All private sewer or private drain plans submitted to the department shall be prepared in accordance with the following requirements and include the following specific notes:
(a) Contractor's note. The contractor, at the time of taking out the permit for the construction of this private sewer or private drain shall furnish to the borough records office of the department ________________________, NY ________________ (Borough) (ZIP code)
a copy of an agreement between the owner and the contractor and a list of contract prices for the items in the bill of materials on the approved private sewer or private drain plan;
a copy of an agreement between the owner and the contractor and a list of contract prices for the items in the bill of materials on the approved private sewer or private drain plan;
(b) Performance bond. The owner shall file with the department's borough records office ____________________________________________, __________________________, records office (Address) (Borough) __________________ a performance bond in the amount of $________________ to (ZIP Code) secure the faithful performance of this contract. Before submitting any field changes for this project, a letter from the bonding company indicating that they have no objections to this field change shall be presented to the department. The private sewer or private drain contractor may, upon written request to the Department, submit the performance bond, in lieu of the owner. [Note: The amount of performance bond will be the amount of the engineer's cost estimate.];
(c) Maintenance bond. Before a permit is issued for the work as shown on the plan, a maintenance bond covering a two (2) year period from the date of completion and final acceptance of the work performed in the amount of $______________ shall be filed by the owner. The private sewer or private drain contractor may, upon written request to the department, submit the maintenance bond in lieu of the owner. [Note: The amount of maintenance bond shall be 10% of performance bond amount.]
(d) Insurance note. The owner or contractor, prior to the start of construction, shall obtain an insurance policy insuring the City of New York against liability for injury to property or persons, including death. Such policy shall remain in effect until the completion of the project with a minimum period of three (3) years;
(e) Traffic note. The contractor shall notify the office of Engineering Control, Mayor's Traffic Construction Coordinating Committee (MTCCC), 51 Chambers Street, New York, NY 10017, (10 days prior to the issuance of a Construction permit);
(f) Pavement restoration note. To follow specific pavement restoration provisions as stipulated by the New York City Department of Transportation (NYCDOT). Refer to NYCDOT letter dated ________________. Note: The contractor shall restore the pavement in accordance with the NYCDOT stipulations.
(g) Utility note.
(1) All utility companies must be notified at least 72 hours prior to commencement of construction to comply with Rule 53 of Industrial Code of the State of New York, Department of Labor for "Construction, Excavation and Demolition Operations at or near Underground Facilities" (Cited as 12 NYCRR 53); and
(2) for private developments, the support, relocation, reconstruction or rehabilitation of existing utilities due to the construction of this contract is to be done at the expense of the owner of the proposed private sewer or private drain;
(h) Approval of materials and manufacturers' note. The name of city approved subcontractors, vendors, manufacturers, suppliers, and dealers who are to furnish materials, fixtures, equipment, appliances or other fittings shall be submitted by the contractor as early as possible to the Department at 59-17 junction Boulevard, Corona, New York, 11368 for approval.
(i) Soil note. When ordered by the professional engineer or registered architect, the trench shall be excavated to its full depth for at least 50 feet in advance of the private sewer or private drain construction. When in the opinion of the professional engineer or registered architect, the subsoil is deemed to be inadequate, the contractor shall drive piles as ordered. Unsuitable soils encountered at the subgrade less than five (5) feet thick, if encountered at the subgrade shall be removed to an acceptable stratum and replaced with broken stone as directed by the professional engineer or registered architect. In such case, the sheeting placed shall be left in place below the spring line of the pipe only.
(j) Sheeting note.
(1) In performing the sheeting of the private sewer or private drain trench for excavation, the contractor shall comply with the provisions of the New York State Labor Law and particularly with Rule Number 23 (as amended) of the Industrial Code as promulgated by the Board of Standards and Appeals, Department of Labor, State of New York and in accordance with Rules and Regulations listed in Federal Register/volume 54, number 209/Tuesday, October 31, 1989, Department of Labor, Occupational Safety and Health Administration, 29 C.F.R. Part 1926, [Docket number S-204] RIN 1218 AA 36. Where the spacing of stringers and cross bracing specified in Rule Number 23 are such that the contractor can not adequately and in a practical manner carry on his operations, he shall submit to the professional engineer or registered architect for approval alternate designs for sheeting or shoring with all bracings as may be necessary to comply with the intent of Rule Number 23;
(2) Sheeting and forms shall be removed in accordance with the latest department's standards and specifications unless otherwise noted on the drawings or instructed by the professional engineer or registered architect;
(k) Storm drainage note.
(1) Provisions for the safe disposal of storm water shall be determined by the New York City Department of Buildings (NYCDOB), Department of Transportation (NYCDOT), and the Department of Environmental Protection (NYCDEP);
(2) Owner-builder shall comply with the provisions of the land-contour law so that construction operations will not create nor perpetuate any hazardous condition. In addition, he or she shall provide the necessary means to control the erosive velocity of overland flow and the conveyance of sediment to the sewer or street area;
(l) Dewatering note. If the contractor is required to install a temporary dewatering system to lower the groundwater level within the Boroughs of Brooklyn or Queens, it will be necessary that he or she obtain a New York State Department of Environmental Conservation (NYSDEC) Long Island Well Permit.
