(a) General information. Subject to the provisions of this chapter, permits will be issued for the following purposes upon receipt of proper applications and permit fees:
Hydrant, Use of
Meter Accuracy Test
Meter Attachment
Meter Disconnect for Repair or Change of Piping ("Break Seal")
Meter Setting, New, Replacement or Additional
Meter Testing and Repair Company
Plug, Tap/Wet Connection (Termination of Service)
Service Connection, Relay of
Service Connection, Repair of
Service Connection, Thawing of
Tap Installation
Tap Installation and Plug of Prior Tap
Tap Location, Electrical Indicator
Wet Connection Installation (including Internal Water Main)
Wet Connection Installation and Plug of Prior Tap or Wet Connection
All work under a permit must be performed by the permit holder and/or persons directly employed and supervised by the permit holder. Permits are not transferable and valid for the work described thereon.
(b) Issuance. Permit applications shall be submitted, and permits shall be obtained before commencement of any work requiring a permit. Where permits involving plumbing work are required, such permits will be issued only to Licensed Master Plumbers, and to plumbers in the employ of municipal, state or federal agencies and authorities. Permits to set, reset, repair, or disconnect a water meter on service pipes with a diameter of less than one and one-half (1 1/2) inches may be issued to persons who may lawfully perform such work under 15 RCNY § 20-05(c). Meter repair permits may also be issued to meter repair companies for repair on the premises of water meters.
(1) Any work performed without a permit as required by these Rules shall be a violation.
(2) Permits for all emergency work must be obtained within forty-eight (48) hours or by the end of the second business day following commencement of the work.
(3) Upon the expiration date of a plumber's license, if such license is not renewed within 60 days after such expiration date, all permits issued under that license shall also expire.
(4) (i) The Commissioner may deny any permit application, and may revoke, suspend, cancel, or terminate any previously issued permit, where any party related to the work, including but not limited to the contractor, building owner, or licensed master plumber, has docketed, unpaid civil penalties imposed by the New York City Environmental Control Board or a tribunal of the Office of Administrative Trials and Hearings for violations of 15 RCNY §§ 20-01, 20-02, 20-04, 20-05, 20-06, or 20-08 or §§ 24-308, 24-337 or 24-339 of the Administrative Code.
(ii) In determining whether to exercise the power granted by subparagraph (i) of this paragraph, the Commissioner shall consider whether such applicant or permittee has other unpaid penalties, taxes or other debt owed to the city; the amount of the unpaid civil penalties imposed by the environmental control board or a tribunal of the office of administrative trials and hearings; whether the violation underlying the unpaid penalties imposed by the environmental control board or a tribunal of the office of administrative trials and hearings was issued by the Department of Environmental Protection or another agency; whether such violation is one of a series of violations returnable to such board or tribunal and the nature of the underlying violation; whether the unpaid civil penalties imposed by the environmental control board or a tribunal of the office of administrative trials and hearings were imposed pursuant to a finding of default that was subsequently vacated or whether the applicant or permittee has made a request to vacate such default and obtain a new hearing pursuant to the rules of such board or tribunal; or any other consideration the commissioner deems appropriate.
(c) Regulation of permit work. If a Licensed Master Plumber or meter repair company fails to comply with three (3) or more provisions, standards or requirements of these Rules, or the terms and conditions of any permit already issued under these Rules, during a three (3) month period, the Commissioner or his/her designee, in accordance with § 24-309 of the Administrative Code, may make a determination not to issue additional permits from applications submitted from such Licensed Master Plumber or meter repair company until such time as all the violations or non-compliances are corrected.
(1) In the event the Commissioner or his/her designee makes such a determination, the BCS Deputy Commissioner shall mail the determination to the address set forth in the Department of Building's (DOB) records.
