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New York City Overview
The New York City Charter
The New York City Administrative Code
The Rules of the City of New York
Title 1: Department of Buildings
Title 2: Board of Standards and Appeals
Title 3: Fire Department
Title 6: Department of Consumer and Worker Protection
Title 9: Procurement Policy Board Rules
Title 12: Franchise and Concession Review Committee
Title 15: Department of Environmental Protection
Title 16: Department of Sanitation
Title 17: Business Integrity Commission
Title 19: Department of Finance
Title 20: Tax Appeals Tribunal
Title 21: Tax Commission
Title 22: Banking Commission
Title 24: Department of Health and Mental Hygiene
Title 25: Department of Mental Health and Retardation [Repealed]
Title 28: Housing Preservation and Development
Title 29: Loft Board
Title 30: Rent Guidelines Board
Title 31: Mayor's Office of Homelessness and Single Room Occupancy
Title 34: Department of Transportation
Title 35: Taxi and Limousine Commission
Title 38: Police Department
Title 38-A: Civilian Complaint Review Board
Title 39: Department of Correction
Title 40: Board of Correction
Title 41: Department of Juvenile Justice
Title 42: Department of Probation
Title 43: Mayor
Title 44: Comptroller
Title 45: Borough Presidents
Title 46: Law Department
Title 47: Commission on Human Rights
Title 48: Office of Administrative Trials and Hearings (OATH)
Title 49: Department of Records and Information Services
Title 50: Community Assistance Unit
Title 51: City Clerk
Title 52: Campaign Finance Board*
Title 53: Conflicts of Interest Board
Title 55: Department of Citywide Administrative Services
Title 56: Department of Parks and Recreation
Title 57: Art Commission
Title 58: Department of Cultural Affairs
Title 60: Civil Service Commission
Title 61: Office of Collective Bargaining
Title 62: City Planning
Title 63: Landmarks Preservation Commission
Title 66: Department of Small Business Services
Title 67: Department of Information Technology and Telecommunications
Title 68: Human Resources Administration
Title 69: Department of Aging
Title 70: In Rem Foreclosure Release Board
Title 71: Voter Assistance Commission
Title 72: Office of Emergency Management
Title 73: Civic Engagement Commission
Title 74: Community Hiring
Chapter 2: Engineering Criteria for Fossil Fuel Burning Boilers and Water Heaters
§ 2-01 Introduction and Applicability.
All owners of fossil fuel burning boilers and water heaters that require a registration and have heat input equal to or greater than 2.8 million BTU/hour but less than 4.2 million BTU/hour or require a certificate of operation under the New York City Air Pollution Control Code, as codified in Chapter 1 of Title 15 of the New York City Administrative Code, are subject to these rules.
In order for a registration or work permit to be issued an application must be filed and accompanied by plans and any additional information that may be requested by the department. The application will enable the department to evaluate the design of equipment installation for compliance with the specification requirements described in 15 RCNY § 2-11. Upon issuance of a registration or work permit, the equipment shall be installed and adjusted to meet the performance requirements specified in 15 RCNY § 2-08.
(Amended City Record 5/13/2016, eff. 6/12/2016)
§ 2-02 Definitions.
   (1)   AP-42. "AP-42" means the United States Environmental Protection Agency publication AP-42, Compilation of Air Pollutant Emission Factors, Volume I: Stationary Point and Area Sources (fifth edition, 1995).
   (2)   ASHRAE. "ASHRAE" means the American Society of Heating, Refrigerating, and Air Conditioning Engineers.
   (3)   ASTM International. "ASTM International" is formerly known as the American Society for Testing and Materials.
   (4)   Barometric damper. "Barometric damper" means a device which consists of a damper counter-weighted and set such that boiler room barometric pressure will cause the damper to open or close to check variations in chimney draft and thereby maintain a constant draft directly upstream of the barometric draft regulator location.
   (5)   Biogas. "Biogas" means a mixture of methane and carbon dioxide produced by the anaerobic digestion of organic matter used as a fuel; includes landfill gas and digester gas.
   (6)   Boiler. "Boiler" means equipment that is used to heat water or any other transfer medium for the purpose of generating hot water and/or steam. The hot water and/or steam generated by a boiler may be used for heating, processing, or generating power for other purposes, including but not limited to, cooking and sanitation.
   (7)   British thermal unit. "British thermal unit" (Btu) means the amount of energy needed to heat one pound of water by one degree Fahrenheit.
   (8)   Burner. "Burner" means a device for the final conveyance of the fuel, or a mixture of fuel and air, to the combustion zone.
   (9)   Calibration test. "Calibration test" means to calibrate the qualified combustion analyzer in accordance with the manufacturer's specifications.
   (10)   Certificate of operation. "Certificate of operation" means a document issued by the department authorizing the operation of a specific piece of equipment or apparatus that may emit an air contaminant.
   (11)   Chimney. "Chimney" means a primarily vertical structure containing one or more flues, for the purpose of carrying gaseous products of combustion and air from fuel-burning appliances to the outside atmosphere.