All drainage proposals and private sewer or private drain plans submitted to the department shall be accompanied by two sets of the survey of the proposed development and the location and route of the proposed private sewers or private drains in conformance with the requirements of 15 RCNY § 23-02(6), and shall contain the following information at a minimum: The survey shall show the existing elevations at each fifty (50) foot stationing and at all grade changes for all existing streets (center lines, curb lines, property lines), legal grade elevations, existing sewers, drains, ditches, watercourse(s), catch basins, manholes, utilities, culverts, all boundaries and buffer zones for all wetlands, designated open space areas, wildlife sanctuaries as established by the federal, state, or local agencies having regulatory jurisdiction thereof, and grades within the site of the Proposed development. The survey shall be prepared, signed and sealed by a professional land surveyor licensed by the State of New York.
All private sewer or private drain plans submitted to the department shall be accompanied by three sets of the professional engineer or registered architect's cost estimate for the proposed work covered by the private sewer or private drain plan. The estimate shall be prepared based on the unit costs for various contract items as listed in the latest unit price list maintained by the department. Cost of contingencies and mobilization shall be added to arrive at the total cost. The estimate shall be signed and sealed by the filing professional engineer or registered architect.
All boring logs and boring reports submitted to the department in connection with drainage proposals and private sewer or private drain plans shall be prepared in accordance with the following requirements.
(1) Borings shall be taken in accordance with the latest provisions and requirements of the New York City Building Code. Borings shall be taken at 150 foot intervals in Queens, Brooklyn, and Staten Island, and at 50 foot intervals in the Bronx and Manhattan within the street limits where the private sewer or private drain is proposed. The average depth of borings, including depth at which dry samples and rock cores will be taken, will be approximately fifteen (15) feet below the proposed subgrade;
(2) in soil, casings 2 1/2" or larger shall be sunk. In cases of rock, diamond drills shall be used, drilling to be done with 1 3/8" cores;
(3) the casing shall always be driven with the same weight of hammer having the same height of fall. The weight of the sampler drop hammer shall be three hundred (300) pounds and the height of free fall shall be eighteen (18) inches. The number of blows required to drive the casing each foot into the soil shall be recorded on the driller's log for each boring. All drop hammers shall have their true weight marked and certified by the contractor;
(4) rock cuts shall be at least 1 3/8" in diameter. The rock core borings shall be carried to a depth of ten (10) feet below top of rock, or as otherwise directed by the professional engineer or registered architect;
(5) dry samples shall be obtained with a split spoon sampler having a two (2) inch outside diameter (O.D.) and a 1 3/8" inside diameter (I.D.) and a clear inside length at least twenty two (22) inches;
(6) dry samples shall be taken by the contractor of the materials penetrated at five (5) foot intervals, unless otherwise ordered, and also at every change of material or soil stratification as established from sampling, observation of the wash material and driving resistance during progress of the boring explorations;
(7) the sampler shall always be driven with the same weight of hammer having the same height of fall. The weight of the sampler drop hammer shall be one hundred and forty (140) pounds and the height of free fall shall be thirty (30) inches. The number of blows required to drive the sampler each consecutive six (6) inches for a total penetration of eighteen (18) inches into the soil shall be recorded on the driller's log for each boring. All drop hammers shall have their true weight clearly marked and certified by the contractor;
(8) the ground water levels will be determined by well point at a location where a boring is taken at a maximum spacing of 500 feet. The well point will be read during a 24 hour period;
(9) the contractor shall take undisturbed soil samples, in an approved manner or as ordered by the professional engineer or registered architect. Each sample shall be obtained with a thin, open type, brass "shelby" tube sampler, three (3) inch O.D. and thirty (30) inches long or as otherwise approved by the professional engineer or registered architect;
(10) continuous samples shall be taken when ordered by the engineer. The method of taking samples shall be subject to approval by the professional engineer or registered architect and shall be such as to permit laboratory tests to determine accurately the compactness, hardness, water content or other properties of each strata from which a sample is taken;
(11) the professional engineer or registered architect shall show soil classification data on the boring logs;
(12) general notes shall appear on the boring sheet as follows;
(i) borings in accordance with the latest City Building Code;
(ii) weight of hammer on ________ casing __________ lbs. with ____ drop;
(iii) weight of hammer on ____ spoon ____ lbs. with ________ drop;
(iv) boring elevations are approximate;
(v) spoon blows per 6" ________;
(vi) spoon blows per foot ________;
(vii) all field and laboratory work supervised by ________________, P.E./R.A.; these borings were made and carried to the depth indicated and to the best of my knowledge, the description and classifications are a true presentation of the soils found at the depths and elevations shown;
(viii) elevations shown refer to the Borough of ________________, sewer datum which is ________ ft. above mean sea level as established by the U.S. Coast and Geodetic survey at Sand Hook, NJ;
(13) the seal and signature of the professional engineer or registered architect who supervised the borings;
(14) a box showing the name and address of the company taking borings, client, job location, professional engineer or registered architect, and date borings were taken; and
(15) the boring location plan shall show the location of each boring along with the profile of each boring.