(2) The Licensed Master Plumber or meter repair company, as applicable, may appeal the Commissioner's determination by filing a notarized petition within 60 days from the date of the Commissioner's determination with the Commissioner, 59-17 Junction Boulevard, 19th Floor, Flushing, New York 11373-5108. The appeal shall state the name and address of the petitioner, include a short and plain statement of the matters to be adjudicated, address each of the violations mentioned in the Commissioner's determination, with a statement of the reason or reasons why the petitioner believes the determination was incorrect, including supporting documentation, and include the Commissioner's determination. During the review of the appeal, the Commissioner shall continue to issue permits to the Licensed Master Plumber or meter repair company.
(3) Upon review of the appeal, the Commissioner or his/her designee may, in his/her discretion, grant or deny the petition. Appeals shall be processed within thirty (30) calendar days of receipt of such appeal. If the Department fails to process an appeal within thirty (30) calendar days the appeal shall be granted, provided that the petitioner has responded to all requests for information submitted by the Department.
(4) The filing of an appeal shall not relieve the petitioner from complying with any requirements of the Rules, and shall not immunize any person or entity from any civil or criminal prosecution authorized pursuant to the Rules.
(d) Department of Transportation approvals. All permits for work requiring opening or obstructing a street and/or sidewalk shall be contingent upon approval by the Department of Transportation (DOT) or the agency having jurisdiction to authorize such opening.
(e) Permits at work site. All permits required by the Department must be displayed at the work site. Failure to display necessary permits shall be a violation of these Rules.
(f) Emergency repairs.
(1) A Licensed Master Plumber may perform emergency repairs where a defective service or defective interior piping results in leakage of City water and/or immediate danger to the public safety. All required permits must be obtained in accordance with the provisions of 15 RCNY § 20-01(b)(2).
(2) Where it is necessary to open a street for emergency repairs, a Licensed Master Plumber shall obtain an emergency permit from DOT or the agency having jurisdiction to authorize such an opening.
(g) Return of permit after completion of work. Within ten (10) business days following the completion of any work for which a meter permit has been issued, the permit, carrying a certification of the date of completion of the work, shall be returned to the Department. A permit shall expire after 365 days for new construction work and after 30 days for meter replacements or first-time meter installations in existing buildings. If the work is to be performed after that time, the applicant must apply for a permit extension before the original permit expires. If a completed meter permit is not returned upon completion of the work, the official meter set date shall be 30 days after issuance of the permit for meter replacements or first-time meter installations in existing buildings or 365 days after issuance of the permit for new construction work.
(h) Department of Parks and Recreation Permits. Excavation work for water services or for outdoor pit meters immediately adjacent to or under the drip line of a street tree requires a permit from the Department of Parks and Recreation and compliance with its "Forestry Protocol for Planned and Emergency Utility Work."
(Amended City Record 7/26/2021, eff. 8/25/2021)
(a) Separate supply. A separate corporation stop (tap) and service connection shall be installed for each building supplied with City water, except for buildings that have service connections supplied by internal water mains as described in 15 RCNY § 20-03(b). One tax lot cannot be supplied with water from another tax lot. Y-type corporation stops (taps) or service connections on the inlet side of the main house control valve or upstream of the backflow prevention device are prohibited. A service connection connected to the City main by a T-connection, or by any means other than a corporation stop (tap) or a wet connection, shall be controlled by a gate valve placed in the service connection, and located within two (2) feet of the point of connection to the main. Any property that meets any of the following conditions must be in full compliance with this subdivision:
(1) Any property constructed after January 1, 1992.
(2) A sale of property either supplying City water to another tax lot or being supplied with City water from another tax lot;
(3) The installation of a new service connection and/or renovation of an existing service connection where such installation or renovation shall constitute a substantial improvement to or alteration of the property, as defined in § 24-334(2) of the Administrative Code of the City of New York;
(4) The renovation of a property supplying City water to another tax lot or being supplied with City water from another tax lot where such renovation shall constitute a substantial improvement to or alteration of the property, as defined in § 24-334(2) of the Administrative Code of the City of New York; and
(5) Conversion of a property's billing from metered to flat-rate or flat-rate to metered.
