(a) All applications and plans for incinerator upgradings must be approved by the Bureau of Air Resources.
(b) Incinerators which have a valid Certificate of Operation. The apartment house owner must submit a new application. No additional fee is necessary.
(c) A fee in accordance with Schedule B of Administrative Code § 24-136(c)(2) must accompany each application.
(d) Applications and amendments shall include design data and plans showing the existing incinerator and the upgrading proposed.
(e) All plans must be drawn to scale and shall be filed in triplicate. One set of plans, if approved, will be returned with a Notice of Approval for an installation or alteration permit. This Notice of Approval signifies compliance with this Department's plan filing requirements and does not infer prior approval by other city agencies.
(f) Plot plan must show the building location and dimensions, the flue discharge point, and the location, distances, and heights of all buildings within a reasonable distance. Layouts shall include plan and elevation of incinerator room clearly showing the incinerator, the location and size of fixed ventilation to the outer air. Drawings shall also include a roof plan and elevation showing the flue, and other roof structures such as water tanks, penthouses, etc. The furnace, gas burner, automatic draft controls, flues, etc., shall be shown by plan and elevation cross-sections.
(g) Section 24-124(a) and (b) of the New York City Air Pollution Control Code requires that a Professional Engineer or Registered Architect certify that the application is accurate and that the equipment covered will comply with the requirements of the law. The application and appurtenant drawings, specification sheets and amendments, must also be impressed with the seal of the certifier.
(h) A separate application is required for each unit of equipment or control apparatus, unless identical units of equipment or control apparatus are to be installed, altered, or operated in an identical manner in the same building.
(i) If any structural changes to flues or additional flues are to be provided, or additions or changes to gas piping or water supply piping are to be made, application should be made to other departments having jurisdiction in these matters, e.g., Department of Buildings, Department of Water Supply, Gas and Electricity, Fire Department, etc.