of issuance. The department's borough records office shall issue private sewer or private drain construction permits.
   (h)   Commencement of construction and assignment of the approved professional engineers, registered architects, or their approved employees at the construction site.
      (1)   Commencement of construction. The private sewer or private drain construction permit shall specify a construction start date and time that is mutually acceptable to the department and the approved professional engineer or registered architect.
      (2)   Assignment of the approved professional engineers, registered architects, or their approved employees at the construction site. The approved professional engineer or registered architect shall maintain full time on-site construction inspection and supervision services at the construction site from the time construction commences to the time of final completion. The approved professional engineer, registered architect, or their approved employees shall telephone the department daily between 8:30 a.m. and 9:00 a.m. to report his or her presence at the construction site and to report on the scheduled work for the day.
      (3)   Duty to inform the department of construction problems or field changes. The approved professional engineer or registered architect shall promptly report to the department any construction or job related problems or any field changes that arise or are anticipated.
   (i)   Post-construction record submissions. After completion of the construction of a private sewer or private drain and prior to final acceptance of such private sewer or private drain by the department, the approved professional engineer or registered architect shall submit to the department two notarized lists of actual costs incurred in the private sewer or private drain construction along with a copy of all bills, invoices, and receipts from all contractors, subcontractors, vendors, manufacturers, and any other entities which provided goods or services.
   (j)   Required field records. The approved professional engineer or registered architect or their approved employee shall maintain the following field records on forms supplied by the department:
      (1)   daily construction record book;
      (2)   professional engineer or registered architect's record drawings;
      (3)   water service location sketch;
      (4)   existing pavements' sketch;
      (5)   property damage and accident reports;
      (6)   line and grade layout and field changes;
      (7)   summary of laboratory reports;
      (8)   concrete cylinder summary sheet;
      (9)   layout and final measurement book;
      (10)   line and grade stake out;
      (11)   field changes;
      (12)   final inspection, measurements, and TV inspection and video taping;
      (13)   final restoration of pavements;
      (14)   concrete strength analysis;
      (15)   tracings-as-built record;
      (16)   supervision of site connections;
      (17)   partial approval for site connections; and
      (18)   completion and acceptance certification.
§ 23-08 Application and Filing Fees.
   (a)   General requirements. All applications for the review and approval of drainage proposals, private sewer or private drain plans, private sewer or private drain construction permits, and the supervision of construction and material testing shall be accompanied, at the time of submission, with the appropriate filing fee as established by section two of the New York City Water Board's Water and Sewer Rate Schedule as amended from time to time. A copy of the latest fee schedule may be obtained from the department by request.
   (b)   Payment of new application fee upon expiration of proposals or plans. Payment of a new application fee shall be required for the renewal of an expired drainage proposal or private sewer or private drain plan.
   (c)   Payment of new application fee upon department's determination of need for substantial revisions to drainage proposals, private sewer or private drain plans, or construction permits. After the department has completed it's initial review, any drainage proposal, private sewer or private drain plan which the department determines requires extensive revisions for such reasons including, but not limited to, a major change in the alignment of the proposed private sewer or private drain, major changes in points or methods of discharge into the outlet system, major changes in the type or kind of the proposed development, and deficiencies that make drainage proposals, private sewer plan or private drain plan unsafe or infeasible, shall be subject to an additional fee in an amount equal to one half of the amount of the review fee for the revised submission.
Appendix A-1:
Standards for the Design of Private Sewers or Private Drains
   (a)   Standards for the design of private sewers or private drains. All private sewers or private drains shall be designed in accordance with the standards and requirements of this rule and the department's most recent drainage design criteria. All design flow computations shall be made in accordance with the most recent zoning designations established by the city.
   (b)   Sewer size. The minimum Private sewer or Private drain sizes shall be 10" diameter for sanitary sewers or drains, 12" diameter for storm sewers or drains, and 15" diameter for combined sewers or drains. The following diameters shall be used for sewers up to 18": 10", 12", 15", 18". After 18", private sewer or private drain diameters shall increase in 6" increments to a maximum of 72".