Notwithstanding the foregoing provisions of this subdivision, any property that receives a written waiver from the Department dated after January 1, 2021 shall be considered in full compliance with this subdivision.
(b) Connections to city mains.
(1) Corporation stops (taps) and wet connections to a City Main shall be inserted or installed only by Department employees. Waivers may be granted for T-connections in extenuating circumstances (i.e. connections to two (2) inch mains and two (2) or three (3) inch connections to a four (4) inch main).
(2) A two (2) or three (3) inch connection to any main four (4) inches in diameter or less shall be made by a T-Connection with an adjacent valve.
(3) Direct corporation stop connections (taps) shall not exceed one (1) inch in diameter for mains four (4) inches or less in diameter. Each one and one-half (1 1/2) inch corporation stop connection (tap) to such a main shall be made through a tapping saddle, as directed by the Department. The tapping saddle is to be provided and set by the Licensed Master Plumber.
(4) Direct corporation stop connections (taps) shall not exceed one and one-half (1 1/2) inches in diameter for six (6) inch mains. Larger connections to mains of this size shall be wet connections.
(5) Direct corporation stop connections (taps) shall not exceed two (2) inches in diameter for all mains larger than six (6) inches in diameter. All connections larger than two (2) inches shall be wet connections.
(6) Tapping saddles shall be provided by the Licensed Master Plumber whenever, in the opinion of the Department, a pipe to be tapped lacks sufficient wall thickness to securely hold the corporation stop (tap).
(c) Spacing of corporations stops (taps) and wet connections.
(1) No corporation stop (tap) or wet connection shall be inserted on a fitting or within twenty-four (24) inches of a hub, fitting, hydrant branch, dead end, etc.
(2) The minimum spacing interval for corporation stops (taps) and wet connections shall be twelve (12) inches for both three quarter (3/4) inch and one (1) inch corporation stops (taps), and eighteen (18) inches for one and one-half (1 1/2) and two (2) inch corporation stops (taps) and wet connections.
(3) No corporation stop (tap) or wet connection shall be installed below the horizontal diameter of the main.
(d) Location of corporation stops (taps) and wet connections. Water main corporation stops (taps) or wet connections shall be installed in front of the property to be supplied with water. All old taps or wet connections shall be plugged or destroyed prior to the installation of the new tap or wet connection, unless interruption of service to building occupants dictates that installation of the new tap or wet connection be completed prior to plugging or destroying the old tap or wet connection.
(e) Charges for corporation stops (taps) and wet connections. The charges for the installation of a corporation stop (tap) or a wet connection shall be as fixed by the New York City Water Board Water and Wastewater Rate Schedule.
(f) Permits at work site. Permits for corporation stops (taps), wet connections and plugs shall be displayed at the work site.
(g) Plugs. If an approved excavation for the removal or destruction of a single corporation stop (tap) reveals that the service connection is supplied by two (2) or more corporation stops (taps), the Licensed Master Plumber making the excavation must plug or destroy the additional corporation stops (taps). The Department will make its records relative to the location of any corporation stop (tap) to be plugged or destroyed available to the licensed plumber. The Licensed Master Plumber shall be solely responsible for locating the corporation stop (tap). A separate permit will be required for each corporation stop (tap) destroyed.
(h) Destruction of wet connections, corporation stops (taps) and three-way connections.
(1) Destruction of a wet connection shall be performed by the Licensed Master Plumber engaged by the owner or the owner's duly authorized representative. The valve shall be closed, the stuffing box gland thoroughly tightened, the valve stem cut off flush with the stuffing box gland, the service pipe disconnected, and a plug inserted in the outlet end of the valve. The plug and wet connection valve shall be anchored to the main as directed by the Department.
(2) A screw corporation stop (tap) shall be destroyed by removing a diagonal portion of the corporation stop thread. The corporation stop (tap) shall be closed, and the service pipe shall be disconnected. A driven corporation stop (tap) shall be removed and replaced with a screw plug, unless otherwise authorized by the Department.