   (12)   Chimney diameter. "Chimney diameter" means for round chimneys, the diameter shall be taken as the actual inside diameter. Where the chimney is provided with a liner, its inside diameter is the chimney diameter. For rectangular chimneys, the equivalent diameter for equal friction and capacity shall be used based on the inside rectangular dimensions.
   (13)   Chimney height. "Chimney height" is the distance from the centerline of the entrance of the combustion gases into the chimney to the top of the chimney.
   (14)   Combustion efficiency. "Combustion efficiency" means a measurement of the burner's ability to burn fuel. It is the heat input minus the stack losses.
   (15)   Combustion efficiency test. "Combustion efficiency test" means a test of steady state combustion efficiency carried out by a qualified combustion tester using a qualified combustion analyzer.
   (16)   Condensing Boiler. "Condensing boiler" means a boiler that is designed to operate at stack temperatures where flue gases can condense, thereby recovering its latent heat of vaporization, before leaving the heat exchanger.
   (17)   Crown sheet. "Crown sheet" means that part of a boiler forming the top of the furnace in a firebox boiler, or the equivalent surface in other types.
   (18)   CSA Group. "CSA Group" means the Canadian Standards Association.
   (19)   Custom-design boiler. "Custom-design boiler" means a boiler designed for a specific installation.
   (20)   Department. "Department" shall mean the New York City Department of Environmental Protection.
   (21)   Draft. "Draft" shall mean negative static pressure, measured relative to atmospheric pressure.
   (22)   Dual-fuel. "Dual-fuel" means any equipment that uses both heating oil and gas as a fuel.
   (23)   Equivalent diameter. The term "equivalent diameter" referred to in the definition of transition section means the equivalent diameter of a square or rectangular section based on equal friction.
   (24)   ETL. "ETL" is the name of the certification listed mark from Intertek.
   (25)   Existing equipment. "Existing equipment" refers to any combustion equipment or apparatus legally installed before the promulgation of this chapter.
   (26)   Flame impingement. "Flame impingement" refers to the condition which exists when the flame resulting from the combustion of the fuel comes into contact with any interior surface of the furnace in such a way as to result in incomplete combustion of the fuel. Such condition may manifest itself in the formation of carbon at the contact location.
   (27)   Fuel oil grade no. 2. "Fuel oil grade no. 2" means a fuel oil meeting the current definition of fuel oil grade no. 2 as classified by ASTM International Standard D 396-12.
   (28)   Fuel oil grade no 4. "Fuel oil grade no. 4" means a fuel oil meeting the current definition of fuel oil grade No. 4 as classified by ASTM International Standard D 396-12.
   (29)   Fuel oil grade no 6. "Fuel oil grade no. 6" means a fuel oil meeting the current definition of fuel oil grade No. 6 as classified by ASTM International Standard D 396-12.
   (30)   Flue gases. "Flue gases" means the products of combustion passing through the flue connection to the chimney.
   (31)   Furnace volume. "Furnace volume" is the space encompassed by the chamber floor, the refractory walls, the heat absorbing water walls of the boiler firebox, and the crown sheet, shell or water tubes of the boiler. If a target wall is installed in the furnace, the furnace volume shall be reduced by the volume behind the face of the target wall.
   (32)   Heat release. "Heat release" is the heat liberated by the combustion of the fuel (Btu/hr) per cubic foot of furnace volume.
   (33)   In-Kind Replacement. "In-kind replacement" means the replacement of a boiler or burner with equipment of the same make and model number.
   (34)   Induced draft fan. "Induced draft fan" is an acceptable fan intended for removal of flue gases from the boiler and providing pressure differential for proper combustion.
   (35)   Louver efficiency. "Louver efficiency" means the percentage of the total open area, not including obstructions such as blades and the frame, divided by the gross area of the louver.
   (36)   Low-fire setting. "Low-fire setting" is the setting which determines the oil firing rate at which burner ignition occurs where low-high-off, low-high-low-off, or modulating combustion controls are utilized based upon the manufacturer's recommendations.
   (37)   Low-high-low-off combustion control. "Low-high-low-off combustion control" is a control capable of initiating the burner such that ignition occurs at the low-fire setting, after which the burner fires at the maximum heat input rating in order to satisfy the demand, and varies the coordinated fuel-air input, between the maximum heat input rating rate and the low-fire as a result of variations in demand.
   (38)   Low-high-off-combustion control. "Low-high-off combustion control" is a control capable of initiating the burner such that ignition occurs at the low-fire setting, after which the burner fires at the maximum heat input rating until the demand has been satisfied.
   (39)   Maximum Heat Input Rating. "Maximum heat input rating" means the maximum steady-state fuel firing rate of the burner, measured in Btu per hour of gross heat input, as determined by the manufacturer's design rating of the burner.
   (40)   Mechanical ventilation. "Mechanical ventilation" is ventilation which is provided by a fan capable of maintaining the room in which the fuel burning equipment is located at a pressure not less than outside atmospheric pressure while the combustion equipment is in operation.
   (41)   Natural Gas. "Natural gas" means a mixture of methane and other gases with an odorant as supplied by the local utility serving the premises.