   (c)   Manning's Coefficient. The Manning Coefficient 'n' for extra strength vitrified clay pipes, or precast reinforced concrete pipes, precast concrete box sewers, and ductile iron pipes, shall be n = 0.013. For poured-in-place box sections, the Manning's Coefficient shall be n = 0.015.
   (d)   Depth of proposed private sewers or private drains. The minimum depth of cover to the outer top of private sewers or private drains shall be 4.0 feet for storm sewers or drains, 10.0 feet for sanitary and combined sewers or drains, and 5.0 feet for force mains. In situations where the depth of cover to the outer top must be reduced, an absolute minimum of 3.5 feet for storm sewers or drains and 8.5 feet for sanitary and combined sewers or drains shall be maintained at all times. The maximum depth to the invert of the pipe shall not be greater than 18.0 feet.
   (e)   Clearance. The minimum net vertical clearance between the invert of storm sewers or drains and the inner top of sanitary sewers or drains shall be 2 feet. At street intersections where there are no site connections, the minimum net clearance between the outside of storm sewers or drains and the outside of sanitary sewers or drains shall be 6 inches.
   (f)   Slopes and velocities. Wherever possible, the slope of the private sewer or private drain should be approximately parallel to the ground surface. The slope of private sewers or private drains shall be computed, based upon mapped street lengths, to the nearest 0.01% generally and to the nearest 0.001% on very flat slopes. The minimum velocity for pipes flowing full shall be 3.0 feet per second (fps) for storm sewers or drains and combined sewers or drains. The minimum velocity for sanitary sewers or drains flowing full shall be 3.0 fps until a design flow of 0.7 cubic feet per second (cfs) is attained. After this quantity of flow has been reached, sanitary sewers or drains shall be designed according to the standard criteria for pipes flowing full with a minimum velocity of 2.5 fps. Maximum velocity for pipes flowing full shall be 15 fps. In no case shall the slope exceed 10%. In the case of very steep slopes, drop manholes shall be provided so that the maximum velocity is within the allowable limits. The depth of drop in drop manholes shall be measured from the invert of the higher sewer or drain to the spring line of the lower sewer or drain. Specially constructed drop pipe manholes shall be used in situations where the drop is 4.0 feet or greater. Velocities shall be computed to the nearest 0.01 fps for velocities under 10 fps and to the nearest 0.1 fps for velocities greater than 10 fps.
   (g)   Design capacity and depth of flow. The Manning's formula shall be used to compute the capacity of proposed Private sewers or Private drains. The maximum design depth of flow in the sewer or drain shall be full for all circular and elliptical sewers or drains and 95% full for flat-top monolithic sections with a minimum freeboard of 3".
   (h)   Sewer elevation at junctions. Wherever possible, inside top elevations of private sewers or private drains should be matched at all junctions and manholes. For free discharge storm sewer or drain outlets, the inner top of the outlet sewer or drain shall be above the mean high water elevation. For free discharge sanitary sewers or drains, the inner top of the sanitary sewer or drain shall be no lower than the inner top of the intercepting sewer into which it outlets. Information pertaining to the mean high water elevation can be obtained from the records of the nearest tidal station. All parkways, highways, expressways, and the similar roadways within the area encompassed by the drainage plan shall be considered in the design. The drainage system within such areas and the sewer system into which it outlets shall be designed in accordance with the department's latest design criteria. Manhole losses shall not be considered in the design of private sewers or private drains. These losses are accounted for in the matching of inner tops and by designing the pipe flowing full. All private sewers or private drains shall be designed for open channel gravity flow.