(3) All corporation stops (taps) and wet connections which are destroyed shall have the service pipes disconnected, the curb box (if any) removed, and a portion of the service pipe at the entry to the building removed.
(4) When a corporation stop (tap) or wet connection has been shut off and the service pipe connected thereto is not to be used, the Licensed Master Plumber shall take the necessary steps to plug the corporation stop (tap), as outlined above.
(5) Three-way connections to be abandoned must have all piping disconnected and removed from the branch hub of the three-way, and an approved plug inserted into the hub. The plug must be anchored to the main as directed by the Department. All work must be done by a Licensed Master Plumber, and the permit holder must pay all costs associated with shutting the main.
(i) Use of tap location electrical indicator. When a building is to be demolished and the Tap Location Electrical Indicator Permit has been obtained, the Department will assist a Licensed Master Plumber in locating a tap through the use of an electrical indicator. If the indicator fails to locate the tap within five (5) feet of the expected location, the Licensed Master Plumber will be relieved of the obligation to plug and destroy the tap. No refund or credit of the permit fee will be granted if the indicator fails to locate the tap.
(j) Sizes of corporation stops (taps) and services pipes. The size of the corporation stop (tap) and service pipe to supply a premise shall be determined by the water demand load (gpm) of the premises, as determined by fixture units. In premises used for commercial and industrial purposes, where it is not feasible to determine the size of the tap and service pipe as indicated above, these sizes shall be determined solely by the water demand load (gpm) of the premises. (Tables for determining the appropriate sizes of taps and service pipes are found in Appendix Tables #1, #2 and #3.) The minimum tap shall be three quarter (3/4) inch, and the service pipe shall be at least one (1) inch in diameter. Unless otherwise approved by the Department, all taps shall be the same size as their corresponding service pipes and the goosenecks required by 15 RCNY § 20-03(n) shall be the same size as the service pipes.
(k) Fire connections and supply.
(1) Fire connections. The Department of Buildings shall determine the size and type of all fire water service connections to be installed. The size of corporation stops (taps) or wet connections for fire service connections shall be subject to the approval of the Department.
(2) Combined service connections/dual fire and domestic service connections. A connection for combined purposes may be made from either a fire service connection or a domestic service connection, only upon approval of the Department of Buildings. For such installations, valve(s) and meter(s) must be installed as required by 15 RCNY § 20-05.
(3) Prohibitions. Fire service connections shall not be cross-connected with any system of piping except as described in 15 RCNY § 20-02(k)(2), in accordance with the approved water system by the Department.
(l) Appointments for tapping, wet connections, and inspections.
(1) The Licensed Master Plumber shall provide the Department with advance notification of the requested corporation stop (tap) or wet connection installation date.
(2) An inspection shall also be requested by the Licensed Master Plumber before backfill is placed on new or repaired service pipes.
(3) The Department shall schedule corporation stop (tap) and wet connection installations during business hours, for the next available date.
(m) Rescheduling of corporation stop (tap), wet connection installation or service pipe inspection.
(1) When a permit holder fails to provide a safe and adequately sized excavation for installation of a corporation stop (tap) or wet connection on the date and time for which an appointment has been scheduled, the installation will not be made and the permit holder will be required to schedule a new appointment.
(2) When a permit holder fails to have a completed service connection installation or plug ready for inspection on the date and time for which an inspection has been scheduled, the permit holder will be required to schedule a new appointment.
(3) If a permit holder must leave an excavation open for a subsequent corporation stop (tap)/ wet connection or service connection inspection, the excavation must be made safe, in accordance with DOT requirements.
(n) Size of excavation. Sizes of excavations for wet connections and corporation stops (taps) shall be in accordance with the requirements of Appendix Table #4. If subsurface conditions prevent a plumber from making an excavation of the dimensions indicated therein, the plumber shall immediately notify the Department. The Department has the discretion to determine whether the dimensions should be changed, and what the new dimensions for the excavation shall be. All excavations shall be made safe by sheeting and bracing, where necessary, and shall conform with all applicable laws, rules and regulations.
