Access Point means that which enables a device, appliance or equipment to be reached by ready access or by a means that first requires the removal or movement of a panel, door or similar obstruction.
Air Filtration Device means a device composed of fibrous materials which removes solid particulates.
CFM means cubic feet per minute.
Cook Stove means any wood fired or anthracite coal fired appliance used for the preparation of food intended for onsite consumption or retail purchase.
Discharge Point means the point at which particulate matter is released from a stack into the open air.
Electrostatic Precipitator (ESP) means a filtration device that removes fine particles, such as dust and smoke, from a flowing gas using the force of an induced electrostatic charge minimally impeding the flow of gases through the unit. An ESP is a type of emissions control device.
Emissions Control Device means any equipment used for collecting or confining particulate matter for the purpose of preventing or reducing the emission of such particulate matter into the open air.
Existing means installed before May 6, 2016.
New means installed on or after May 6, 2016.
NFPA means National Fire Prevention Association.
Optical Particle Counter (OPC) means an instrument based on the principle of light scattering from particles. It is a real time instrument that is used to measure particles above 0.05 µm in diameter.
Particulate Matter (PM) means a complex mixture of tiny particles that consists of dry solid fragments, solid cores with liquid coatings, and small droplets of liquid. These particles vary greatly in shape, size and chemical composition, and can be made up of many different materials such as metals, soot, soil, and dust. PM 10 describes inhalable particles, with diameters that are generally 10 micrometers and smaller.
Peak Load means twenty percent additional solid fuel is added to the amount of fuel that is normally used for cooking in the cook stove.
RH Correction Function refers to relative humidity correction. When this function is enabled, the particle growth effect due to high humidity is corrected by computing the mass concentration based on the original dry environment particle population.
Smoke means small gas-borne and airborne particulate matter arising from a process of combustion in sufficient number to be visible.
Stack means any duct, control equipment exhaust or similar apparatus, which vents gases and/or PM into the open air.
Test Port Plate (TPP) means a template cover that is designed to prevent any of the air stream from escaping when the existing access plate is removed and which has an opening for the test probe to fit securely through the material (e.g. cardboard or plexi-glass).
Total Suspended Particulates (TSP) means small airborne particles such as dust, fume and smoke with diameters less than 100 µm.
Treated firewood shall have the same meaning as set forth in paragraph 13 of section 192.5 of title 6 of the New York Code Rules and Regulations.
Underwriters Laboratories (UL) means an American worldwide safety consulting and certification company.
Wet Scrubber System means any emission control device that mixes an aqueous stream or slurry with the exhaust gases from an indirect heat exchanger to control emissions of particulate matter (PM).
(Added City Record 10/27/2023, eff. 4/27/2024)
(a) No person shall operate an existing cook stove that was installed prior to May 6, 2016, without hiring a professional engineer or registered architect licensed under Sections 7202 or 7302 of the Education Law to conduct and submit a feasibility analysis of installing an Emissions Control Device as set forth in this section to reduce such cook stove’s total PM emissions by 75 percent or more. The feasibility analysis must detail the Emission Control Devices, if any, that can be installed be submitted to the Department within one year of the effective date of this rule. A feasibility analysis is not required if an emission control device that is on the Fire Department’s and the Department’s approved list of emission control devices found at: and is installed.
(b) Except as otherwise provided in this section, if the assessment submitted pursuant to subdivision (a) of this section determines that one or more Emission Control Devices can be installed to reduce an existing cook stove’s total PM emissions by 75 percent or more, the Emission Control Device, or Emission Control Devices if more than one is required, must be installed within 180 days of the date on which such assessment is submitted to the Department. Any Emission Control Device that is installed must be certified by the Department in accordance with 15 RCNY § 62-07 and installed in accordance with the requirements of this chapter.
(c) If the assessment submitted pursuant to subdivision (a) of this section concludes that one or more Emission Control Devices can be installed to reduce an existing cook stove’s total PM emissions by at least 25 percent but less than 75 percent, such assessment must describe the Emissions Control Devices that can be installed to achieve such reduction, and such Emissions Control Devices shall be installed prior to operation of the cook stove in accordance with the requirements of this chapter. After installation of such Emission Control Devices, the operator must conduct another assessment in accordance with subdivision (a) of this section within two years of the date on which the Emission Control Devices were installed to determine if additional Emission Control Devices can be installed to reduce such existing cook stove’s total PM emissions by at least 75 percent.
(d) If the assessment concludes that no Emission Control Device can be installed on an existing cook stove or that any Emission Control Devices that can be installed cannot achieve a reduction of the existing cook stove’s total PM emissions by at least 25 percent, the assessment must include an explanation for this conclusion, and the applicant must submit a variance petition in accordance with the procedures set forth in § 24-110 of the Administrative Code of the City of New York.
(Added City Record 10/27/2023, eff. 4/27/2024)