Appendix A-2:
Requirements for the Preparation and Submission of Drainage Proposal Plans
All drainage proposal plans submitted to the department for review shall be filed in quadruplicate and shall contain the following information:
   (a)   a description of the limits of the proposal including street names and borough locations;
   (b)   a description of the type of proposed private sewer or private drain;
   (c)   the name and address of the owner and, if different than the owner, the developer of the proposed development. If the owner or developer is not a natural person, then the drainage proposal shall indicate the name of the responsible officer of the corporation or other legal entity;
   (d)   the name and address of the filing professional engineer or registered architect;
   (e)   a description of the type of proposed development. If a homeowners' or condominium association is planned for the proposed development, then a draft copy of the owner's offering plan or an affidavit in lieu the draft prospectus shall be submitted;
   (f)   a description of the limits of proposed development. All properties must be labeled either:
      (1)   owner's property under this application;
      (2)   owner's property not under this application; or
      (3)   property owned by others;
   (g)   existing block and lot numbers of all properties shown on the drainage proposal. In cases where block and lot modifications are proposed, the tentative block and tentative lot numbers shall be shown;
   (h)   identification of street status indicating the limits, record width, final map width, and statement of ownership or unknown ownership;
   (i)   legal grade elevations as shown on a copy of the latest adopted final map or pending alteration map for streets shown on the drainage proposal;
   (j)   a plan view that shows the street areas, widening lines, record lines, paved and unpaved areas, curb lines, street dimensions, existing or proposed street surface elevations, legal grade elevations, existing and proposed buildings and structures with tie-down distances to property lines (if available), existing and proposed catch basins and their connections, existing and proposed private sewers or private drains;
   (k)   a plan and profile showing all the existing and proposed sewers or drains fixed by dimensions to street and sewer easement lines; the invert and rim elevations of manholes; the sizes, types, manhole stationing and gradients of all sewers or drains which receive flow from the contributory drainage areas; the reference datum and vertical and horizontal scales. The rim to invert distances at the manholes must be shown on the profile view. All utilities, ditches, and watercourses are to be shown, labeled and dimensioned on both the plan and profile views;
   (l)   in cases where more than one private sewer or private drain is proposed for a street, a separate profile shall be provided with one private sewer or private drain indicated by solid lines and the others by dashed lines on each sheet;
   (m)   a schematic showing the outline of basement floors with elevations for both proposed and existing dwelling units, if available;
   (n)   the sewer datum note for the borough where the proposed private sewers or private drains are to be installed;
   (o)   the gradient of roadway ramps shall be shown in profile when cut or fill is involved at the end of a proposed private sewer or Private drain;
   (p)   cross-sectional views of any existing open watercourse with dimensions and side slopes at critical locations along with longitudinal profile with gradients, elevations, stationing, and liner material shall be shown. All computations pertaining to the flow quantity from the contributory drainage areas and the hydraulic characteristics of the watercourse shall be submitted;
   (q)   for proposed watercourse diversions not using a closed pipe system, a cross-sectional view of the relocated watercourse with dimensions and slopes, along with a longitudinal profile with gradients, elevations, stationing and liner material shall be shown. All hydraulic design computations shall be submitted;
   (r)   computations to substantiate the side slope stability of proposed open earth channels or cuts shall be submitted. In the event headwalls and/or retaining structures are required, the same shall be shown on the plan;
   (s)   identification of all existing water mains, gas mains, and other utility substructures as to size and location;
   (t)   all hydraulic computations necessary to review the proposed private sewers or private drains that receive flow from the contributory drainage areas.
   (u)   all existing sanitary, stormwater, and combined sewer outlets and computations demonstrating their adequacy to accept the proposed flow in addition to the existing flows;
   (v)   the tentative locations of all proposed site connections;
   (w)   indication as to whether the sanitary flow from the proposed development is tributary to city or to a private sewage treatment plant or private pumping station;
   (x)   a key or location plan showing the proposed development, all surrounding streets, existing and proposed sanitary, stormwater, or combined drainage facilities and stormwater surface Flow patterns, both existing and proposed;
   (y)   scale and north arrow; and
   (z)   a certification by the professional engineer or registered architect filing the drainage proposal attesting to the truth and accuracy of the information contained in the drainage proposal, further attesting that he or she prepared or supervised the preparation of the drainage proposal, and further attesting that no employee of the city assisted in its preparation. The certification shall be signed and sealed by the filing professional engineer or registered architect.