(o) Driven corporation stops (taps). Where a drive corporation stop (tap) is uncovered, it must be maintained and protected. If a driven corporation stop (tap) is disturbed, it must be replaced with a screw corporation stop.
(p) Service pipe leak.
(1) Upon discovery of a leaking service pipe, the Department will shut the corporation stop (tap) or wet connection unless it determines that there is no immediate threat to life or property. When there is no immediate threat to life or property, a Three-Day Notice to Repair will be served upon the owner or occupant of the premises. If the notice is not complied with, the Department will shut the corporation stop (tap) or wet connection.
(2) When the corporation stop (tap) or wet connection is shut off by the Department, the owner/occupant must engage a Licensed Master Plumber to assume responsibility for the street excavation and make the necessary repairs. If the owner/occupant fails to engage a Licensed Master Plumber, the corporation stop (tap) or wet connection will remain closed, the excavation will be backfilled, and the street will be properly restored.
(q) Shut-off of tap by licensed master plumber. A Licensed Master Plumber must secure a permit to open or shut a tap controlling a service connection to a City water main for any repair, replacement or installation. If it is necessary to shut off the water main while repairing, replacing or installing a service connection, the Licensed Master Plumber must immediately notify the Department. The shut off must be made only by the Department, and the permit holder must pay all costs associated with shutting off the main. If a property is vacant and sealed longer than one year, the property owner must have the tap destroyed or plugged and the service line plugged. If the property owner fails to take this action, the Department may perform the work upon written notice to the property owner at the mailing address on file with the Department and assess the cost to the property owner.
(Amended City Record 7/26/2021, eff. 8/25/2021)
(a) Advance conceptual design approval.
(1) A Licensed Professional Engineer, Registered Architect or Licensed Master Plumber may obtain advance conceptual design approval for corporation stops (taps), wet connections, service connections or relays by submitting a conceptual design drawing to the Department and paying the required fee. Information on the related water demand, existing service material, length of service connection, proposed size of the corporation stop (tap)/ wet connection, type of service connection and fire sprinkler and/or standpipe systems to be utilized must also be provided.
(2) The advance review and approval of a conceptual design may be the basis for a permit application for a period of two (2) years.
(3) Prior to the expiration of an advance conceptual design approval, the Department may extend the approval for an additional sixty (60) days upon receipt of a written request for an extension.
(b) Internal water main approval.
(1) Design stage approval for internal water mains must be obtained from both the Department and the Department of Buildings. Approval for a meter must be obtained from the Department's Bureau of Customer Services and for Backflow Prevention Devices settings from the Department's Bureau of Water and Sewer Operations (Cross Connection Control Unit). Requests for approval must be made by a New York State-Licensed Professional Engineer or Registered Architect.
(2) Internal water mains must have, in addition to any meters required by 15 RCNY § 20-05(a), approved hydrants and backflow prevention devices in a meter vault or above-ground enclosure ("hot box") installed inside the property within two (2) feet of the property line. After installation, such hydrants and backflow prevention devices will be owned, maintained and repaired by the property owner while meters at the property line will be owned, maintained, and repaired by the Department. The meter at the property line shall be used solely for monitoring purposes and any individual meters in the development shall be used for billing unless the tax lot contains only one building in which case the property line meter will be used for billing.
(3) Design stage approval to install and repair internal water mains will be issued under the following conditions:
(i) Owners of the internal water mains shall be responsible for their maintenance and repair.
(ii) Internal water mains and any connections thereto shall be installed and repaired only with design stage approval, and may be inspected by the Department.
(iii) Internal water mains shall be sized in accordance with the Department's sizing table (Table #3) or as approved by the Department of Buildings. Where fire hydrants are required, internal water mains shall be a minimum of eight (8) inches in diameter.
