For the purpose of this chapter, the following definitions apply:
Annual throughput. "Annual throughput" shall mean the amount of petroleum liquid transferred into or dispensed from a defined source or facility during twelve consecutive months.
Commissioner. "Commissioner" shall mean the Commissioner of the New York City Department of Environmental Protection.
Equivalent control. "Equivalent control" shall mean the use of alternate operational and/or equipment controls for the reduction of gasoline vapor emissions, that have been approved by the Commissioner, such that the aggregate emissions of gasoline vapor from the facility do not exceed those from the application of defined reasonably available control technology.
Gasoline. "Gasoline" means any petroleum distillate having a Reid Vapor Pressure of 4 pounds per square inch (28 kilopascals) or more used as a motor fuel.
Gasoline dispensing site. "Gasoline dispensing site" shall mean any site where gasoline is dispensed into vehicle fuel tanks or into portable containers used to fuel any motor from any stationary storage container(s) larger than 250 gallons.
Gasoline transport vehicle. "Gasoline transport vehicle" shall mean any tank truck, trailer, or railroad tank car, with a capacity of 300 gallons or more, used for the transportation of gasoline.
NYSDEC. "NYSDEC" shall mean New York State Department of Environmental Conservation.
Stage 1 vapor collection system. "Stage 1 vapor collection system" shall mean a system where gasoline vapors are forced from a tank into a vapor-tight holding system or vapor control system through direct displacement by the gasoline being loaded.
Submerged filling. "Submerged filling" shall mean the use of a fill pipe or drop tube whose discharge opening is entirely submerged when the liquid is six inches above the bottom of the container. For containers loaded from the side, submerged filling is defined as the use of a fill pipe whose discharge is entirely submerged when the liquid level is 18 inches, or twice the diameter of the fill pipe, whichever is greater, above the bottom of the container.
Vapor control system. "Vapor control system" shall mean a system that prevents emissions to the outdoor atmosphere from exceeding 4.7 grains per gallon (80 grams per 1,000 liters) of gasoline loaded.
(a) This chapter applies to the transfer of gasoline into underground storage tanks located at gasoline dispensing sites.
(b) This chapter also applies to owners and operators of all gasoline transport vehicles within the City of New York which:
(1) Deliver gasoline to any gasoline dispensing site required to be equipped with a stage 1 vapor collection system or equivalent (including such gasoline dispensing sites located in other counties or in states adjacent to New York State); or
(2) Convey gasoline either to or from any gasoline loading terminal or gasoline bulk plant.