Appendix A-3:
Requirements for the Preparation of Private Sewer or Private Drain Plans
All private sewer or private drain plans submitted to the department shall be prepared in accordance with the following requirements and include the following information:
   (1)   a plan view drawn to a minimum horizontal scale of one inch equals thirty feet (1" = 30'), or one inch equals forty feet (1" = 40') for unimproved streets, and a profile view drawn to a vertical scale of one inch equals three feet (1" = 3');
   (2)   a key or location plan showing the proposed development, all surrounding streets, existing and proposed sewers or drains, and surface stormwater flow patterns;
   (3)   the names, record widths, final map widths, dimensions and existing, proposed, and legal grade elevations of all streets surrounding the proposed development in plan and profile views;
   (4)   the owner's properties to be developed and all other properties abutting the streets wherein the proposed private sewers or private drains are to be built;
   (5)   Block, lot, and building numbers of all properties shown on the plan. The tentative block and/or tentative lot numbers shall be shown in cases where block and lot modifications are proposed;
   (6)   the locations, sizes, and types of all existing and proposed private sewers or private drains in plan and profile views;
   (7)   the locations, sizes, and types of all underground utility lines in relation to the proposed private sewers or private drains in plan and profile views;
   (8)   hydrants, street lights, overhead utility lines and any other structures or appurtenances;
   (9)   the offset distances of all existing utilities and proposed private sewers or private drains from street lines;
   (10)   the locations and sizes of all existing trees;
   (11)   the types, widths and limits of the existing and proposed pavements, sidewalks, curbs, and driveways;
   (12)   the locations, sizes, and cross sections of existing stream beds, culverts, and the like in plan and profile views;
   (13)   the boundaries and buffer zones for all wetlands, designated open spaces, and wildlife sanctuaries;
   (14)   the locations of all existing and proposed manholes in plan and profile views;
   (15)   manhole stationing along the proposed private sewer or private drain in profile view (0+00 to be at downstream end);
   (16)   the gradients of roadway ramps, details of proposed appurtenances, other than standard, including headwalls and the like;
   (17)   north arrow and scale;
   (18)   an approved builder's pavement plan shall be separately submitted with the private sewer or private drain plan
   (19)   the standard notes of Appendix A-4 and the specific notes of Appendix A-5;
   (20)   a description of the construction limits and the borough;
   (21)   a signature box for signed approvals by the department;
   (22)   a description of the legal status of all streets involved;
   (23)   a traffic note, utility note, highway note, contractor's note, soil note, approval of materials and manufacturers note, sheeting note, stormwater drainage notes; statement as to performance bond, maintenance bond, borings, project review letters from utility companies with the dates of review, and a dewatering permit as required;
   (24)   a certification executed by the filing professional engineer or registered architect that the survey, field and office work required in the preparation of the plan and as shown on the plan was done by the filing professional engineer or registered architect or an employee acting under his or her direct supervision;
   (25)   an affidavit executed by the owner of the proposed development that he has submitted all the required legal documents and affidavits pertaining to the final approval of the private sewer or private drain plan;
   (26)   the date, signature, and seal of the filing professional engineer or registered architect who prepared or supervised the preparation of the private sewer or private drain plan shall appear on each sheet of the plan;
   (27)   the name and address of the owner;
   (28)   the final map number, city drainage plan number, and status of all streets; (29) a statement showing the date of completion of the survey for the project and the name of the licensed surveyor. Surveys shall be dated and must have been prepared or updated within one year from the date of submission of the private sewer or private drain plan;
   (30)   the number of the approved drainage proposal with its approval and expiration dates;
   (31)   the number and date of approval of the builder's pavement plan;
   (32)   the name of the wastewater pollution control plant to which the private sewer or private drain is contributory if sanitary or combined sewers or drains are proposed;
   (33)   the name of the pumping station if a proposed private sewer or private drain is contributory to a pumping station;
   (34)   all required permits from federal, state, and other city agencies;
   (35)   borough sewer datum;
   (36)   a note that the plan is valid for one year from the date of the last required departmental signature;
   (37)   special notes specific to the particular project; and
   (38)   all the documentation used in preparing the private sewer or private drain plan shall be listed and described on the plan.