(iv) Internal water mains shall be controlled by a gate valve placed approximately two feet from the property line on the street side. A DOT-rated extension street box shall be placed over the gate valve. An additional gate valve and extension street box shall be installed for each three hundred (300) linear feet section of the water main and at each point where a lateral is connected to the water main.
(v) Taps and wet connections to internal water mains must be installed by the Department. Service connections must be installed by a New York City-Licensed Master Plumber with design stage approval to perform the work and must be inspected by the Department.
(vi) Internal water mains must be disinfected in accordance with American Water Works Association (AWWA) Standard C651-14 for disinfection of water mains, prior to being accepted for individual service connections or being placed into service. A water quality sample result acceptable to the Department must be obtained for internal water mains prior to placing them into service or issuing design stage approval for connection to such internal water mains.
(vii) Written approval from the Fire Department is required before the Department may issue design stage approval of internal water mains.
(c) Department of buildings approval.
(1) Evidence of prior Department of Buildings approval of service pipe size will be required before DEP approval of a permit application for:
(i) Any new corporation stop (tap), wet connection and/or service pipe installation which supplies water to a sprinkler, fire or standpipe system.
(ii) Any corporation stop (tap), wet connection and/or service pipe installation for a sprinkler, fire or standpipe system for a major renovation, or for any location where a new certificate of occupancy is required.
(iii) Any corporation stop (tap), wet connection and/or service pipe installation for a domestic water supply system to which fire sprinkler heads are connected.
(iv) Any corporation stop (tap) or wet connection installed in order to supply an internal water main.
(2) For premises that are not under the jurisdiction of the Department of Buildings, or where the owner/developer is exempt from obtaining Department of Buildings approval, a Licensed Professional Engineer or Registered Architect may submit a letter to the Department that certifies that the corporation stop (tap), wet connection and service pipe are adequately sized, and will provide an adequate degree of fire protection and a sufficient supply of water for domestic purposes. This certification will be accepted by the Department in lieu of Department of Buildings approval for the purposes of processing a permit application.
(d) Sizing services.
(1) Acceptable sizes of corporation stops (taps), wet connections and service connections that provide domestic water supply shall be determined by the Department sizing tables. (See Appendix Tables #1, #2 and #3.) The minimum tap size shall be three-quarter (3/4) inch and the service connection shall be at least one (1) inch in diameter.
(2) Where the Department sizing tables indicate that a two (2) inch tap and a two and one half (2 1/2) inch service line are required, approval will also be granted for a two (2) inch tap and a three (3) inch service line.
(3) Where a Licensed Professional Engineer, Registered Architect, or Licensed Master Plumber proposes sizes of taps, wet connections, service pipes, or internal water mains using methods other than Department sizing tables, all calculations shall be submitted to the Department for review and approval.
(e) Department of buildings service pipe sizing. For service pipes that supply water to both domestic and fire protection systems, the service pipe size shall be the larger of the size determined by the Department of Buildings or the size as determined by the Department sizing tables. (See Appendix Tables #1, #2 and #3.)
(f) Materials for service pipes and fittings.
(1) New service pipes two (2) inches in diameter or less shall be brass pipe or copper tubing.
(2) Service pipes larger than two (2) inches in diameter shall either be brass or ductile iron, except that the above-ground portion of the service pipe, up to four (4) inches in diameter, may be Type K or Type L copper.
(3) Only new materials shall be used for service pipes.
(4) Service pipes shall be of uniform diameter and material unless otherwise approved by the Department.
(5) All service connections must conform to the most recent revision of the following standards, except that all service connections, corporation stops, tail pieces, nuts and other fittings must not have a lead content that exceeds 0.250%:
(i) New York City Plumbing Code section PC 605, except that above-ground, copper indoor service connection four (4) inches or smaller, including the meter setting and piping for any backflow prevention device, must be Type K or Type L copper.
(ii) For three (3) inch and four (4) inch diameter iron pipe: ANSI/AWWA C151/A21.51, Class 52, Standard for Ductile Iron Pipe, Centrifugally Cast, for Water or Other Liquids.