   (42)   New installation. "New installation" refers to new construction, for which combustion equipment or apparatus is installed.
   (43)   Non-openable window. "Non-openable window" refers to lot line windows which are not legally required for light and ventilation by the Building Code, Multiple Dwelling Code or other regulatory rule, code or statute.
   (44)   NOx. "NOx" means the pollutant oxides of nitrogen which is the term used to describe the sum of nitric oxide (NO), nitrogen dioxide (NO 2 ) and other oxides of nitrogen.
   (45)   On-off combustion control. "On-off combustion control" is a control capable of starting up or shutting down the burner in response to variations in demand.
   (46)   Opacity. "Opacity" means the degree to which emissions reduce the transmission of light and obscure the view of an object in the background. Opacity is measured on a percent scale in accordance with U.S. EPA Method 9.
   (47)   Overall efficiency. "Overall efficiency" means the ratio of the energy output to the energy input or the heat input minus all the losses.
   (48)   Owner. "Owner" means and includes the owner of the equipment, a lessee of the equipment or his or her agent, a tenant, operator, or any other person who has regular control of equipment or apparatus.
   (49)   Particulate. Particulate means any air or gas-borne material, except water, that exists as a liquid or solid. The determination of the quantity of particulates present in a stack shall be determined in accordance with U.S. EPA Method 5.
   (50)   Percent oxygen (%O2). "Percent oxygen (%O 2 )" is the percentage of the dry flue gases that the oxygen occupies.
   (51)   Post-purge. "Post-purge" refers to the function of operating the burner fan after flame-out.
   (52)   Power operated draft regulator. "Power operated draft regulator" is a control which is capable of maintaining a constant pressure in the furnace under all normal operating conditions, and in addition is provided with a low-draft cut-off which will shut the burner off when the draft falls below a pre-selected minimum. The time relay shall delay switch action to prevent shut-down from initial exaggerated fluctuations in pressure.
   (53)   Pre-purge. "Pre-purge" refers to the function of operating the burner fan before flame ignition.
   (54)   Pressure differential. "Pressure differential" refers to the absolute value of the difference in pressure between any two points in the system.
   (55)   Qualified combustion analyzer. "Qualified combustion analyzer" means an instrument that is capable of directly measuring flue gas carbon monoxide, oxygen, and the temperatures of the boiler room, stack gas, calculating combustion efficiency for the specific fuel used, displaying the results, and creating an electronic or printed record of the results. All qualified combustion analyzers shall be calibrated to the manufacturer's specifications.
   (56)   Qualified combustion tester. "Qualified combustion tester" means (i) a licensed New York City Class A and B oil burner equipment installer, (ii) a professional engineer or registered architect licensed pursuant to Education Law section 7202 or 7302, (iii) a New York City Licensed Master Plumber, (iv) employees working under the supervision of those licensees listed in paragraphs (i), (ii), or (iii) of this subdivision, or (v) persons who demonstrate to the satisfaction of the Commissioner that their experience (a minimum of two years in related boiler work), qualifications, and references makes them qualified to perform a combustion test.
   (57)   Radial distance. "Radial distance" means the shortest distance between a receptor location and the centerline of the chimney outlet.
   (58)   Receptor. "Receptor" is any point at which a person in a nearby building can become exposed to the flue gases emanating from the chimney of the subject installation (e.g., openable window, occupiable terrace). Receptor shall also include air-conditioning and ventilating intakes. (Note: non-openable windows are not considered to be receptor locations.)
   (60)   Registration. "Registration" means a document issued by the department for the installation and/or operation of a boiler or water heater that has a heat input equal to or greater than 2.8 million BTU/hour but less than 4.2 million BTU/hour.
   (61)   Smoke reading. "Smoke reading" means the measurement of smoke density as measured in accordance with ASTM International Standard D 2156-09.
   (62)   Stack loss. "Stack loss" means the sensible heat carried away by the dry flue gas and the sensible and latent heat carried away by the water vapor in the flue gas.
   (63)   Transition section. "Transition section" means a section of duct, breeching or stack used to connect these elements with structures of different cross-sectional dimensions. The required length for such transition section must conform with:
      L = 4(D 1 -D 2 )
         D 1 = the diameter (or equivalent diameter) of the larger cross-sectional structures.
         D 2 = the diameter (or equivalent diameter) of the smaller cross-sectional structures.
   (64)   Venting Calculations: "Venting calculations" means calculations that determine the acceptance of the combustion air supply and boiler flue gas venting. These calculations include:
      (1)   Flue venting: draft for atmospheric or non-power vented boilers, equivalent length for direct vent or sealed combustion appliances,
      (2)   Combustion air: louvers, dedicated inlet or infiltration.
   (65)   UL. "UL" means the Underwriters' Laboratory.
   (66)   Water Heater. "Water heater" means equipment which is used to heat and store water.
   (67)   Work Permit. "Work permit" means a permit issued for the installation of a device or apparatus.
(Amended City Record 5/13/2016, eff. 6/12/2016)