Appendix A-4:
Requirements for Standard Notes on Private Sewer or Private Drain Plans
All private sewer or private drain plans submitted to the department shall be prepared in accordance with the following requirements and include the following standard notes:
   (a)   all sewer work shown on this plan shall be in conformance with the latest standards and specifications of the New York City department of Environmental Protection ("department");
   (b)   no deviation from an approved plan is allowed during construction without prior written approval of the department;
   (c)   the department reserves the right to require any change and or additional work necessitated by a change as may be directed by the New York City department of Transportation;
   (d)   no final inspection, measurements or acceptance will be made until finished grade above sewer conforms with that shown on the approved plans;
   (e)   all sewer cut sheets must be filed with the department.
   (f)   subsurface information shown hereon is as furnished by various utility companies and other city departments. The exact location of existing sewers are unknown, but is plotted from the best available information. However, accuracy of this information is not guaranteed by the filing professional engineer or registered architect. The contractor shall determine the exact location in the field prior to construction;
   (g)   site connection spurs on ESVP shall be installed for every Tax lot with a maximum of 40 feet on both sides of pipe for undeveloped properties as noted on the plan or as directed by the professional engineer or registered architect. For built-up properties, spurs shall be provided for every house. Spurs for connections on ductile iron pipes may be made by approved fittings or by drilling;
   (h)   all casting and hardware removed from the existing manholes and catch basins whenever found to be in good condition, upon examination by the professional engineer or registered architect, shall remain the property of the city and shall be delivered by the contractor to a designated city owned yard;
   (i)   contractor shall provide temporary means (pipes, pumps, etc.) to drain any storm water which may develop within the project limits for the duration of construction;
   (j)   all existing sewers and sewer house connections shall be continuously maintained during construction of private sewers or private drains or associated water main work. If any sewer or site connection is to be disconnected for construction purposes, flow shall be maintained by fluming or other suitable means as approved by the professional engineer or registered architect and in such a manner that no back-ups occur. Existing sewers, house connections or other sewer appurtenances which are to remain, and which might be disturbed for construction purposes, shall be restored to their present condition after completion of the work; and
   (k)   construction permits and certificate of inspection for proposed catch basins and/or seepage basins system as shown on the approved builders pavement plan shall be issued by the department.
Appendix A-5:
Requirements for Specific Notes on Private Sewer or Private Drain Plans
All private sewer or private drain plans submitted to the department shall be prepared in accordance with the following requirements and include the following specific notes:
   (a)   Contractor's note. The contractor, at the time of taking out the permit for the construction of this private sewer or private drain shall furnish to the borough records office of the department ________________________, NY ________________ (Borough) (ZIP code)
a copy of an agreement between the owner and the contractor and a list of contract prices for the items in the bill of materials on the approved private sewer or private drain plan;
   (b)   Performance bond. The owner shall file with the department's borough records office ____________________________________________, __________________________, records office (Address) (Borough) __________________ a performance bond in the amount of $________________ to (ZIP Code) secure the faithful performance of this contract. Before submitting any field changes for this project, a letter from the bonding company indicating that they have no objections to this field change shall be presented to the department. The private sewer or private drain contractor may, upon written request to the Department, submit the performance bond, in lieu of the owner. [Note: The amount of performance bond will be the amount of the engineer's cost estimate.];
   (c)   Maintenance bond. Before a permit is issued for the work as shown on the plan, a maintenance bond covering a two (2) year period from the date of completion and final acceptance of the work performed in the amount of $______________ shall be filed by the owner. The private sewer or private drain contractor may, upon written request to the department, submit the maintenance bond in lieu of the owner. [Note: The amount of maintenance bond shall be 10% of performance bond amount.]
   (d)   Insurance note. The owner or contractor, prior to the start of construction, shall obtain an insurance policy insuring the City of New York against liability for injury to property or persons, including death. Such policy shall remain in effect until the completion of the project with a minimum period of three (3) years;
   (e)   Traffic note. The contractor shall notify the office of Engineering Control, Mayor's Traffic Construction Coordinating Committee (MTCCC), 51 Chambers Street, New York, NY 10017, (10 days prior to the issuance of a Construction permit);
   (f)   Pavement restoration note. To follow specific pavement restoration provisions as stipulated by the New York City Department of Transportation (NYCDOT). Refer to NYCDOT letter dated ________________. Note: The contractor shall restore the pavement in accordance with the NYCDOT stipulations.