(iii) For greater than four (4) inch diameter pipe: ANSI/AWWA C151/A21.51, Class 56, Standard for Ductile-Iron Pipe, Centrifugally Cast, for Water or Other Liquids.
(g) Approved dimensions and weights. Pipe dimensions and weights shall be in accordance with Appendix Tables #5, #6 and #7. Ductile iron pipes shall be lined with a cement-mortar lining and coated with an asphaltic coating, in accordance with the latest revision of ANSI/AWWA C104/A21.4.
(h) Joints. Ductile iron piping must have mechanical or push on joints with field-lock gaskets. Rodding of fittings, when necessary, must be in accordance with NYC DEP Standard Sewer and Water Main Specifications (July 2014 or later editions).
(i) Mechanical and flare joints. Connections of existing lead service pipes to copper tubing or brass service pipes shall be made using either a compression coupling or an equivalent approved by the Department.
(j) House control valves. House control valves, which must be made of material similar to the corresponding service connections, must be gate OS&Y type with the exception of those between the sizes of three-quarter (3/4) inch and two (2) inches, which may be full port ball valves. The lead content of such valves must not exceed 0.25% as determined by current NSF International Standard/American National Standard NSF/ANSI 61. The house control valve must be placed on the service connection inside the building within two (2) feet of the building wall, and must be located where it is accessible at all times. All valves must be designed for a 150 psi minimum working pressure. For fire, sprinkler, and/or standpipe service connections, and for any service connection which supplies sprinkler heads, the house control valve must be an OS&Y Valve. Notwithstanding the preceding sentence, for fire or combined service connections two (2) inches or smaller, the house control valve may be an OS&Y valve or a UL/FM-approved full-port ball valve approved by the Department of Buildings.
(k) Curb valves.
(1) Curb valves must be full port ball valves or non-rising stem gate valves designed for a minimum of 150 psi of working pressure.
(2) Curb valves must be included on all water service connections that supply all systems. All curb valves must be set in the service connection in the sidewalk area, and must be located eighteen (18) inches from the curb line or other such locations as may be approved by the Department.
(3) All curb valves shall be provided with a tar coated iron extension box with a cover which is flush with the sidewalk. Each curb valve larger than two (2) inches in diameter shall be equipped with an operating nut at least one and one quarter (1 1/4) inch square. Curb valves two (2) inches and smaller in diameter may be full port ball valves equipped with a quarter turn shutoff nut.
(4) The property owner shall protect the curb valve/box from any damage and shall promptly report in writing to the Department any circumstances that may adversely affect the operation of the curb valve.
(l) Straight service pipes. Service pipes shall be laid in a straight line at right angles to the street main, and shall extend from the corporation stop (tap) or wet connection to the main house control valve. Where conditions preclude such an installation, a Licensed Master Plumber shall submit a proposed alternate for review and approval.
(m) Gooseneck and offset swing joints on service pipe connections. Each brass or copper tubing service pipe must have at least three (3) feet of copper tubing formed in a gooseneck connection to the corporation stop (tap) and laid to the right hand facing the tap, as shown in Appendix Figure #2. Each brass service pipe with threaded joints shall be installed as shown in Appendix Figure #2. No offset swing joint shall be made for ductile iron connections. Swing joints and/or goosenecks shall be located at the corporation stop (tap) or wet connection, and may also be placed immediately outside a building laid to the right hand facing the building where the building is constructed on a pile foundation or other unyielding support.
(n) Service connection depth. All service connections must be installed at a depth of at least three and one-half (3 1/2) feet, no more than six (6) feet below ground, unless a written waiver is obtained from the Department. Where a service connection is installed with less than three and one-half (3 1/2) feet of cover, it must be insulated and protected in accordance with the requirements described in 15 RCNY § 20-03(y). A service connection must not be laid within six (6) inches of any other sub-surface structure, conduit or pipe. A service connection must not be laid directly below, and parallel within six (6) inches of any other sub-surface structure, conduit or pipe.
(o) Service in construction trench. Service connections laid in a construction trench must be adequately supported and protected from settlement (deflection).
(p) Service pipe in subway air vent. Where service pipes are installed through a subway vent or similar construction, the method of installation shall be as illustrated in Appendix Figure #4.
(q) Backfill. Backfill around and one foot over a service connection must be of clean earth, free of stones, and must be carefully tamped and compacted in accordance with the latest NYC DOT Standard Highway Specifications (2015 or later editions). The remainder of the backfill must be free of stones larger than three (3) inches in diameter, and must be satisfactorily compacted either by tamping, flushing or both. Where tunneling has been permitted, the backfilling of the tunnel portion must be well compacted with clean earth fill free of stones.
(r) Test of service connection. Each new or repaired service connection shall be subject to a pressure test performed under street main pressure. This test must be conducted by the Licensed Master Plumber in the presence of a Department inspector. All service connections and accessories must remain uncovered for the duration of the test for observance of leakage.
(s) Service connection repairs. A new service connection must be installed where more than one-half (1/2) of an existing service connection is in need of a repair or when any repairs are required and the existing service connection is lead, galvanized steel or galvanized iron. All repairs must conform with the standards described in this section.
(t) Service pipe damaged by electrolysis, galvanic action or other local conditions. When a service pipe has been damaged by electrolysis, galvanic action or other local conditions, it shall be repaired and protected against such damage in a manner approved by the Department.
(u) Thawing. Thawing of water service pipes shall be performed under permit only by Licensed Master Plumbers.
(v) Protection of service connection and house control valve.
(1) The property owner, and not the Department, is responsible for:
(i) Preventing physical deterioration of the service, curb valve, house control valve or distribution pipe which may damage a meter or prevent its maintenance or replacement;
(ii) Repairing or replacing equipment, service or distribution piping to allow maintenance, proper operation or replacement of the meter; and
(iii) The maintenance of the service and distribution pipe and its associated fittings and equipment.
(2) The meter setting is the responsibility of the Department.
(w) Replacement of old service pipes upon establishment of new water service. If a tap or wet connection has been destroyed or shut off due to vacancy of a building, the service pipe must be replaced as part of any new tap or wet connection unless the existing service pipe is less than 40 years old, has a functioning curb valve and is neither lead, galvanized steel or galvanized iron.
(x) Installation of a meter on unmetered properties whenever a domestic service connection is replaced, repaired or relaid. Whenever a domestic or combined service connection for an unmetered property is installed, replaced, repaired or relaid, a water meter must be installed to cover the entire premises in accordance with 15 RCNY § 20-05. When the work is not performed under emergency conditions, DEP will indicate on the permit that the property is unmetered. When the service connection relay, repair or replacement occurs on an emergency basis, the Licensed Master Plumber may install a set of meter inlet and outlet valves and a spool piece of a length similar to the displacement meter for that size service if the Licensed Master Plumber does not have a meter available for installation at the time of the emergency visit.
(y) Insulation. Insulation, where required by 15 RCNY § 20-03(n), shall be cellular glass insulation manufactured in accordance with ASTM C552 "Standard Specification for Cellular Glass Thermal Insulation", where a quality system for manufacturing, inspecting and testing insulation is certified in accordance with the requirements of ISO 9002. The insulation shall be fabricated in half sections wherever possible. For large diameter piping where half sections are not practical, curved sidewall segments are preferred. Wherever possible, the insulation should be factory jacketed with a 70 mil thick self-sealing high polymer asphaltic membrane with an integral glass scrim and aluminized mylar film on the surface. Mastic finish shall be pitcote 300 or an asphalt cutback mastic. Reinforcing fabric shall be an open mesh polymer fabric with 6 x 5.5 mesh per inch configuration. Sealant shall be a nonsetting butyl sealant with a minimum 85% solids content. The Department shall maintain a list of approved insulation materials. Alternate materials may be submitted for approval by the Department.
(Amended City Record 7/26/2021, eff. 8/25/2021)