   (g)   Utility note.
      (1)   All utility companies must be notified at least 72 hours prior to commencement of construction to comply with Rule 53 of Industrial Code of the State of New York, Department of Labor for "Construction, Excavation and Demolition Operations at or near Underground Facilities" (Cited as 12 NYCRR 53); and
      (2)   for private developments, the support, relocation, reconstruction or rehabilitation of existing utilities due to the construction of this contract is to be done at the expense of the owner of the proposed private sewer or private drain;
   (h)   Approval of materials and manufacturers' note. The name of city approved subcontractors, vendors, manufacturers, suppliers, and dealers who are to furnish materials, fixtures, equipment, appliances or other fittings shall be submitted by the contractor as early as possible to the Department at 59-17 junction Boulevard, Corona, New York, 11368 for approval.
   (i)   Soil note. When ordered by the professional engineer or registered architect, the trench shall be excavated to its full depth for at least 50 feet in advance of the private sewer or private drain construction. When in the opinion of the professional engineer or registered architect, the subsoil is deemed to be inadequate, the contractor shall drive piles as ordered. Unsuitable soils encountered at the subgrade less than five (5) feet thick, if encountered at the subgrade shall be removed to an acceptable stratum and replaced with broken stone as directed by the professional engineer or registered architect. In such case, the sheeting placed shall be left in place below the spring line of the pipe only.
   (j)   Sheeting note.
      (1)   In performing the sheeting of the private sewer or private drain trench for excavation, the contractor shall comply with the provisions of the New York State Labor Law and particularly with Rule Number 23 (as amended) of the Industrial Code as promulgated by the Board of Standards and Appeals, Department of Labor, State of New York and in accordance with Rules and Regulations listed in Federal Register/volume 54, number 209/Tuesday, October 31, 1989, Department of Labor, Occupational Safety and Health Administration, 29 C.F.R. Part 1926, [Docket number S-204] RIN 1218 AA 36. Where the spacing of stringers and cross bracing specified in Rule Number 23 are such that the contractor can not adequately and in a practical manner carry on his operations, he shall submit to the professional engineer or registered architect for approval alternate designs for sheeting or shoring with all bracings as may be necessary to comply with the intent of Rule Number 23;
      (2)   Sheeting and forms shall be removed in accordance with the latest department's standards and specifications unless otherwise noted on the drawings or instructed by the professional engineer or registered architect;
   (k)   Storm drainage note.
      (1)   Provisions for the safe disposal of storm water shall be determined by the New York City Department of Buildings (NYCDOB), Department of Transportation (NYCDOT), and the Department of Environmental Protection (NYCDEP);
      (2)   Owner-builder shall comply with the provisions of the land-contour law so that construction operations will not create nor perpetuate any hazardous condition. In addition, he or she shall provide the necessary means to control the erosive velocity of overland flow and the conveyance of sediment to the sewer or street area;
   (l)   Dewatering note. If the contractor is required to install a temporary dewatering system to lower the groundwater level within the Boroughs of Brooklyn or Queens, it will be necessary that he or she obtain a New York State Department of Environmental Conservation (NYSDEC) Long Island Well Permit.
Appendix A-6:
Requirements for the Preparation of the Survey of the Proposed Development and the Location and Route of the Private Sewers or Private Drains
All drainage proposals and private sewer or private drain plans submitted to the department shall be accompanied by two sets of the survey of the proposed development and the location and route of the proposed private sewers or private drains in conformance with the requirements of 15 RCNY § 23-02(6), and shall contain the following information at a minimum: The survey shall show the existing elevations at each fifty (50) foot stationing and at all grade changes for all existing streets (center lines, curb lines, property lines), legal grade elevations, existing sewers, drains, ditches, watercourse(s), catch basins, manholes, utilities, culverts, all boundaries and buffer zones for all wetlands, designated open space areas, wildlife sanctuaries as established by the federal, state, or local agencies having regulatory jurisdiction thereof, and grades within the site of the Proposed development. The survey shall be prepared, signed and sealed by a professional land surveyor licensed by the State of New York.